Abby's blog

Breaking the Set: Anthrax Attacks Inside Job

On the second half of this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby Martin looks back at the anthrax attacks in the United States 11 years later, destroys the government narrative about the attacks and takes a closer analysis of the subject with an interview with Media Roots Journalist, Robbie Martin.

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Obama's Excuse for War Crimes Creates Moral Decay

Abby breaks down how impunity for US war crimes leads to cultural decay.

9/11: Civil Liberties Gone, Gitmo Dryboarding, Opium War in Afghanistan | Breaking The Set

On this episode of Breaking the Set, Abby talks about yet another "apparent suicide" in Guantanamo prison, dryboarding, and how the only way to ever leave is in a body-bag. Abby interviews former CIA Officer Ray McGovern about CIA intelligence failures leading up to 9/11, the presidential daily briefings, and the PNAC neocon strategy for war. Abby Martin then talks to Afghan journalist and author of "Opium Wars" Fariba Nawa about the opium trade, opium brides, and the heroin black market. 11 years after the 9/11. Finally, Abby breaks down the systematic erosion of our civil liberties through legislation passed in a post 9/11 America.

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US Coup D'Etat, Monsanto, Drones, iPhone Spying, Iran War, NYPD in Israel | Breaking The Set

Abby Martin brings up the issue of Corporate Personhood and unregulated political donations by interviewing Dr. Wilmer Leon about what he calls a Coup D'Etat of American Democracy. Then Abby exposes truths about Bahrain through today's Hero Amber Lyon and reveals Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir as today's Villain for his crimes against humanity. RT Web Producer Andrew Blake explains how taking a picture might land you in an interrogation room, and finally Abby calls out GMO giant Monsanto for their agricultural mis-practices.


Breaking the Set Debut Show

A brand new show on the RT Network hosted by Abby Martin, 'Breaking the Set' seeks to smash through the Left/Right Paradigm set in the media and political establishment to find the middle ground: the truth. On the debut show of "Breaking the Set," Abby Martin calls out the Mainstream Media for not talking about Military Spending, interviews Retired Colonel Douglas MacGregor about the 'inevitability' of US intervention in Syria, highlights Desmund Tutu as today's Hero, and Kathy Fairbanks as today's Villain, speaks to Producer Manuel Rapalo about the DNC coverage in the corporate press and explores ugly side of surveillance with the Automated License Plate Reader program.


Breaking the Set with Abby Martin

RT America's new show Breaking the Set with Abby Martin to hit the air starting September 4th at 6pm EST, M-F. Don't miss it!

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Media Roots Radio - Assange, TrapWire, Brandon Raub

Media Roots Radio - Assange, TrapWire, Brandon Raub by Media Roots

Abby and Robbie Martin talk about Julian Assange's asylum at the Ecuadorian embassy in the UK and how this has nothing do with the rape accusations but is a larger game of intimidation against whistleblowers internationally. They also get into discussing Trapwire, Marine veteran Brandon Raub and Abby's new show 'Breaking the Set' due to air on Russia Today the 4th of September 2012.

Marine Vet Still Detained for Posting Government Criticisms Online

MEDIA ROOTS– Federal agents are continuing to detain a Marine Corps veteran in Chesterfield, Virginia for posts made on his website that expressed discontent for the federal government and accuse elements of it for orchestrating the 9/11 attacks.

On the evening of August 16, FBI agents accompanied by US Secret Service and Chesterfield County police officers approached the home of Brandon J. Raub, 26, a decorated combat engineer who had served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2005 to 2011.

After talking with authorities for “20, 30 minutes” it is still unclear what justification was used for his detainment as his posts did not mention any specific threats of violence to any person or place, nor did they include any imagery of destruction.

Rand Paul Crackdown, Gay Rights, NWO Distraction

Media Roots Radio – Rand Paul Crackdown, Gay Rights, Illuminati & NWO Distraction by Media Roots

MEDIA ROOTS – Abby and Robbie Martin talk about Senator Rand Paul's intimidation games against journalism and his attempt to strip Abby of her press credentials; the distraction of the truth movement focusing on the terms 'Illuminati' and 'New World Order' instead of the key players and actions; gay rights and homophobia within the patriot and liberty movements.

The 9/11 Propaganda Archive: How Scared Should You Be?

MEDIA ROOTS A pair of internet archivists who call themselves 'Neuro Linguistic Programming' have uploaded Part Two of US corporate media print publications from the immediate days and weeks following 9/11. The duo plans to post multiple full issues of Time and Newsweek as well as other timely magazines that are filled with blatant fearmongering and propaganda about terrorism.

Following 9/11, news media accelerated at an amazing rate, and most companies soon adopted internet versions of their paper or magazines. Before this was commonplace, many interesting pieces of information printed about that day most likely were never reprinted again–due to false information or just abandonment by the propagandists. As we know, many government narratives and unfounded claims about 9/11 were re-printed without any journalistic investigation.

WeAreChange 2012 Bilderberg Donation Drive

WAC – With WeAreChange chapters being targeted and harassed by the CPD and DHS at the recent NATO conference, it is safe to say WeAreChange is under attack. Under these extreme circumstances, WeAreChange has decided to stand up and fight back. The best way we can do that is non-violently, of course, in the information war.

Dangerous Conversations – Interview with Abby Martin about L/R Paradigm, Media Censorship & 9/11

Dangerous Conversations – Interview with Abby Martin by Media Roots

Abby Martin is interviewed by Scott Ledger of Dangerous Conversations about her political awakening through 9/11 truth, progression into media activism and work with Media Roots, Project Censored and RT TV. They discuss an array of issues including media censorship, false flag terrorism, the false left/right paradigm and moving consciousness forward together.

Abby Martin and Sibel Edmonds on RT TV

The Obama administration has the worst track record when it comes to prosecuting whistleblowers. Obama once claimed he'd work hard to have a transparent government, but many have faced retaliation for revealing controversial government information. Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator and government whistleblower, waited 340 days for FBI clearance of her memoir but finally released it on her own, without any redactions or approval. It indicts high treason and intentional deception in the highest levels of government. Edmonds, founder of the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, joins Abby Martin in the RT studio to discuss.

Media Roots Radio – FBI Staged Terror Plots, Bin Laden Death Victory Lap

MEDIA ROOTSAbby and Robbie Martin discuss FBI entrapment: how every "foiled" terror plot has either been facilitated or completely orchestrated by the US government, the gross misuse of taxpayer funds and the morality of entrapment methods; the anniversary of Bin Laden's death: the multiple reports of his death prior to the final report, the continuous alternations of the original narrative and government propaganda surrounding the death, Obama's victory lap at Bagram and corporate media cheerleading about the killing; cyber terrorism and CISPA; the hope for humanity's future: the need to shift our consciousness outside of the current paradigm, reinstate the enormous power that we all have to take charge of our minds and instill a better, more enlightened future.