Kevin Barrett's blog

WHERETHEYLIVE.ORG Launched in Response to Florida Taser Outrage

What can we do to prevent people from being tortured for asking good questions? More generally, how can we respond effectively to abuses of power, in an era when the authorities and the media they own are ignoring most forms of peaceful protest?

After spending many hours of conversation with Father Frank Morales of St. Mark's Church during my recent trip to New York, I think I have an answer.

Frank Morales (who now stands beside David Ray Griffin and Rev. Rich Lang in my pantheon of Christian heroes) has been struggling against military and police abuses of power almost since I was in diapers. In my interview with him on 9/8/07 (archived free at: and in private conversations that kept us up till the wee hours, Frank brilliantly analyzed the trends toward martial law and police state tactics. He pointed out that protesting OUTSIDE THE HOMES of those who abuse their power has often been the most effective way to apply pressure on malfeasant police and other authorities. In New York, the mere threat of doing this has gotten immediate results.

WHERETHEYLIVE.ORG Launched in Response to Florida Taser Outrage

What can we do to prevent people from being tortured for asking good questions? More generally, how can we respond effectively to abuses of power, in an era when the authorities and the media they own are ignoring most forms of peaceful protest?

After spending many hours of conversation with Father Frank Morales of St. Mark's Church during my recent trip to New York, I think I have an answer.

Frank Morales (who now stands beside David Ray Griffin and Rev. Rich Lang in my pantheon of Christian heroes) has been struggling against military and police abuses of power almost since I was in diapers. In my interview with him on 9/8/07 (archived free at: and in private conversations that kept us up till the wee hours, Frank brilliantly analyzed the trends toward martial law and police state tactics. He pointed out that protesting OUTSIDE THE HOMES of those who abuse their power has often been the most effective way to apply pressure on malfeasant police and other authorities. In New York, the mere threat of doing this has gotten immediate results.

FBI Interrogates Me: "Are You A Terrorist?"

What does it take to get on the no-fly list?

I’ve got all the qualifications and then some.

I’m an Irish Muslim anarchist —that’s three strikes against me already.

I think the two worst terrorist groups in the Middle East are the Israeli Defense Forces and their US military proxy—and I do not hesitate to voice that opinion, including under FBI interrogation.

And I devote most of my time and resources to spreading the news that 9/11 was an inside job.

For more than a year, I have been flying all over North America lecturing on 9/11. I usually wear the 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB t-shirt Alex Jones gave me when I go through airport security. I tip the security people in deception dollars, and sometimes give them DVDs. I always make a point of urging the pilots and stewardesses on my flights to check out

Despite all this, I somehow failed to make the no-fly list, or even the slow-fly list...until now.

continued at

Jason Bermas: Loose Change Has the NORAD Tapes!

The first journalist granted access to the 9/11 NORAD tapes -- the recordings of air defense personnel communicating with each other during the events of 9/11--was Michael Bronner, who published a pro-9/11-Commission article in the August, 2006 issue of Vanity Fair. But now, according to Jason Bermas, Loose Change has obtained an even more extensive set of NORAD 9/11 tapes than the one Bronner used!

Bermas broke the news to host Kevin Barrett on 9/11 and Empire Radio Tuesday night on The show, which also featured Rev. Rich Lang, is archived at

According to Bermas, Loose Change has obtained over 100 hours of tapes -- significantly more than the 30 hours that Bronner said he used in writing his article. The tapes obtained by Loose Change consist of 21 audio files of 399 minutes or more per file, allegedly detailing all NORAD communications during 9/11. Bermas said that Loose Change has downloaded the files to another server and will torrent them starting tomorrow--stay tuned to 911blogger and the forum at

Rev. Rich Lang, Jason Bermas on 9/11 and Empire Radio Tonight

Tonight (Tues. 8/28/07) on WTPRN I will host Rev. Rich Lang, Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church, Seattle -- America's leading "clergy for 9/11 truth" activist! As I wrote to Rev. Lang: "When I co-founded MUJCA three years ago, part of the goal was to inspire clergy to do precisely what you're doing, so I'm eager to hear your firsthand account of being in the forefront of clerical activism. And since most of America's clergy is still in denial about 9/11, I'd like to hear your ideas about how to change that."

Jason Bermas of Loose Change will come on for the last half hour to discuss the upcoming 6th anniversary events in NY 9/11/07.

9-11 p.m. CT, "9/11 and Empire Radio" on WTPRN: (complete radio schedule

I'll also be on Webster Tarpley's WTPRN show on Thursday night 8/30/07, 7pm - 9 pm CT, discussing the Kennebunkport Warning and further plans to head off the next 9/11

The Political Logic of 9/11 Truth Activism

Z of Projecthumanbeingsfirst asked, What is the analysis underlying 9/11 truth activism?

I answered:

Debating 9/11: Barrett-Brown round 2, Balsamo Challenges Coburn & Meigs

Nobody wants to debate against 9/11 truth...except John Brown! Round two of the Barrett-Brown Debate will be broadcast live today, Friday August 24th, 3-5 p.m. CT, Network 2

It's hard to find a good opponent these days. Rob Balsamo of just issued a debate challenge to "debunkers" Davin Coburn And James Meigs. Below is my response.:


Good luck - I doubt these cowards will take you up on it though.

I've been looking for debate opponents for years. Last year the History Association at the University of Wisconsin-Madison canvassed several departments, including History and Political Science, and couldn't find a single professor willing to debate me. Steve Nass, the State Representative who tried to get me fired, and who claimed I had no evidence to back my position on 9/11, repeatedly refused debate proposals from me and from a Madison radio station. For articles on these efforts, see:

SODaPOP: Nonviolent Civil Resistance During the Presidential Campaign

As my previous blog entry suggests, we need to go all-out during the coming election cycle. 9/11 truth activists might consider joining the SODaPOP folks in Iowa. (I got the article via Mike Palacek, an Iowa 9/11 truth supporter and novelist.)

I am not a hardcore nonviolence activist, but I do think direct action and nonviolent resistance has a place in the 9/11 truth movement and the larger movement of resistance to the 9/11 wars. I hope we'll see the 9/11 truth and antiwar movements dogging the sellout candidates, occupying their offices, ruining all their public appearances, and building up to a huge turnout for the Republican Convention in the Twin Cities next September--either a celebration if Ron Paul gets the nomination, or an angry mob shutting down the whole town if he doesn't.


Seasons of Discontent: A Presidential Occupation Project (SODaPOP)
Nonviolent Civil Resistance During the Presidential Campaign

An Invitation to Iowa

Voices for Creative Nonviolence and our allies in Iowa are in the initial stages of organizing a campaign of nonviolent civil resistance focused upon those who would be President.


I'm strongly considering running for a House seat in 2008. You should be too. Here's why.
-Kevin Barrett


by Rolf Lindgren

2008 will the next best, and maybe last, chance for 9/11 Truth to achieve a huge media breakthrough.

One key is to get as many 9/11 Truth Activists on the ballot for public office as possible.

If you are a 9/11 Truth Activist, your voice will be multiplied 100 to 1000 to one million fold, depending what office you run for, if you are on the ballot, compared to being just a regular activist.

Federal offices are best because 9/11 is a federal issue. You can run for one of the 435 U.S. House seats, about 33 U.S. Senate races, U.S. President, or U.S. Vice President. You can also run for state and/or local offices as well.

If you are on the ballot, you will be invited to debate forums. You will get TV and radio interviews. You will have a better chance to get your letters to the editor published. You can set up a website. You can speak the truth about what happened on 9/11 to a larger audience than ever before.

Pro-Truth Presidential Candidate Steve Kubby on 9/11 and Empire Radio Tonight

Steve Kubby, Libertarian candidate for president in 2008, will join me tonight from 9 to 11 pm CT on 9/11 and Empire radio,

Steve is my second radio guest who's a pro-9/11-truth Libertarian presidential hopeful -- the first was Ed Thompson (Tommy's brother) on July 30th. Let's see if Steve Kubby can top Ed Thompson's passionate call for 9/11 truth!

Steve's website is:

Call-in number 512-646-1984 or 888-202-1984

Was 9/11 an Inside Job? Debate Tonight, Sat. 8/18/07 on Truth Jihad Radio

Kevin Barrett to Debate John Brown on 9/11! Tonight, Sat. 8/18/07, 6 pm CT,

Video: Zelikow Confronted August 9th, Chatauqua, NY

In "Philip Zelikow's Parallel Universe" Paul Zarembka and Snowshoe Films grill Zelikow on the still-living hijackers and WTC-7 until he turns tail and flees. He can run but he can't hide!

This from Paul Zarembka:

The video of the questioning of Philip Zelikow, August 9, 2007,
Chautauqua Institute, New York (7 min.) is available at

A prior Part I is available at

Paul Z.

* * *

See also:

On 9/11/2007 Let's CALL IN SICK -- of lies!


On Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Call in Sick—
of Lies!

On Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Call in Sick—
of War!

On Tuesday, September 11th, 2007
Call in Sick—
of Fascism!

Then spend the day healing our country – and the world.

9/11 truth is a movement of Wounded Healers. We have all been wounded by the truth--and we're using that wound to heal.

Today (8/17/07) I will be interviewing Paul Levy, author of a brilliant article on the Wounded Healer archetype:

August 17th - Fri.8/17 Paul Levy, author of “The Madness of George Bush: A Reflection of Our Collective Psychosis,” which along with much of his other work is available at his website . We will discuss the "wounded healer" archetype--the subject of his most recent article-- and its application to the 9/11 truth movement.
3-5 pm CT, "The Dynamic Duo" on GCN: Network 2

Steven Jones and Other Heartland Activists on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight

Steven Jones and Other Heartland Activists on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight
(8/11/07) 6-8 pm CT,

Madison, WI activist Rolf Lindgren, Twin Cities activist Nathan Block, and Salt Lake City activist/researcher Dr. Steven Jones will be my guests on a special 11th-of-the-month edition of Truth Jihad Radio tonight, 6-8 pm CT,

The show will celebrate the ever-bigger 11th-of-the-month truth actions around the country, including today's, and look forward to the 6th anniversary events next month. Activists are invited to call in, especially during the last half hour (7:30-8:00 p.m. CT) at 800-313-9443 to report on 11th-of-the-month actions in their communities:

(Continued after the jump.)

Zelikow Confronted! But He Wouldn't Answer My Questions ; )

Paul Zarembka, editor of The Hidden History of 9/11, and Roy and Karen Harvey of confronted 9/11 Report novelist Philip Zelikow on August 9th during a lecture at the Chautauqua Institution in Buffalo, NY.

Paul had emailed me last week asking what questions I would like to ask Zelikow. Below is my reply, followed by Paul's description of the event.

[from Kevin Barrett]


Here are some questions for Zelikow. Feel free to attribute them to me if you want.

Does he still consider himself an expert on "the creation and maintenance of public myths" as his Wikipedia biography last year said; if so, can he comment on his pathetic attempt to construct and maintain the "public myth" of 9/11; and if not, how did that description end up in his Wiki biography, and why was it taken down?

Was his 1998 article in Foreign Affairs speculating on the psycho-political-cultural effects of a massive Pearl Harbor style terrorist incident in the US such as the destruction of the World Trade Center just a lucky guess, or did he know something the rest of us didn't?

Does his statement that the real reason for the war in Iraq was to protect Israel, and that this reason "dare not speak its name" because it is "not a popular sell" to the American people, mean that it's okay to lie to the American people in order to fool them into sacrificing 50,000 American lives (so far) for Israel--not counting those murdered on 9/11?
[note: I am not convinced that Zelikow's suggestion that the 9/11 wars are ONLY motivated by Zionism is correct...but he needs to be called on it! -KB]

In light of his apparent foreknowledge of 9/11, his direction of the coverup, and his admitted complicity in lying to the American people in order to murder over 50,000 Americans for the sake of a foreign state to which the US is not even soon does he expect to find himself dangling from the end of a red white and blue rope?

Dr. Kevin Barrett

Coordinator, MUJCA-NET:
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie

* * *

[from Paul Zarembka]


Roy and Karen Harvey of -- great material there --
joined me at Chautauqua Institution yesterday for the Zelikow lecture and
some interesting things happened. First, Karen and Roy distribued a pink
leaflet which they and some community activists had prepared, alerting
people to the lecture.

Second, there was radio interview of Zelikow before his 10:45 lecture.
At the end of that, Roy and I both were able to ask one question each and
have clear video footage. I went first and asked how the 9/11 Commission
could just take the names of hijackers without interrogating at all the
accuracy of the list, particularly since up to 11 were reported alive
thereafter. He replied that they had a lot of background material they
couldn't put in, seemingly for space reasons. He also claimed (a lie)
that none of their family members had claimed thereafter as to their being
alive. I replied that this is not correct and that the identities are
BASIC to how the world had moved since 9-11 and that if it were otherwise
the world would be much different. (I held THE HIDDEN HISTORY OF
9-11-2001 in a manner he could not miss -- and he didn't!). At this point
he made mistake, probably because he thought he was in polite company.
He replied that that would be correct! He went on to claim that that
would be in another world (implying, but not saying, that that would be
the world of the 'conspiracy theorists'). He continued to make noises and
finally I ended by simply saying that the Commission had not proven its

(Continued after the jump.)