airport security

The Stickers on a Plane Saga, Delta 1165


I had no idea what chain of events would follow the placement of handwritten stickers on Flight 1165 on July 30th, 2008. The action was impulsively carried out after being overwhelmingly disgusted at the absurdity of the world created in the aftermath of the events following September 11, 2001. This insanity stares us in the face not just at airports but in the form of death, destruction, tyranny and torture in the wake of an agenda furthered by that false flag event.

For a multitude of reasons I understand that 9/11 was a carefully orchestrated conspiracy with predetermined media manipulation, enemies and policies. From the shocking revelations of World Trade Center 7 and William Rodriguez to Nanothermite and unprecedented failure by NORAD, I am confident any person can see we have been lied to.

Atlanta Airport Security Freaks, Orders Construction Worker To Remove Water4Gas System From His Engine

ok, some of the Water4Gas installations do kind of look like bombs!
i have looked at some and joked if Homeland Security knew about it.
but here is the first story i have heard about security anywhere freaking out because
they saw a Water4Gas installation in someone's car.

See Water4Gas installations at

FBI Interrogates Me: "Are You A Terrorist?"

What does it take to get on the no-fly list?

I’ve got all the qualifications and then some.

I’m an Irish Muslim anarchist —that’s three strikes against me already.

I think the two worst terrorist groups in the Middle East are the Israeli Defense Forces and their US military proxy—and I do not hesitate to voice that opinion, including under FBI interrogation.

And I devote most of my time and resources to spreading the news that 9/11 was an inside job.

For more than a year, I have been flying all over North America lecturing on 9/11. I usually wear the 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB t-shirt Alex Jones gave me when I go through airport security. I tip the security people in deception dollars, and sometimes give them DVDs. I always make a point of urging the pilots and stewardesses on my flights to check out

Despite all this, I somehow failed to make the no-fly list, or even the slow-fly list...until now.

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