September 11 2007

Actions of September 11

On September 11 2007, there was more action for 9/11 truth in more locations around the world than ever before.

We are creating an unstoppable momentum for justice.

Join us in action on October 11.

More photos, videos and action reports at

The Eleventh Day of Every Month

TruthMove video of Ground Zero 9/11/07 events

Also there's been quite an active discussion about the events in NYC on our forum:


I concentrated on taking footage that will show really how many people were on the streets with us...local media from independent sources were there to report on being Cal State University Northridge and the other an up and coming website ANCIENTUNIVERSITY.ORG...a reporter from KTLA or KCAL did come out and shoot video of Johnny Wave but of course it did not end up on the news last night

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Divide and be Conquered

Divide and Conquer is a strategy that works by "gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. In reality, it often refers to a strategy where small power groups are prevented from linking up and becoming more powerful, since it is difficult to break up existing power structures."
- Wikipedia "Divide and Rule (Conquer)"

The 9/11 Truth movement continues to grow, but a disturbing trend is beginning to form. This year marked a divergence from the hallowed space of Ground Zero, and divided itself between New York City and Washington D.C.. This is the one day that the movement can build great morale. Stepping up to the wall, marking the notch above it's head, and seeing just how much it's grown. However, this opportunity was squandered this year. Undoubtedly, many within the movement have good intentions, yet one couldn't help but feel disappointed and disheartened this year.

General Strike 9/11/07 Updates

The Strike keeps gaining steam. The Facebook group has nearly 15,000 members, and new articles on Scoop and Newsvine just came out in the last day.

There is also a Myspace page and group.

Keep networking and organizing and get ready for an exciting day!

Rev. Rich Lang, Jason Bermas on 9/11 and Empire Radio Tonight

Tonight (Tues. 8/28/07) on WTPRN I will host Rev. Rich Lang, Pastor, Trinity United Methodist Church, Seattle -- America's leading "clergy for 9/11 truth" activist! As I wrote to Rev. Lang: "When I co-founded MUJCA three years ago, part of the goal was to inspire clergy to do precisely what you're doing, so I'm eager to hear your firsthand account of being in the forefront of clerical activism. And since most of America's clergy is still in denial about 9/11, I'd like to hear your ideas about how to change that."

Jason Bermas of Loose Change will come on for the last half hour to discuss the upcoming 6th anniversary events in NY 9/11/07.

9-11 p.m. CT, "9/11 and Empire Radio" on WTPRN: (complete radio schedule

I'll also be on Webster Tarpley's WTPRN show on Thursday night 8/30/07, 7pm - 9 pm CT, discussing the Kennebunkport Warning and further plans to head off the next 9/11

We Are Change Promo Video 2

This is the second video that Ive compiled to motivate and mobilize the truth community to be out in full force on 9/11/07, in New York especially.

Please spread this around to everyone you know so that we can get as many heads as possible for the NY event fund raiser.

General Stike 9/11/07 site up! --

The momentum is building for the General Strike on 9/11/07. You can just feel it: people are fed up and ready to do something big!

At last count, the General Strike has over 4500 Diggs and 1000 comments. A Facebook group has been created as well, with already almost 300 members--mostly students.

The site will be an open hub of information for this event. Anyone can submit flyers, posters, or other graphics to promote the strike. The blog will be updated with all relevant information.

Check it out and get involved. If you want to get people on board with the General Strike this is a great place to send them! The email contact is info (AT)

One more month!

We Are Change on Truth Revolution Radio

Mike Knarr and Tom Foti from We Are Change are the guests and we are joined by John Bursill from Australia, Drew from Tucson Truth and Kevin Smith from We The People Radio Network. Mike and Tom announce plans for the 6th anniversary activities in New York City, John informs of his progress reaching out to professionals and everyone is encouraged to take action on July 4th.

TRR archive