Steven Jones and Other Heartland Activists on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight

Steven Jones and Other Heartland Activists on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight
(8/11/07) 6-8 pm CT,

Madison, WI activist Rolf Lindgren, Twin Cities activist Nathan Block, and Salt Lake City activist/researcher Dr. Steven Jones will be my guests on a special 11th-of-the-month edition of Truth Jihad Radio tonight, 6-8 pm CT,

The show will celebrate the ever-bigger 11th-of-the-month truth actions around the country, including today's, and look forward to the 6th anniversary events next month. Activists are invited to call in, especially during the last half hour (7:30-8:00 p.m. CT) at 800-313-9443 to report on 11th-of-the-month actions in their communities:

(Continued after the jump.)

We will discuss the spectacularly successful INSIDE JOB campaign to stop the next 9/11 by pre-organizing resistance. More than 2000 signs were shipped to activists around the country on the same day they arrived from the factory! Scroll down for details. The two-foot-by-three-foot banners are sharp-looking and super-durable on extra-tough plastic. If you haven’t already done so, please support this project and get some banners to distribute in your area:

Each of tonight's guests has a unique perspective on 9/11 activism to share with the audience. Rolf Lindgren, a Libertarian activist and Ed Thompson campaign advisor who nearly got Governor Jim Doyle recalled, advocates a relentless focus on Building 7 and a third-party electoral revolution as key truth movement strategies. (Governor Doyle, remember, chimed in behind Rep. Steve Nass that I should probably be fired by the University of Wisconsin for expressing my opinions about 9/11 on the radio, so I appreciate Rolf's anti-Doyle work as well as his truth activism.) My humorous response to the clueless Governor:,

Nathan Block is part of the exploding Twin Cities truth scene, which has succeeded in drawing crowds of nearly 1,000 people to 9/11 truth film screenings--a mainstreaming of 9/11 truth that encouraged America's first Muslim Congressman, Keith Ellison, to publicly compare 9/11 to the Reichstag fire. (The recent bridge collapse happened in the heart of Ellison's district--someone told me it was just minutes after Ellison had been on the Wolf Blitzer show issuing an obligatory apology for his all-too-accurate remarks...) And don't forget that the Twin Cities--where 9/11 truth is going mainstream and where a majority blames Republicans for the death of their favorite politician, Paul Wellstone--will host the Republican National Convention in September, 2008! All I can say is, the Republicans had better nominate Ron Paul at that convention, or they're going to get their treasonous butts tossed into the Mississippi by millions of angry patriots.

Steven Jones, a leading 9/11 researcher and endorser, wants to help organize a 9/11 truther-sponsored refugee aid program to help the roughly six million people in Iraq and Afghanistan who have been driven from their homes by the 9/11 wars. Dr. Jones plans to donate solar cookers and mylar through a charitable effort, perhaps with interfaith sponsorship, in which the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth ( may participate. Even if this project remains relatively small in relation to the size of the problem--we do not have enough solar cookers and mylar for six million refugees--it could help bring attention to the refugee situation, spotlight Americans working to end the 9/11 wars through 9/11 truth, and thereby raise public awareness worldwide and lead indirectly to a solution.

In the last half hour of the show, activists will be invited to call in from around the country to report on 11th-of-the-month actions, and look ahead to September 11th, 2007. Talk to you then! 800-313-9443

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INSIDE JOB Signs Inundate USA is pleased to announce that more than 2,000 INSIDE JOB signs on plastic roll banners were shipped Tuesday, August 7th—the same day we got them from the factory—to the dozens of 9/11 activists who had pre-ordered them in time for the upcoming 11th of the month actions this Saturday. We sent them via 3-day UPS and took a financial bath on the shipping—but they’ll be there on Friday, in time for Saturday August 11th! The banners are sharp-looking and super-durable on extra-tough plastic. If you haven’t already done so, please support this project and get some banners to distribute in your area:

UPS Clerk, a vet for peace, takes one!

It was 90 degrees and 95 percent humidity in Madison,Wisconsin when a sweaty Kevin Barrett oozed into the UPS office less than an hour before closing time with a load of over 2000 of the 3000 INSIDE JOB banners that had just showed up on his doorstep. The clerk was obviously trying VERY hard to be patient. Midway through the arduous shipping task she asked, “What are those signs?” Barrett explained that they were for the 9/11 truth movement and its allies to display in case of another 9/11-style attack, in order to get people to question the attack right away. For now, they could be used to spread the 9/11 truth message and hopefully deter another attack. Ten minutes later she said “Can I have one of those signs? I’m a veteran, I’m against the war, and I have a friend who’s going to love it.” She said she liked the question mark, because people needed to question things, even though she didn’t know much about the 9/11 truth movement. If her reaction is any indication, these signs may have a broader audience than just hardcore 9/11 truthers.

Very Good Show Kevin...

It's the first time I've heard of / from Rolf Lindgren...

I thought he was great !!!

and of course I always love hearing from Prof Jones...

If anyone is interested, you can find the archives at :

Best wishes

RIP Jack B Otto - Great American Patriot and Hero

"The International Jew"

So I tuned into this show. It was good, mostly rehashing of old stuff. After it was over, I still had the streaming Republic Radio in background playing the next show in their lineup. Five minutes into it, the host starts talking about the "International Jew." Serious Hitlerian crap.

Friends, is this okay with you? Is is okay with you that our movement is so closely aligned with neo-nazis? Because that is the truth of the matter. In the vacuum left by the refusal to take clear political stands against hate-mongering and right-wing demoguery, we are allowing neo-nazis to recruite from the ranks of our newly politicized 9/11 truthers.

What is shocking to me is that an intelligent person like Kevin Barrett is sucked into this. He could have, at the very least, made a statement at the end of his show that he does not in any way endorse the hate-speech that would follow. But he did not, leaving the impression that he is a political ally of neo-nazis.

Just remember that this all plays into the desire of the neo-cons to discredit our movement. In the 1950's, the founding documents of Cointelpro explain that one of their main tactics is to publicly associate Communists with anti-Semitic ideology. They believed that the vast majority of liberal-minded people would turn against any movement that reminded them of Hitler. The same holds true today.

how can I comment on something that comes AFTER my show?

I've been trying to nudge RBN away from the occasional anti-Jewish crap that shows up there every now and then. My first-ever RBN show was with John Kaminski, and I told him off and threw him off the air for his anti-Jewish remarks--and was supported by RBN honcho John Statmiller for doing so. Then a month or two ago they started playing a commercial that claimed George Bush was Jewish and the Jews were conspiring, blah blah blah. I mercilessly ridiculed that commercial every time it played, repeatedly emailed Statmiller to take it down, and after a couple of weeks it came down.

I hope all of you are responding the same way every time an anti-Muslim slur shows up in the mainstream media. That means, of course, that you have to lodge at least ten thousand complaints a day. If you aren't doing that, you don't have much basis for complaining about the comparatively minuscule prejudices that sometimes surface at RBN.