Kevin Barrett's blog

Radio this week: Karl Schwartz, Steve "the Swami" Bhaerman, G. Edward Griffin, & news-making activists

Schedule, phone-in numbers and directions to archives:

Tonight (Saturday 11/3) I'll be speaking with 9/11 whistleblower, businessman and sometimes political candidate Karl Schwartz: 6 - 8 pm CT on Truth Jihad Radio:

Monday 11/5, Guy Fawkes Day, my guest will be one of the first endorsers of Steve Bhaerman, a.k.a. Swami Beyondanonda, spiritual wise guy extraordinaire and 9/11 truth supporter: Steve is one of the few people in the 9/11 truth movement who's funnier than I am ; ) This should be an unusually entertaining and enlightening example of interfaith (Jewish-Muslim) dialogue! 4-6 pm CT on Dynamic Duo, Network 4

Tuesday, 11/6 I'll have the three musketeers of Minnesota We Are Change -- Nick, Brian and Anthony -- who have bullhorned Marvin Bush:
and provoked Bill Clinton:
9-11 pm CT,

Webster Tarpley and Jason King on Dynamic Duo NOW - Fri. 11/2/07

My scheduled guest had to cancel at the last minute, so I managed to drum up Webster Tarpley for the first hour and Jason King, organizer of the Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth, for the second hour. Webster and I will discuss his upcoming Guy Fawkes Day - launched tour of the UK. We'll discuss War on War Week and the effort to bring Guy Fawkes Day to the USA via V for Vendetta house parties. See press release below.

Jason King will discuss the upcoming Tea Party:

Here's my V for Vendetta Day press release:

Guy Fawkes Day Comes to Madison!
V for Vendetta Viewing & Discussion 11/5/07, 7 pm, Dardenelles -- Masks and Costumes Optional

9/11 Truthers Bring Guy Fawkes Day to America

Does America really need another holiday? YES - if it's a holiday devoted to exposing state-sponsored false-flag terror!

Guy Fawkes Day is a perfect occasion for bonfires, barbecues, fireworks, masquerades, and, last but not least, V for Vendetta viewing parties. Public screenings of V for Vendetta will be held in Columbus, Ohio and Madison, Wisconsin, with private house party screenings in other locations around the country. Since V masks are so easy to find in Halloween season--they cost six bucks in the local Halloween store--why not use this amazing movie to help promote our cause?

Below is my press release for the Madison V for Vendetta Guy Fawkes Day party. I'll be discussing it on Madison's Air America affiliate the Mic 92.1 Monday morning.

* * *

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Monday, October 29th, 2007
Contact: Dr. Kevin J. Barrett, MUJCA-NET:
Barbara Wright, owner, Dardenelles restaurant:

Guy Fawkes Day Comes to Madison!
V for Vendetta Viewing & Discussion 11/5/07, 7 pm, Dardenelles -- Masks and Costumes Optional

Yes! Weekly Covers Murder of 9/11 Witness-Researcher Dr. David Graham

Last night (10/23/07) on 9/11 and Empire Radio my first-hour guest Sander Hicks described his recent visit to Shreveport, Louisiana, home of "loose nukes" jump-station Barksdale Air Force Base, to investigate the murder of 9/11 witness and researcher Dr. David Graham. The show is archived at Radio schedule and links to all archives:

During the show, Sander announced that his co-investigator, Jordan Green, has just published a story in the Greensboro, NC alternative weekly Yes!

Below is Sander's letter to the Justice Department requesting an investigation of Dr. Graham's murder and its cover-up by the Shreveport FBI office. Sander's websites include and

Kudos to Sander Hicks and Jordan Green for doing serious investigative journalism that has the potential to break out in the mainstream and bring fresh attention to 9/11 truth -- and eventual justice for the countless victims of 9/11, including the brave witness-researcher Dr. David Graham.

Francis Boyle, Harold Burbank and Jerry Mazza on Dynamic Duo Today, Mon. 10/22/07 4-6 pm CT network 4

Leading international human rights lawyer Francis Boyle, Congressional candidate Harold Burbank, and journalist Jerry Mazza will join me today on Dynamic Duo, 4-6 pm, Network 4

Francis Boyle is a Harvard-educated international law professor from the University of Illinois, who is on the record about 9/11:
“It is clear that bin Laden was a pretext, and 9/11 was a pretext. They needed a pretext to go to war against Afghanistan and Iraq, and they created the conditions to make it possible. It also seems to me that they knew the 9/11 attacks were going to happen, but that’s another story.” Professor Boyle was a college classmate of leading neocons, and we will be discussing his impressions that they were and remain neo-Nazis.

Harold Burbank is a Maine lawyer, congressional candidate, and long-time acquaintance of the Bush family. He is a 9/11 truth supporter who has corresponded with his old acquaintance George H.W. Bush, and will be telling us some Bush family stories as well as discussing his pro-9/11-truth Congressional campaign. His open letter to Bush Jr. and Cheney is reproduced below.



[Note: I will be speaking with Kevin Ryan, a leading expert on the NIST cover-up, at the Peoria Public Library at 2 pm this Saturday, 10/20/07, 107 N.E. Monroe St., Peoria, IL 61602]

In an amazing about-face, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has implicitly admitted that its 10,000-page report on the destruction of the Twin Towers is a fraud, and that the buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition.

In its recent reply to family members Bill Doyle and Bob McIlvaine, scientists Steven Jones and Kevin Ryan, architect Richard Gage and the group Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice, NIST states: "We are unable to provide a full explanation of the total collapse."

Thus NIST euphemistically admits that its 10,000-page report on the Towers does not even pretend to provide any explanation whatsoever for the Towers' total collapse--and that indeed no such explanation is possible without invoking the politically-incorrect idea of controlled demolition.

Guantanamo Survivor-Hero Moazzam Begg to Discuss 9/11! today, 4-6 pm CT,

Kevin Barrett interviews Moazzam Begg: 4-6 pm CT today, Monday 10/15/07, Dynamic Duo, network 4

Just as William Rodriguez symbolizes the heroism and suffering of all first responders, survivors and truth-tellers, Moazzam Begg is the pre-eminent heroic survivor of Guantanamo and the rest of the post-9/11 global torture gulag. Begg's book Enemy Combattant has garnered rave reviews from those mainstream and left-mainstream outlets brave enough to face it--including my old friend Amy Goodman:,,1733975,00.html

As far as I know, Moazzam Begg has not yet had an on-the-record conversation with a 9/11 truth advocate, so this interview will boldly go where no interview has gone before.

William Rodriguez on Dynamic Duo Today,

4-6 pm CT, Network 4
Call-in number (866) 582-9933

William Rodriguez will join me during the second hour to discuss our recently-completed Heartland Tour ( We will also discuss William's forthcoming video containing interviews with other WTC survivors who verify his story, including Anthony Saltalamacia ( Besides confirming Willie's story, and casting Willie's heroism as even more striking than it appears in Willie's own talks, these videos contain some rather amazing new eyewitness testimony that significantly adds to the already overwhelming evidence that the official story of the Towers' destruction is false.

Leading Academic Neocon Expert Shadia Drury on 9/11 and Empire Radio Tonight, 9-11 pm CT,

I spent a long time this morning posting a long, detailed blog here about Shadia Drury but for some reason it didn't go up. So here we go again.

Shadia Drury, a philosophy professor at the University of Regina, is THE person most responsible for "outing" the neocons. She has published the two best introductions to neoconservatism, The Philosophy of Leo Strauss and Leo Strauss and the American Right. I don't think she has yet been interviewed in a 9/11 truth context, so it will be interesting to see how she answers the inevitable questions about the new Pearl Harbor.

Drury's work makes it abundantly clear how the philosophy of Straussian neoconservatism, the most important academic movement of the 20th century, leads directly to 9/11 and the bogus "war on terror." She was the inspiration for the Adam Curtis BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares. Curtis actually flew from London to freezing Regina in the dead of winter and did two full days of interviews with Drury, but didn't use any of it in the film. She promised to tell me tonight why she thinks she was left on the cutting room floor.

9-11 pm CT tonight, Tuesday 10/9/07,

My Letter to Steve Nass: Don't Let U.W.-Madison Diss William Rodriguez!

Sent to:

Wed., October 3rd, 2007

Dear Steve Nass,

I know that you and I have had our little differences in the past. But now, I think I have finally found an issue that can unite us.

You have made a career of bashing the University of Wisconsin at every opportunity. Well, here is an opportunity!

The University is mistreating President Bush's own honored guest, America's biggest 9/11 hero, William Rodriguez!

Rodriguez has been welcomed in presidential palaces in Venezuela and Malaysia as well as the USA, where he was honored five times at the White House for personally saving 15 people and indirectly saving hundreds more on 9/11. But the University of Wisconsin-Madison administration is not exactly rolling out the red carpet for William Rodriguez.

U.W.-Madison Students for 9/11 Truth requested a room assignment for Rodriguez's Friday U.W. talk weeks ago. But as of Wednesday morning, less than 60 hours before the event, they are still waiting.

I Didn't Say That - Jeff Rense Did!

The good news: Rense published my piece on questioning Amy Goodman:

The bad news: They published it with a headline and introduction I didn't write, but made it look as if those were my words. Check it out:

* * *

Zionist Gatekeeper Amy
Goodman Questioned On WTC-7
By Kevin Barrett

She has always been a mole.

If you bother to write her (FOR NOTHING), include this image below. Bottom, right of Center, zio-mole Goodman. Of her fans, how many are also actually zio-moles?

* * *

I responded with an email to Rense:

Hi Jeff,
I your posting my Amy Goodman video.
But I would appreciate it if you would change the layout of the headline and introduction to make it clear that I did not write that part. You are welcome to call Amy a Zionist gatekeeper and a mole, but I didn't and wouldn't call her that. Just removing the "by Kevin Barrett" under the headline would fix the problem.

Dr. Kevin Barrett

Coordinator, MUJCA-NET:
Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth

Truth Jihad: My Epic Struggle Against the 9/11 Big Lie

Kevin Barrett Questions Amy Goodman On Building 7

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Kevin Barrett Questions Amy Goodman On Building 7:

Thanks to Matt Naus of for his stellar camerawork.
Please, write Amy and ask her to invite me on her show to continue the conversation!

9/11 Political Prisoner Mike Cook Out of Jail!

Mike Cook has finally been freed, after almost a year of imprisonment mainly because he thinks 9/11 was an inside job. (Just google "Mike Cook MUJCA" for earlier stories explaining his Kafka-meets-Orwell situation.)

Cause for celebration! This Ramadan-fastin' Irish Muslim will be seekin' out a small sample of alcohol-free Guinness to raise a toast to Mike's long, brave struggle for freedom.

Hey Mike, call in to my radio show like you used to before they locked you up! Tomorrow, Tuesday, September 25th my guest will be Sofia of 9/11 Mysteries -- 9-11 pm CT on And I just got word that University of Regina Professor Shadia Drury, the world's foremost authority on that nutty cult of Straussian neocons who brought us 9/11 (of course she hasn't come right out and said that...yet) will be my radio guest Tuesday October 9th, also on wtprn. Lots of other great shows in-between--see for the schedule.

On Sep 24, 2007, at 8:44 PM, Karl Pavloff wrote:

Peace Economist Bob Reuschlein on Truth Jihad Radio Tonight

Bob Reuschlein of and I will be discussing the subject of his latest academic paper -- the signs of the decline of empire. Bob is a pioneering peace economist who has shown how military spending and imperial expansion destroy economies. The economic rot is accompanied by social breakdown, and his latest paper is about the "social breakdown indicators" that are escalating even as we speak. One of the leading indicators, in my opinion, is the neoconservatives' over-compensation for imperial decline by way of advocating even more of the war and fascism that got us into this mess. The extreme example is Philip Atkinson's call for Bush to commit genocide and declare himself president for life and emperor of earth:

(Originally scheduled guest Rob Shetterly of couldn't make it and will be rescheduled.)

Engineer Joel Hirschhorn on 9/11 and Empire Radio tonight, 9/18, 9-11 pm CT,

I will be interviewing my fellow Wisconsin alum Joel Hirschhorn, PhD Former Professor, Metallurgical Engineering University of Wisconsin. Joel is a recent addition to and he says he has some fresh ideas for 9/11 activism.

Joel Hirschhorn is the author Delusional Democracy, and a proponent of an Article V revolution: I interviewed him on June 16th, 2007 and urged him to make a statement for patriotsquestion911 -- the show is archived at

It took him a few months, but did Joel ever make a statement!


Essay Painful 9/11 Truth 9/4/07: "Many technical analyses cast doubt on the official explanation of the collapse of three World Trade Center buildings, including those presented by an impressive new group: Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth. More difficult than discovering the truth, however, is convincing most of the public to accept the bitter truth. ...