Joel S. Hirschhorn

Joel S. Hirschhorn, Ph.D.: "9/11 Mind Swell"

(Dr. Joel S. Hirschhorn is a former Senior Staff Member of the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. He is on record calling for a new investigation of 9/11. - simuvac)

9/11 Mind Swell

by Joel S. Hirschhorn / August 11th, 2009

As we approach the eighth anniversary of 9/11 consider this paradox. In the post 9-11 years the scientific evidence for disbelieving the official government story has mounted incredibly. And the number of highly respected and credentialed professionals challenging the official story has similarly expanded. Yet, to the considerable disappointment of the international 9/11 truth movement, the objective fact is that there are no widespread, loud demands for a new government-backed 9/11 investigation. The 9/11 truth movement is the epitome of a marginalized movement, one that never goes away despite not achieving truly meaningful results, which in this case means replacing official lies with official truth. What has gone wrong?

Joel Hirschhorn, Laurie Dobson on 9/11 Truth and Elections Today on GCN

Ph.D. metallurgical engineer & 9/11 truth supporter Joel Hirschhorn, and 9/11 truth senatorial candidate Laurie Dobson will be my guests today on Dynamic Duo, 4-6 pm CT, Network 4.

Hirschhorn will be the first hour guest, followed by Dobson the second hour.

We'll be talking about the 2008 elections--and Hirschhorn and Dobson are both arguing against the "lesser evil" mentality. Hirschhorn has written several recent op-eds on the elections including:

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William Rodriguez on Dynamic Duo Today,

4-6 pm CT, Network 4
Call-in number (866) 582-9933

William Rodriguez will join me during the second hour to discuss our recently-completed Heartland Tour ( We will also discuss William's forthcoming video containing interviews with other WTC survivors who verify his story, including Anthony Saltalamacia ( Besides confirming Willie's story, and casting Willie's heroism as even more striking than it appears in Willie's own talks, these videos contain some rather amazing new eyewitness testimony that significantly adds to the already overwhelming evidence that the official story of the Towers' destruction is false.

Former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Senior Staff Member Calls for New Investigation of 9/11

This guy is the real deal: "Prior to his 13 years of service at the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, Dr. Hirschhorn was Professor of Metallurgical Engineering at the University of Wisconsin, Madison from 1965 - 1978. He has a Bachelors and Masters degree in Metallurgical Engineering and a PhD in Materials Engineering."

Alan Miller of Patriots Question does it again -- post at OpEdNews

digg_title='Former Congressional Office of Technology Assessment Senior Staff Member Calls for New Investigation of 9/11';
digg_bodytext='Joel S. Hirschhorn, PhD, former Senior Staff Member of the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), called for a new investigation of 9/11. "First, let the technical truth emerge. Then, if necessary, cope with the inevitable political, conspiracy and other questions."';