Remember Pearl Harbor: Provoking Japan, Provoking North Korea

By Professor Graeme MacQueen

(Original article posted at GlobalResearch:

On December 7, 1941 the U.S. naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by Japanese forces. President Roosevelt, in his well known Infamy speech delivered on December 8, claimed the attack was “unprovoked” and, on this basis, asked for and received a declaration of war from the U.S. Congress.

But the evidence suggests the attack was not unprovoked. On the contrary, it was carefully and systematically provoked in order to manipulate the U.S. population into joining WWII.

This provocation game, spectacularly successful in 1941, is currently being played with North Korea. The stakes are high.

The Growing 9/11 Drone Army

Army Sees 11,000% Increase in US Army Drone Arsenal Over Last 10 Years Since: New Legislation Paves Way for 30,000 More Above the USA

Brian Romanoff      Nor Cal Truth     Feb 20, 2012

Never let it be said that the military industrial complex does not heavily rely on 9/11 to continue and thrive.

WikiLeaks: London is a hub of al-Qaeda’s global terrorism network

Daily Telegraph, 26 April 2011





Daily Telegraph, 28 April 2011





The Guardian, 26 April 2011





Sunday Express, 17 April 2011





UK Prime Minister: There is no question of an invasion or occupation of Libya

The Times, 20 April 2011




The Independent, 20 April 2011




UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya

Daily Telegraph, 4 April 2011




Sunday Times, 3 April 2011




Wall Street Journal Europe, 5 April 2011




UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya


Obama to Qaddafi: Comply with UN resolution or face military action



The Guardian, 18 March 2011




"Brave Bibi the Time cover girl whose nose was cut off by the Taliban takes the New York subway"


Brave Bibi the Time cover girl whose nose was cut off by the Taliban takes the New York subway

[propaganda alert]

compiled by Cem Ertür

18 February 2011


UK planning to evacuate expats from the Persian Gulf region in the event of war with Iran

US bases surrounding Iran                                                                                      US bases surrounding Iran 

Ahmadinejad’s UN 9-11 speech

Ahmadinejad’s UN 9-11 speech

by Gideon Polya, Media With Conscience, 25 September 2010

Top scientists and intelligence experts dispute the “official US version” of what happened on 9-11 and variously assert that people within the US Government did 9-11 (possibly with Israeli assistance). President Ahmadinejad’s 9-11 speech at the UN merely advances 3 logical, testable, scientific  hypotheses about 9-11 but has immediately elicited hysterical, egregiously dishonest, anti-science and anti-truth responses from Western leaders and Mainstream media.

The immediate responses involved a walk-out of US representatives and its lackeys from 30 countries, including Australia, Britain, Sweden and Spain, from the speech itself – they simply didn’t want to hear anything differing from the “official US version” of 9-11. 

19th August 1953 - Anglo-American military coup in Iran: "Operation Ajax"











Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, accompanied by CIA Director Allen Dulles, 
returns from exile to Tehran on 22 August 1953.

Framing Pakistan

December 1, 2008
Framing Pakistan.

I have mentioned it and/or alluded to it in most of my posts dealing with Iran, namely that Iran will be used by the US and its allies to stir sectarianism wherever a Shiite minority exists. I mentioned Lebanon, Bahrain, Kuwait, Pakistan, Yemen and Saudi Arabia.

I have come to this conclusion after close study of the Iraqi "experiment".

Already a year ago, I have been saying that Pakistan is next on the list. I maintain what I said.

The Mumbai attacks add an extra confirmation to my hypothesis.

The first thing the Western Media and the Indian government did, while the fights were still raging, was to point an accusatory finger at Pakistan - including guess who ? Patrick Cockburn, the "firebrand" Mullah Sadr, lover.

For those of you who have been following the news, Pakistan for the past 4 months or so has witnessed an escalation of US air force attacks on it, in particular in the tribal areas bordering Afghanistan, under the pretext of fighting terrorism.

President Bush Backs Israeli Plan for Strike on Iran By Uzi Mahnaimi in Washington July 13, 2008

President Bush Backs Israeli Plan for Strike on Iran

As Tehran tests new missiles, America believes only a show of force can deter President Ahmadinejad

By Uzi Mahnaimi in Washington

13/07/08 "The Times" -- -President George W Bush has told the Israeli government that he may be prepared to approve a future military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities if negotiations with Tehran break down, according to a senior Pentagon official.

Despite the opposition of his own generals and widespread scepticism that America is ready to risk the military, political and economic consequences of an airborne strike on Iran, the president has given an “amber light” to an Israeli plan to attack Iran’s main nuclear sites with long-range bombing sorties, the official told The Sunday Times.

“Amber means get on with your preparations, stand by for immediate attack and tell us when you’re ready,” the official said. But the Israelis have also been told that they can expect no help from American forces and will not be able to use US military bases in Iraq for logistical support.

Fighting terror with torture: As Bush determines what is acceptable, Israel’s decisions offer insight.

MIDEAST | Israelis have experience in interrogation issues now facing U.S.
Fighting terror with torture
As Bush determines what is acceptable, Israel’s decisions offer insight.
McClatchy Newspapers

Mohammed Barghouthi, a Palestinian Authority official interrogated by Israel for several weeks last summer, demonstrates the position he was held in during questioning.

JERUSALEM | Long before the Bush administration launched its war on terrorism, opened secret detention centers or debated the wisdom of harsh interrogation techniques, Israel wrestled with similar questions about protecting itself.

President Bush soon must prepare an executive order that will outline what methods the CIA can use under a law signed last week. Backers of the law contend that their measure will prevent the use of the most contentious methods, such as “water-boarding.” But the law gives the president broad discretion to decide what tactics to approve, and Israel’s experience could provide guidance.

Since Israel’s Supreme Court curbed the use of extreme techniques in 1999, human rights studies suggest that interrogators are relying more on psychological tricks, informants and electronic surveillance to solicit information.

Bush Tacitly Implies WTC Controlled Demolition? shouts out to

Bush Tacitly Implies WTC Controlled Demolition?
Makes strange 'explosives in U.S. buildings' reference during torture speech Friday

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 18 2006

During his speech Friday in which the President argued for the gutting of the Geneva convention and the legal classification of torture, Bush made a strange comment about explosives and their placement in U.S. buildings. Was this a tacit admission of 9/11 controlled demolition?

Here's the quote in full from the White House website.

"For example, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed described the design of planned attacks of buildings inside the U.S. and how operatives were directed to carry them out."