The Independent

Theories running rampant through technology

Probably getting a bit bored of it all by now!

Here is a long article from the Independent so here is a selection:

Conspiracy theories are cultural viruses. Once they infect the zeitgeist, it is extremely difficult to stamp them out – no matter how solid the evidence against them is. Studies have shown that people who are prone to believe in conspiracies display an innate bias towards information which supports that conspiracy, no matter how spurious that information is and no matter how solid the evidence against the conspiracy is.

Today, there are more conspiracy theories and more conspiracy theory believers than ever before. They range from the simply fanciful – such as the theory that Kentucky Fried Chicken is owned by the Ku Klux Klan which laces the food with a drug that makes only black men impotent – to the labyrinthine, such as the intricacy of theories around 9/11 and the death of John F Kennedy.


Once the quaint preserve of anoraks (think JFK) and X Files fans (alien abduction, faked moon landings and Area 51), they have now become a malevolent modern-day tool which nefarious organisations use to further their aims. Jamie Bartlett, head of the Violence and Extremism Programme at independent think tank Demos, has studied this worrying trend.


There are several reasons why conspiracy theories are increasing. Mainly it is because the internet has made it easy to propagate rumour and supposition on a global scale. Social networking sites allow conspiracy theorists to seek out and link with like-minded individuals. Whereas past conspiracies, like those surrounding the death of JFK, took years to formulate and disseminate, today's conspiracies develop almost organically. Immediately after 9/11, the internet was abuzz with individual voices questioning the official version of events. These nebulous ideas were able to crystallise as theorists discussed and developed their ideas and formed into a set of theories adopted by groups such as the 9/11 Truth Movement.


The number of people who believe conspiracy theories is staggering. According to various recent surveys, a third of Brits believe Princess Diana was murdered (a Daily Mail survey), a quarter believe the moon landings were faked (from Engineering and Technology magazine), nearly half of all Americans do not believe global warming is man-made (a Yale University survey) and 84 per cent of them believe 9/11 was an inside job (a New York Times/CBS poll).

“End of a tyrant”: The Independent and The Guardian jubilant over the assassination of Libya’s deposed President Gaddafi

The Independent, 21 October 2011




The Guardian, 21 October 2011




The Independent, 21 October 2011




The Independent, 28 August 2011




The Observer, 20 March 2011

(The Observer is the Sunday edition of The Guardian)



Lloyd's insurer sues Saudi Arabia for 'funding 9/11 attacks'

The Independent
By Cahal Milmo, Chief Reporter
Monday, 19 September 2011

A Lloyd's insurance syndicate has begun a landmark legal case against Saudi Arabia, accusing the kingdom of indirectly funding al-Qa'ida and demanding the repayment of £136m it paid out to victims of the 9/11 attacks.

The Brighton-based Lloyd's 3500 syndicate, which paid $215m compensation to companies and individuals involved, alleges that the oil-rich Middle Eastern superpower bears primary responsibility for the atrocity because al-Qa'ida was supported by banks and charities acting as "agents and alter egos" for the Saudi state.

The detailed case, which names a number of prominent Saudi charities and banks as well as a leading member of the al-Saud royal family, will cause embarrassment to the Saudi government, which has long denied claims that Osama bin Laden's organisation received official financial and practical support from his native country.

British Government's September 2002 dossier on Iraq [cartoon]

The Independent, 14 May 2011




The Independent, 13 May 2011




source: Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Assessment of the British Government, 24 September 2002



Robert Fisk’s anti-Syria propaganda

The Indepedent, 31 March 2011


Robert Fisk’s anti-Syria propaganda


Propaganda alert

UK Prime Minister: There is no question of an invasion or occupation of Libya

The Times, 20 April 2011




The Independent, 20 April 2011




"The demise of the dollar"

We now know for sure that the invasion of Iraq failed to control the oil-specialized wealth domain by corrupt criminal Administrations. This following excerpt by Robert Fisk explains the current predicament and threat for more hostilities.

"Iran announced late last month that its foreign currency reserves would henceforth be held in euros rather than dollars. Bankers remember, of course, what happened to the last Middle East oil producer to sell its oil in euros rather than dollars. A few months after Saddam Hussein trumpeted his decision, the Americans and British invaded Iraq."

In my opinion from a perception of being active in campaigns to stop the escalation of endless war for more than ten years, World War II never really ended. This is why I appreciate the work of Christopher Story, who has been investigating international corrupt criminal monetary systems. Yet it has been the aggressive military program of the US that is threatening everyone, and other countries are responding.

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October 6, 2009
The demise of the dollar
By Robert Fisk