Guantanamo detainees

Pre-Trial Hearings for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Cancelled

(NEW YORK) — A series of pre-trial hearings in the case of accused 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed scheduled for later this month have reportedly been cancelled.

According to an email from the military commission at Guantanamo Bay to the families of 9/11 victims, the hearings scheduled to run from August 24 to September 4 were cancelled. The email only cited unresolved issues pertaining to a certain motion.

The next scheduled hearings are set to take place from October 19-30.


WikiLeaks: London is a hub of al-Qaeda’s global terrorism network

Daily Telegraph, 26 April 2011





Daily Telegraph, 28 April 2011





The Guardian, 26 April 2011





Sunday Express, 17 April 2011





Ghailani verdict may pave the way for new avenue of exploration for 9-11 Truth

Obama Administration wins one with Ghailani verdict

By Peter Duveen

PETER'S NEW YORK, Thursday, November 18, 2010--The jury verdict in the Ahmed Ghailani "terrorism" case yesterday signals a broad victory for the Administration of President Barack Obama, which has consistently championed the use of civilian courts to try the alleged crimes of Guantanamo detainees. Many, if not most or even all of the detainees rounded up in the wake of September 11, 2001 and accused of various offenses have been subjected to torture during their long confinements.

Refusing to be silenced August 1, 2008

We will not be silenced . . . Dave Zirin

Refusing to be silenced
August 1, 2008

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

On July 24, about 100 people gathered in Baltimore for a forum to stand up against a long-term spying operation conducted by the Maryland State Police against anti-death penalty and antiwar activists.

The surveillance and infiltration of the groups took place while Republican Robert Ehrlich was governor, according to 43 pages of state police reports recently released to the ACLU. The spying continued month after month despite the fact that the state's agents never recorded a single illegal act among the groups' protest activities. This week, the current governor, Martin O'Malley, appointed a panel to review the state police surveillance operation against the anti-death penalty and antiwar movements.

Dave Zirin, a sportswriter and activist, was one of the activists named in the spying reports. At the July 24 meeting, he talked about his reactions to the spy scandal and activists' plans for "going on offense."

Gitmo trials rigged from the start

Gitmo Trials Rigged from the Start
By Ross Tuttle, The Nation
Posted on February 21, 2008, Printed on February 21, 2008

Secret evidence. Denial of habeas corpus. Evidence obtained by waterboarding. Indefinite detention. The litany of complaints about the legal treatment of prisoners at Guantánamo Bay is long, disturbing and by now familiar. Nonetheless, a new wave of shock and criticism greeted the Pentagon's announcement on February 11 that it was charging six Guantánamo detainees, including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, with war crimes -- and seeking the death penalty for all of them.

As the murky, quasi-legal staging of the Bush Administration's military commissions unfolds, a key official has told The Nation that the trials are rigged from the start. According to Col. Morris Davis, former chief prosecutor for Guantánamo's military commissions, the process has been manipulated by Administration appointees in an attempt to foreclose the possibility of acquittal.

Loose Change Final Cut * RAND * Poems

Flyby News Notes -
Editor - Jonathan Mark -
November 25, 2007 - Loose Change Final Cut * RAND * Poems

Take my blood.
Take my death shroud and
The remnants of my body.
Take photographs of my corpse at the grave, lonely.

Send them to the world,
To the judges and
To the people of conscience,
Send them to the principled men and the fair-minded.

And let them bear the guilty burden before the world,
Of this innocent soul.
Let them bear the burden before their children and before history,
Of this wasted, sinless soul,
Of this soul which has suffered at the hands of the protectors of peace.

-- Jumah al Dossari
The above is called Death Poem by Jumah al Dossari,
who is a 33-year old Bahraini who has been held at
Guantanamo Bay for more than five years. He has been
in solitary confinement since the end of 2003 and,
according to the U.S. military, has tried to kill
himself twelve times while in custody.

1) Loose Change Final Cut Truth-Wide-Open
- - Explosive and Revealing Quotations about 9/11 Completely Ignored
2) World Reports the Collapse of the Internal US Balance of Power
- - Moussaoui judge questions government