
New Roy Shivers Releases/Music/Songs

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New songs as of today:

Bush's Brain
Less Is More

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My Bit of Floor Time @ "And I yield the remainder to the gentlepatriot from 911Blogger..."

Part 1

Before presenting evidence and theory, it must be said that the fact we are even having this conversation almost 6 years after the biggest official crime in US history is proof that something is wrong, and I dont think it is we da 'troofers' and our wacky conpiracy theories. The administration's eagerness to not investigate this massive crime against Americans and humanity in general as evidenced by the fact that it was well over a year before an investigation commenced is striking. Remember, after the Titanic sank, after the attack on Pearl Harbor, after the murder of JFK (another state-sponsored false-flag op btw) and after the Challenger disaster, we had official investigations within a week and a half. But with the event that "changed everything" we wouldn't have even had an investigation without the passion for Justice (still unfulfilled) of family members.

East Anglia Truth at Eastern Haze

East Anglia Truth at the Eastern Haze Festival

Well, the sunshine finally broke through amidst the downpours and following a complete washout on the Friday, Truth was allowed to emerge at the Eastern Haze festival in Somerleyton, Suffolk last weekend. Having resigned to a day of watching the rain from the marquee, we were thankful that the weather changed to allow the festival's 10,000+ attendants to roam free - with the Sunday bringing a beautiful day of warm sunshine and subsequently many visitors to the East Anglia Truth area.

And Then There Was One, The Final Holdout: 9-11


"Not to worry, this is not about truth seekers or conspiracy theories. It’s not about the long list of anomalies and discrepancies in the official story of 9/11. It’s not even about the undeniable fact that the events of 9/11 gave George Bush and his handlers the keys to the neocon kingdom of empire. It really is not.

"What it’s about is the strangest phenomenon I can recall in my entire adult life. It’s about what I perceive to be an extraordinary lapse in the logic of millions of otherwise sensible Americans. And it’s about something I cannot wrap my mind around, no matter how I try. Maybe someone out there can help me understand what’s going on.

(long list of Bushco lies)

"So, after becoming aware of lie after lie after lie by Bushco, why would anyone in his or her right mind FULLY EMBRACE THE OFFICIAL STORY OF WHAT HAPPENED ON 9/11 WITHOUT A SINGLE QUESTION? Why would anyone in the United Sates of America conclude that the official version of the most important event in recent American history AS TOLD BY PROVEN LIARS is true?"

Newcomer's Take

In the two months that I have been a specifically 9/11 "truther" I have:
- opened the door to a potentially eight-part South Bay Philosophy Club Meeting which would begin with
- the rules of evidence collection, etc, by a local Chief Investigator with whom I've been acquainted for five years
- sorted through enough mis/disinfo to retch
- caught up on some alternative media?!
- met with the local 9/11 truth membership
- brainstormed towards a "science" of dissemination, viz., how to be "fishers of men," knowing exactly what method requires which tools, ie., casting hooks for big fish only, or finer nets for larger hauls, what would those nets be, precisely, in non-metaphorical terms, etc.
- cool street-side sign idea, to support the other signs: rectangle shaped red sign with white trim/lettering EMERGENCE IS URGENT (two rows, same spacing) or "Ignorance is Complicity" or "Don't Buy the LIE" whilst waving deception dollars...


Here is the download link. To download, click the link and input the 3 lellers in the upper right hand corner. It will make you wait 45 seconds before downloading.

If for some reason they take it down again, here is another link

I would advise that many people download this video from Megaupload and reupload it to your own google video account. Also can some of you seed it in the torrents and other means. If anyone wants to cut it up and put it on youtube, feel free.



CIA to Reveal Decades of Misdeeds

The US Central Intelligence Agency is to declassify hundreds of documents detailing some of the agency's worst illegal abuses from the 1950s to 1970s.

The papers, to be released next week, will detail assassination plots, domestic spying and wiretapping, kidnapping and human experiments.

Many of the incidents are already known, but the documents are expected to give more comprehensive accounts.

It is "unflattering" but part of agency history, CIA chief Michael Hayden said.

"This is about telling the American people what we have done in their name," Gen Hayden told a conference of foreign policy historians.

The documents, dubbed the "Family Jewels", offer a "glimpse of a very different time and a very different agency".

The full 693-page file detailing CIA illegal activities was compiled on the orders of the then CIA director James Schlesinger in 1973.

He had been alarmed by accounts of CIA involvement in the Watergate scandal under his predecessor and asked CIA officials to inform him of all activities that fell outside the agency's legal charter.

9/11 'Truthers' uncovering disturbing anomalies

9/11 'Truthers' uncovering disturbing anomalies

By Geoff Olson
Vancouver Courier
June 16th, 2007

They're "nutcases" to Vancouver writer Terry Glavin, "gibbering idiots" to British author and Guardian columnist George Monbiot, and "conspiracy nuts" to U.S. political writer Alexander Cockburn. They're promoting "crap," says David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation. They're trafficking in "pure fantasy" that is "rotting peoples brains," says Canadian military analyst and author Gwynne Dyer.

They're opponents of the Bush administration who reject the official story on 9/11. And their most vocal critics hail not from the right, but from North America's progressive left. Ignored by mainstream media, and vilified by the alternative press, the so-called "9/11 Truth movement" probably wouldn't exist without the Internet. A huge online presence, with thousands of blogs and websites, has inspired the creation of films, DVDs and the organization of international conferences. The movement has chapters across North America, including in Vancouver.


Please distribute this flyer around the internet in preparation for the event.

Thank you in advance to all of those helping, all of those that will be attending, and everyone for their continuous support
of the movement!

9/11 Hero comes to Tulsa

William Rodriguez, The Last Man Out and a True 9-11 Hero
tell his harrowing tale of that day and his journey of personal growth and discovery in the days thereafter.

The evening of August 8th, 2007
at the Renaissance Hotel & Convention Center
6808 South 107th East Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Doors will open for seating at 6:30 p.m.
William will take the stage at 7:00 p.m.

William will speak for about an hour and a half
followed by an autograph session as time requires and a "Meet and Greet" in Merlots Wine Bar and Lounge (located in hotel)

For information e-mail
or call Clint at (918) 381-2739


Of Crazies, Neocons and the Enemy Within


An all too familiar and ominous echo is reverberating through the American landscape, once more blasted into the airwaves, and our minds, through the Ministry of Propaganda and its merry bunch of sycophants and stenographers. For yet another consecutive year since three monolithic towers were demolished, imploded and systemically brought down onto their own footprints in a catalyzing event unleashing a new American century, Americans are hearing the fiery rhetoric of imminent danger, a cocktail of fear, terror and warmongering fed our enemy-addicted culture, aimed both at stirring conflict with Iran and conditioning our minds into accepting the coming attack on yet another Muslim nation that poses no threat to the mighty Empire.

Vancouver 9/11 Truth Conference - Promo Video

9/11, Canada and the New World Order - Reclaiming Our Destiny !

June 22nd to 24th, 2007 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

KEYWORD: Propagate!

Please share it on your site and in e-mails: Debuts - Helping to Fight For a New Investigation! Debuts On The World Wide Web
Friday June 1st, 2007

- After weeks of deliberation, members from Philly 9|11 Truth have opened their website, amid the growing number of activist websites around the country and world. Still in its very early stages, other activists will be able to take part in looking through the past historical events we have done.

As you can see from the website, there is still plenty more content to be added. With prominent members such as Jon Gold and Mechanical Engineer Tony Szamboti - along with the consistent Temple 9|11 Truth activists known for confronting Alan Dershowitz on questions on false-flag terrorism as well as Jesse Jackson's involvement in the Council on Foreign Relations - the city of Philadelphia continues to grow for their support of a new investigation into the September 11th attacks.

Please take a look at our website. We encourage all activists to take a look at the site as we continue to grow together towards the same common goal of demanding a new investigation.

MSNBC - Gut Check America: Share your stories

MSNBC has an interesting query. They are looking for topics that really matter the most to Americans and intend to create polls from issues raised. They may also choose to have reporters contact people who submit issues for follow up.

How does 9/11 Truth really matter to you? Can you articulate clearly why 9/11 Truth is important to you and succinctly describe how your desire for the truth affects your everyday life? There is a limit of 3000 characters. I do not know if this limit is for the entire response or each of the three subsections. How many people can we get submitting to this? Very few are still laughing at us. Can we bring together enough well-wriiten responses such that they can't ignore them?

The complete form can be found at the URL below. I have copied only the text of the form for advanced review. Note the fine print.

Gut Check America: Share your stories
Your turn to start the conversation about what really matters in America What do you think?

more after the jump