
Vancouver Sun: "Kill the Messenger" is 'Don't Miss' at DOXA May 31
DOXA best bets
Yvonne Zacharais and Kevin Griffin, Vancouver Sun
Published: Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Six films you don't want to miss at the 2008 DOXA Documentary Film Festival:

Kill the Messenger
This French film documents the cold, crass efforts by officials in the U.S. to bring down Sibel Edmonds, an American of Iranian and Turkish origin who was hired by the FBI as a translator after Sept. 11, 2001. Reporting the possible infiltration of Turkish spies turns her life upside down: she is interrogated, fired, and subjected to a relentless campaign of intimidation. Edmonds doesn't back down as she takes her fight to Congress, the 9/11 Commission, the media, and the Supreme Court. Saturday, May 31 at 9 p.m. at Pacific Cinémathèque.

Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Kill the Messenger
Saturday May 31 | 9:00 pm | Pacific Cinémathèque
Directors: Mathieu Verboud & Jean R. Viallet, 2006, France, 84 minutes

Architects Investigate World Trade Center’s Collapse

May 8, 2008, Nicole Dial, City News Reporter

Conspiracy theorist or skeptic Richard Gage believes that something other than terrorists brought down the World Trade Center on Sept. 11. His story involves specially timed explosives, a team of experts and a well-orchestrated cover-up by our own government.

As part of a group called Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Gage traveled to Santa Cruz on May 2 to present “9/11: Blueprint for Truth,” a PowerPoint and film presentation that contests the official story of what brought down the towers.

During the presentation, Gage challenged the theories put forth by several governmental agencies that studied the collapse of the towers, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), saying that none of the previous studies hold up under scrutiny.
“The skyscrapers, welded together and designed not to bend, dropped like a house of cards,” Gage said. “Theories of previous studies don’t account for straight-down collapse or the characteristics of demolitions.”

Telling Truths That Can't Be Said, by Anthony Arnove

(Note: Just a plug and an FYI . . . "War, Inc." is being released on DVD July 1, 2008 . . . . Betsy)

Column: Anthony Arnove

Telling Truths That Can't Be Said

A look at John Cusack's satire War, Inc., and why we desperately need more commentary like it today.

May 20, 2008

IN THE Orwellian world of U.S. politics, often, it takes artists to say the truth that otherwise can't be said--or heard.

Stanley Kubrick brought home the reality of militarism and the madness of U.S. nuclear doctrine in Dr. Strangelove as no nonfiction work of the time could. Sidney Lumet's Network did the same for the corporate takeover of our culture.

Today, John Cusack's War, Inc. fires a similar shot across the bow of our tortured political discourse.

War, Inc. is a Swiftian allegory of the world not as it might be in some possible future, but as it is today, with a performance from Ben Kingsley as memorable as Peter Sellers in Dr. Strangelove. (It also features a deconstruction by Hilary Duff of her own fame and our twisted, sexist culture that has to be seen to be believed.)

Watch ABC, NBC, CBS, BBC, and Fox September 11, 2001 coverage live, original, un-edited. (Even the commercials are intact!)

Watch the events of September 11, 2001 unfold in real-time, complete and unedited, on the major networks, simultaneously. These streams begin about 20 minutes before the first attack, while the morning news shows go about their cheerful business of interviewing tourists, singing the Love Boat theme song, goofing off with the cast of Everybody Loves Raymond, and discussing ways to make your pets live longer...

And then the world changed.

Living 9/11

France Canal+ attacks the 911 truth movement the 24 april 2008

bonsoir ,

in France, Thursday 24th April 2008, the French television CANAL + attacked the 911 truth movement with their Documentary called
"Jeudi Investigation : Rumeur, intox : les nouvelles guerres de l’info" by Stephane Malterre


Vidéo Jeudi Investigation : Rumeur, intox : les nouvelles guerres de l’info

Harold Pinter's 2005 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech

I thought I'd post this stirring and inspiring speech by playwright Harold Pinter upon the occasion of his Nobel Prize for Literature in 2005.

From the last paragraphs in the speech:

"I believe that despite the enormous odds which exist, unflinching, unswerving, fierce intellectual determination, as citizens, to define the real truth of our lives and our societies is a crucial obligation which devolves upon us all. It is in fact mandatory.
If such a determination is not embodied in our political vision we have no hope of restoring what is so nearly lost to us - the dignity of man."

We need spiritual food in this important 911 truth voyage, and Pinter serves it up as good as anything I've heard from anybody.
Thanks to Maria Gilardin of for hosting this and many other fine broadcasts.

Truth through art

Hope some of you appreciate this piece. Thank you.

Truth through Tragedy by ~JustImages on deviantART

SNL lampoons Petraeus hearings on Iraq - (Raw Story)

This video is from NBC's Saturday Night Live, broadcast April 12, 2008.

In last night's Saturday Night Live, a fictitious Iraq commander Gen. David Petraeus has his own take on the recent report given on progress in Iraq, particularly the 30,000-troop "surge," to the Senate Armed Services Committee.

"The Iraqi National Assembly finally approved a plan to extend its summer vacation by a month...Also, the Sunnis and the Shiites have agreed on a formula to share revenue from embezzled foreign aid and bribes paid to government officials."

Conspiracy Theologian

Conspiracy theologian
David Ray Griffin on the 9/11 Truth Movement and Bush-Cheney’s “stupid” imperialism

By Matthew Singer 03/27/2008

When David Ray Griffin conceived his first book regarding the events of Sept. 11, 2001, his interpretation of what transpired that day revolved around the concept of blowback, that the attacks were a byproduct of America’s decades of aggressive foreign policy toward the Middle East. In short, at the time, he bought the official story of 9/11. He wasn’t letting the United States government off the hook for their role in the attacks, but he wasn’t placing culpability where he would eventually place it: squarely on the shoulders of the Bush administration.

Baltimore Chronicle: Is There A Dirty Bomb In America’s Future? by Paul Craig Roberts

Baltimore Chronicle: Is There A Dirty Bomb In America’s Future? by Paul Craig Roberts

Is There A Dirty Bomb In America’s Future?
by Paul Craig Roberts

Who would be trying to build a secret nuclear weapon or perhaps only a "dirty bomb" that would serve to spread some radiation and massive amounts of fear and hysteria? The public has been carefully prepared to suspect Iran....
March 23, 2008—The investigative journalist Edward Jay Epstein has taken up the Litvinenko case. [The Specter That Haunts the Death of Litvinenko, New York Sun, March 19, 2008]

. . .

There is so much that Americans do not know about secret schemes serving undeclared agendas. Those who have attempted to clue in fellow citizens are invariably frustrated, because Americans have been trained to dismiss the messenger who brings news of "false flag" events as a "conspiracy theorist."

Steve Alten describes a conspiracy, beginning in 2007 and ending in 2012, by a Black Op group in a Republican administration to set off nuclear weapons in two American cities, with planted evidence pointing to Iran.

$24B spent on security in Canada since 9/11

$24B spent on security in Canada since 9/11

CBC News
Last Updated: Monday, March 24, 2008 | 10:52 AM ET

Canada has spent an extra $24 billion beefing up security measures since the Sept. 11 attacks on U.S. soil, CBC News estimates.

The federal government has never revealed the costs of extra security precautions taken after the 2001 attacks, but CBC calculated the multibillion-dollar figure by tallying budgets from various departments and interviewing sources familiar with defence-related spending.

Domestic security accounted for the largest portion of expenditures at around $15 billion. That amount includes costs such as paying domestic airlines to outfit planes with reinforced doors on pilots' cabins and installing high-tech detection scanners at ports and land crossings.

An increase in the military's budget makes up another big chunk of the spending. After subtracting normal yearly increases in place before Sept. 11, the Canadian military received an estimated $9 billion extra since 2002. The annual rate of military spending in the budget has also doubled.

Truth through art

A photomanipulation I submitted to to help spread truth through art. The description has several quality links. Please spread the deviantart link to give credit to the owner of the stock photo. Thanks.

'BE the Change' by ~JustImages on deviantART

Paul Craig Roberts brings 9/11 truth to COUNTERPUNCH !! Is a FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb in Our Future?

Paul Craig Roberts brings 9/11 truth to COUNTERPUNCH !! Is a FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb in Our Future?

Secret Schemes and Undeclared Agendas
Inside the Shell Game

The investigative journalist Edward Jay Epstein has taken up the Litvinenko case.

The media used the Litvinenko case as sensational propaganda against Russian President Putin and then tossed it aside. For those whose memories of the case have faded, Alexander Litvinenko was a former KGB officer living in England who died in 2006, apparently from the radioactive isotope Polonium-210 . . .

Those who have attempted to clue in fellow citizens are invariably frustrated, because Americans have been trained to dismiss the messenger who brings news of "false flag" events as a "conspiracy theorist."

Johnny Cash - Original Truther???

The "Man In Black" had seen it all - protests against the Vietnam War, social injustices, lies, cover-ups, etc. He reached out and sung the songs to the poor, the downtrodden, and the forgotten such as prisoners, veterans, etc. Most of all, he was a true PATRIOT who loved his country and what it stood for...

In the late 60's he wrote a song called "What Is Truth" and it's as important a message now as it was back then - the lyrics are as follows:

WHAT IS TRUTH (by Johnny Cash)

The old man turned off the radio
Said, "Where did all of the old songs go
Kids sure play funny music these daysThey play it in the strangest ways"
Said, "it looks to me like they've all gone wild
It was peaceful back when I was a child"
Well, man, could it be that the girls and boys
Are trying to be heard above your noise?
And the lonely voice of youth cries "What is truth?"

A little boy of three sittin' on the floor
Looks up and says, "Daddy, what is war?"
"son, that's when people fight and die"
The little boy of three says "Daddy, why?"
A young man of seventeen in Sunday school
Being taught the golden rule
And by the time another year has gone around

Corpus Christi 911 Truther Arrested & Handcuffed for Askin B.Clinton 9/11 Question

Bill Clinton campaigns in South, far West Texas on eve of primary

Associated Press Writer

EL PASO, Texas (AP) -- Former President Bill Clinton wrapped up a swing across Texas on the eve of the state's critical primary, telling voters in El Paso Monday night that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton can return the country to the prosperity of the 1990s.

"This country is in trouble and Hillary wants us to grow together," Bill Clinton told the cheering crowd. "She believes this country is best when we have shared responsibilities. If she is elected president and the Congress adopts her plans for millions of jobs based on energy independence ... and her health care plans and education reform plans, there will be more broadly shared prosperity than when I served.

"If you want that, you go out and elect her. I truly believe she is the best qualified person to be commander in chief ... and to be diplomat in chief."

Hillary Clinton has suffered 11 straight defeats to Barack Obama.