Debuts - Helping to Fight For a New Investigation! Debuts On The World Wide Web
Friday June 1st, 2007

- After weeks of deliberation, members from Philly 9|11 Truth have opened their website, amid the growing number of activist websites around the country and world. Still in its very early stages, other activists will be able to take part in looking through the past historical events we have done.

As you can see from the website, there is still plenty more content to be added. With prominent members such as Jon Gold and Mechanical Engineer Tony Szamboti - along with the consistent Temple 9|11 Truth activists known for confronting Alan Dershowitz on questions on false-flag terrorism as well as Jesse Jackson's involvement in the Council on Foreign Relations - the city of Philadelphia continues to grow for their support of a new investigation into the September 11th attacks.

Please take a look at our website. We encourage all activists to take a look at the site as we continue to grow together towards the same common goal of demanding a new investigation.

Check us out at:

“The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.”
- Winston Churchill

Side Note: Jon Gold and other Philadelphia 9|11 Truth Members, we are looking for additional content to the website and also to discuss everyone getting involved with the website. If you could please get in contact with myself, Mark Peters, by emailing me here that would be great. Thanks so much!


Added a link to the volunteer page from the Truth Action section of

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Looks great.

Yet another step forward for the Truth movement.
The Eleventh Day of Every Month

is there video of this guy

is there video of this guy confronting Jesse Jackson and Alan Dershowitz? i cant stand Dershowitz.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

"Audio/Video" Section of

... You will find all the Audio/Video so far that we have up. We're adding more as we speak.

thank you. "The Central

thank you.

"The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media." ~ William Colby, Former Director, CIA

Kudos, guys. Let me know if

Kudos, guys.

Let me know if I can do anything for you all. You know where I'm at.

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