Steve Watson

Infowars: Media Blackout On Cheney Iran False Flag Story

Media Blackout On Cheney Iran False Flag Story

Steve Watson - - Saturday, Aug 2, 2008

The mainstream American corporate press has once again proven itself to be no better than the state controlled media in places like Communist China or Zimbabwe, by steadfastly refusing to print even a mention of the huge story concerning veteran journalist Seymour Hersh’s recent comments that the vice president wanted to carry out a false flag operation to provoke a war with Iran.

As we reported Thursday, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh revealed how the neocons convened around Dick Cheney and brainstormed ways to kick off World War IV.

“There was a dozen ideas proffered about how to trigger a war,” Hersh explained. “The one that interested me the most was why don’t we build — we in our shipyard — build four or five boats that look like Iranian PT boats. Put Navy seals on them with a lot of arms. And next time one of our boats goes to the Straits of Hormuz, start a shoot-up.”

Given that only a few weeks ago Hersh’s exclusive story concerning the vamping up of covert U.S. military activity inside Iran made headlines everywhere, in every major publication and outlet, it begs the question where are they now for an even bigger story?

The Financial Times even carries a story today about how Hersh is “The Last Great American Reporter”, yet the lengthy piece contains no mention of his latest revelations...


Infowars Omnibus Post!

Tons of interesting stories rolling out from Alex Jones' news sites. Thanks to Chris and Aaron for sending them in:

Bloomberg Confronted as Camera Ban Set for Enforcement
Aaron Dykes / | August 2, 2007

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was confronted outside of his Manhattan residence yesterday. Reporters affiliated with and tried to ask Bloomberg if his new film policy is meant to be an attack on the First Amendment, which is demonstrably the case...



A Moment of Pause in the Life of New York's Police State
Aaron Dykes / | August 3, 2007

Mini-feature Police State & Critical Mass in New York peers into the reality of daily conditioning on the city's streets and examines the casual disposal of Constitutional rights by NYPD officers everywhere as the theoretical light of an ideal New York has dimmed and, surely, freedom with it...



History Channel Back-Peddles On 9/11 Hit Piece
Steve Watson Friday, August 3, 2007

The makers of an upcoming two hour hit piece on the 9/11 truth movement have back peddled and altered the program description on their website after Infowars highlighted the blatant biased agenda of the piece and its multiple corporate conflicts of interest...



Reporters Booted Out of Michelle Obama Event | August 3, 2007

Reporters from WeAreChange Seattle were asked to leave a Michelle Obama event after being told that no press was allowed. Based on the video, it had less to do with a media policy and more to do with being handled by protective staff.

WeAreChange briefly caught the wife of presidential candidate Barack Obama outside after the event while holding signs that read "9/11 Truth Seeking Leads to Peace," an appeal to the shared anti-war sentiment with many Democrats and liberals...


Coming Soon: The Mother Of All 9/11 Truth Hit Pieces

Coming Soon: The Mother Of All 9/11 Truth Hit Pieces
History Channel, Popular Mechanics, NBC & Hearst Publishing team up for smear job as conflicts of interest run rife

Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, August 2, 2007

An upcoming documentary entitled The 9/11 Conspiracies, to be aired on the History Channel, may represent the biggest hit piece to date on the 9/11 truth movement and is rife with bias, cronyism and conflicts of interest.

The so-called documentary promises not to look at the flaws in the official story from a neutral perspective but to start out by suggesting that any deviation from the official line is "outrageous".

The program also features so called independent "experts" who are actually in the employ of the program makers themselves who in turn rely on scores of multi-million dollar contracts with the government and the military-industrial complex.

The program, scheduled for Sunday, August 12 at 8:00 PM and Monday, August 13 at 12:00 AM, will feature Alex Jones, the Loose Change crew and other 9/11 researchers such as Professor Steven Jones and Webster Tarpley...


Thanks, Chris.

911 Truthers Should Thank Fox News

Laughable weekly attempts at debunking only give the movement more credibility

By Steve Watson

Global Research, May 11, 2007

In their typical style of reporting news two weeks later than the rest of us, the mainstream media, in the shape of Fox news, has finally caught up with the alternative media in reporting the story we first broke here on April 23rd that John Kerry recently referred to the collapse of WTC building 7 on 9/11 as having been "done in a controlled fashion".
In another "fair and balanced" piece Alan Colmes and Sean Hannity again weakly attempted to debunk the inside job evidence while at the same time making themselves look like the playground bullies everyone else has outgrown and now points to and laughs at.

Colmes began by stating "The 9/11 conspiracy wingnuts are it again". So let us be as equally fair and balanced by beginning this analysis with the following...

The corporate hack establishment government lapdog media whores are at it again.