Paul Joseph Watson

AE911Truth "The Blueprint" Monthly Newsletter | November 2011

Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Calls Haskell As Defense Witness

"...It is outrageous! It's outrageous to the extent that the media is going to in order to cover-up this story. This should be a bombshell front page story everywhere across the United States. They are doing their best to hide it -- not cover it at all and paint me as a nut... ...I'm going to tell the truth and I am going to expose everything that there is in this case... Bin Laden also an undercover U.S. intelligence officer?... can see where this is just keep pulling the string and pretty soon everything unravels. That's how big this story could be. Huge. Huge...."--- Kurt Haskell

Bombshell: Underwear Bomber Calls Haskell As Defense Witness
Detroit lawyer saw well-dressed man aid Abdulmutallab through security
Paul Joseph Watson - - Monday, October 10, 2011

In a shocking development in the trial of the accused underwear bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, Delta Flight 253 eyewitness Kurt Haskell has been called by Abdulmutallab as a witness for the defense, a move that could blow the whole case wide open.

9/11 Conspiracy Connection To DC Madam Murder

9/11 Conspiracy Connection To DC Madam Murder

Palfrey told former NSA official that call girls had picked up information concerning foreknowledge of attacks

Paul Joseph Watson - Prison Planet, Monday, May 5, 2008

Former NSA analyst and Navy intelligence officer Wayne Madsen tells the The Alex Jones Show that one of the key motives behind the DC Madam's murder may have been the information her call girls picked up from Washington's top brass concerning foreknowledge and government complicity in the 9/11 attacks.

Madsen also connected another suspicious death - that of former CIA agent Roland Carnaby who was gunned down by Houston police last week - to another individual who was involved in both the 9/11 cover-up and the D.C. Madam scandal, disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Government-Funded Investigators Accused Of WTC Cover-Up

the AP story was already posted here by Alvin R, but I thought this was a good write-up by P.J. Watson...

Government-Funded Investigators Accused Of WTC Cover-Up
American Society of Civil Engineers lied about inability of skyscrapers to withstand airliner impacts

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The American Society of Civil Engineers - an organization that was funded by FEMA to investigate the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11 - has been accused of engaging in a cover-up to protect the government, with critics charging the organization falsified conclusions that skyscrapers could not withstand getting hit by airplanes.

The group has been forced to convene an investigative panel which could lead to a suspension in government funding.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency paid the group about $257,000 to investigate the World Trade Center collapse and their report was released in 2002.

Prison "Viewers See History Channel 9/11 Special As Straw Man Hit Piece"

Viewers See History Channel 9/11 Special As Straw Man Hit Piece

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Initial reaction to last night's two hour History Channel Special on the 9/11 truth movement was vehement and conclusive - the show was nothing more than another biased hit piece that manufactured straw man arguments, ignored key evidence, and afforded debunkers to talk at length while ridiculing any other viewpoints.

According to viewers who were unfortunate to have to sit through 120 minutes of yellow journalism, the program was very similar to a previous BBC hit piece - an outright smear attempt that abandoned any pretense of neutrality early on and sought to vigorously attack so-called conspiracy theories.

Though producers of the show promised Alex Jones directly that the documentary was not going to be a hit piece, according to viewers it was replete with distortion and deception, all delivered in the kind of condescending tone we have become used to from the establishment media.

According to 9/11 researcher James Gourley, the debunkers attempted to wriggle out of Secretary Norman Mineta's bombshell testimony about Cheney's actions in the Emergency Operations Center, by claiming that Mineta was talking about Flight 93 and not the plane that hit the Pentagon. In reality, Mineta makes it clear in his testimony that he is talking about Flight 77, "the airplane coming in to the Pentagon," and this is then confirmed by Commissioner Lee Hamilton...


Thanks, Chris.

Coming Soon: The Mother Of All 9/11 Truth Hit Pieces

Coming Soon: The Mother Of All 9/11 Truth Hit Pieces
History Channel, Popular Mechanics, NBC & Hearst Publishing team up for smear job as conflicts of interest run rife

Steve Watson & Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Thursday, August 2, 2007

An upcoming documentary entitled The 9/11 Conspiracies, to be aired on the History Channel, may represent the biggest hit piece to date on the 9/11 truth movement and is rife with bias, cronyism and conflicts of interest.

The so-called documentary promises not to look at the flaws in the official story from a neutral perspective but to start out by suggesting that any deviation from the official line is "outrageous".

The program also features so called independent "experts" who are actually in the employ of the program makers themselves who in turn rely on scores of multi-million dollar contracts with the government and the military-industrial complex.

The program, scheduled for Sunday, August 12 at 8:00 PM and Monday, August 13 at 12:00 AM, will feature Alex Jones, the Loose Change crew and other 9/11 researchers such as Professor Steven Jones and Webster Tarpley...


Thanks, Chris.

Prison Proof Bin Laden Tape Is 5-Year-Old, Re-Released Footage

(Thanks, WISDOM, for noticing this. -r.)

Proof Bin Laden Tape Is 5-Year-Old, Re-Released Footage

Why did IntelCenter, the middleman between "Al-Qaeda" and the media, a group that has government and Pentagon ties, re-release old footage and why did the media report it as new when it had already aired twice before?

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Wednesday, July 18, 2007

A videotape that was heralded as "new" footage of Osama bin Laden by many quarters of the press has been conclusively proven to be more than 5 year old re-released footage, leading to questions about why the government and the media continue to act as willing propagandists for the terrorists while striking fear into Americans by claiming an attack is inevitable.

Though some reports included the proviso that the tape could contain old footage, the importance and ceremony attached to the re-release of the Bin Laden tape over the weekend left the distinct impression that the footage was new and that it correlated with the alleged increase of "chatter" amongst terrorist organizations indicating that a new attack is imminent, a message that was again pushed by the U.S. government following the release of the National Intelligence Estimate yesterday.

In reality, the tape was being released for the third consecutive time, having first popped up in 2002 before re-airing again in 2003. The footage of Bin Laden was filmed six years ago in October 2001.


9/11 Truth Invades Live Earth

9/11 Truth Invades Live Earth

Banner confiscated, truthers briefly detained by security, but a potential audience of billions get the message

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A giant banner that read '9/11 inside job' was on display at this past weekend's Live Earth concert in London, reaching a potential audience of 2 billion people, before the truthers responsible for the wake-up call had the banner stolen, were briefly detained and then told to leave by security.

East Anglia Truth (, a British group who specialize in 9/11 truth activism, chose to turn Al Gore's Wembley Stadium propaganda bandwagon into a showcase for real issues with a huge black banner that also carried the '' legend. The banner was visible throughout the performance of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Though some slick editing obviously took place during the BBC live feed, we were able to confirm that the banner was prominently displayed on other TV coverage and highlights packages of the event, which meant that the message got out to a potential audience of 2 billion people, as well as those in the crowd at Wembley.

The group had the opportunity to display the banner for some time before they were approached by security and it was confiscated. They were then briefly detained and ordered to follow the security guards, who took them to "speak to management," but the men disappeared and the group were allowed to leave...


9/11 Debunkers Hide From Slam Dunk Evidence Of Controlled Demolition

9/11 Debunkers Hide From Slam Dunk Evidence Of Controlled Demolition -

Electron microscope analysis of steel spheres from WTC site proves thermate, proves collapse of twin towers was an act of deliberate arson

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Professor Steven Jones presented brand new and compelling evidence for the controlled demolition of the twin towers and WTC 7 recently, but the 9/11 debunkers and the corporate media are loathe to tackle it because it represents a slam dunk on proving the collapse of the buildings was a deliberate act of arson.

Alex Jones Interviews Guy Smith, Producer of BBC 9/11 Hit Piece

Alex Jones interviewed Guy Smith, producer of BBC 'Conspiracy Files: 9/11', today on his show. He also had on Dylan Avery and Paul Joseph Watson as well.

7MB Trimmed MP3 (mirror)

Definitely worth the listen.

Update: Updated post with trimmed MP3 from

Big thanks to for the original rip, and Bozo for the trimmed MP3!