Sen. John McCain

Hunger Strike for 9/11 Truth on Truth Revolution Radio

On Memorial Day, May 26 2008, Blair Gadsby will start his hunger strike for 9/11 truth outside the Phoenix, Arizona office of Senator John McCain. Last night I talked to Blair and Tim King from Phoenix 9/11 Truth about the motivation and intention behind this action, its possibilities for success and the ways in which we can help to spread the word about the hunger strike. At the beginning of the show I talk to Adam, Cody and Sam from We Are Change Kentuckiana and We Are Change Ohio about being attacked by the police at the NRA convention in Lousiville.

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The Eleventh Day of Every Month

First Ever Hunger Strike For 9/11 Truth: Phoenix Activist Challenges Senator John McCain

The first ever hunger strike for 9/11 truth moves closer to Memorial Day when Phoenix activist Blair Gadsby will begin a hunger strike aimed at improving the understanding that the Presidential candidate, Senator John McCain, has about 9/11.

Using a hunger strike to bring public and media attention to the cause, Gadsby is challenging McCain to give the Phoenix 9/11 Truth group two hours of his undivided attention for presentation of evidence and facts, followed by a debate between leading investigators and scientists on both sides of the issue. AIA architect Richard Gage has agreed to participate in the presentation before Senator McCain. A hero of September 11th has also agreed to attend the meeting with McCain.

Blair Gadsby, a professor of religious studies, and Phoenix 9/11 Truth activist, Tim King, will be interviewed by Cosmos on Truth Revolution Radio (WTPRN) on May 18th. Other 9/11 truth groups across the country are organizing events in solidarity with Gadsby's hunger strike including groups in New York, Chicago, San Francisco, and New Mexico. Phoenix activists are urged to come out and support Blair and demand press coverage (

We are hungry for 9/11 truth.

Hungry for 9/11 Truth: Hunger-Strike by 9/11 Truth Activist to Put the Spotlight on Senator John McCain

In an effort to focus national attention on the 9/11 truth issue by going directly to a power center of the 2008 Presidential Campaign, members of Phoenix 9/11 Truth will support Blair Gadsby, a professor of Religious Studies and signatory to the PatriotsQuestion911 website, in a hunger-strike slated to begin Memorial Day, 2008 at the Phoenix office of Senator John McCain. McCain has supported the official account of 9/11 by writing the foreword to the 2006 Popular Mechanics book [Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts]. Gadsby, an Arizonan who is represented by Senator McCain, stated for the record, "I believe Mr. McCain is a man of deep integrity. He has stood up to corporate influence in campaigns and to the very powerful Military Industrial Complex in the past, and he has a record of being a maverick. That's why I've chosen to offer him this opportunity to face the issues head-on publicly. He may be one of the very, very few who have the integrity and stature to keep the military loyal and find the broad-based political support to bring about a change in our great country. But today, he is in a perilous position.

Debunking 9/11 Myths - Foreword Writer, GOP Presidential Nominee's Temper

EDIT - Pls Excuse the Language, it is in the original article and Exposes the Candidate's Morality & Character.

Book: McCain temper boiled over in '92 tirade, called wife a 'cunt' Nick Juliano

Ohio C.H.A.N.G.E. Confronts John McCain

Senator John McCain was confronted by Cody D. Deeds of WeAreChange Ohio in Cincinnati about the use of torture by the U.S. military and the need for a new 9/11 investigation.

McCain has supported President Bush's veto of a bill banning torture, and has defended the government's account of 9/11 to the hilt. True to form, McCain ignored the question about torture and emphatically said that he will not support a new investigation into 9/11.

San Francisco Chronicle: "McCain Supports Bush Veto of Bill Banning Torture"

John McCain Takes Photos With 9/11 Truthers!

John McCain Takes Photos With 9/11 Truthers!

I did a quick remix of MNChange's confrontation with McCain, partly to try and help Ron Paul but to also highlight the hypocrisy seeming they want to constantly try and "tar" RP by associating him with 9/11 Truth, well here's an incredibly enthusiastic McCain doing something Ron Paul has never done unfortunately, so where's Faux on this one?

John McCain's Sweet Ride: Lobbyist's Plane Flew Saudi Royals After 9/11

Daniel Hopsicker of the MadCow Morning News reports that John McCain and Vicki Iseman flew together on a lavishly-furnished Boeing 727 provided by Iseman—which turned out to be the same Boeing 727 that evacuated Saudi Royals from Las Vegas to London shortly after the 9/11 attacks. The plane was owned by an extremist Christian broadcasting company called Paxson Communications, which was Vicki Iseman’s biggest client. Paxon Communications is rumored to have CIA and mafia ties including links to neocon-connected Jewish mobster Jack Abramoff, whose casino boats hosted alleged 9/11 hijackers before the attacks. Mohammed Atta, and other so-called Islamic extremists who would be falsely blamed for 9/11, trained at secure US military facilities including Maxwell Air Force base and Pensacola Naval Air Station, enrolled as fake flying students at CIA-connected drug-import airstrips, and apparently used US taxpayers money to indulge lavishly in cocaine, call-girls, top-shelf whiskey, and other un-Islamic activities while they were being set up as patsies.

John McCain Meets the Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

On 11/18/07, Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth member, Kathy Walker was able to confront Senator John McCain about his forward in the Popular Mechanics book, Debunking 9/11 Myths. Student Scholars founders Justin Martell and Michael Jackman were also able to follow up with the Senator.

Student Scholars for 9/11 Truth

9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean to Endorse John McCain for President

by Justin A. Martell

According to an article that appeared on, "Thomas H. Kean, who chaired the 9/11 Commission, will endorse Sen. John McCain (R-Az.) for president on Monday as part of a high-stakes new push by the campaign to focus voters on national security..."

The endorsement will happen tomorrow afternoon in Boston, Massachusetts. This endorsement should come as no surprise, considering Senator McCain has frequently endorsed the "findings" of the 9/11 Commission. In 2006, McCain even wrote the forward to the book authored by Popular Mechanics, Debunking 9/11 Myths.

Sen. Clinton confronts McCain over blocked 9/11 funds

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton sought a $45 million amendment to the war spending bill for a 9/11 responders' health care program.

Letter to James Meigs

As a preface, I must say I am absolutely itching to receive my copy of David Ray Griffin's new book in the mail. Popular Mechanics' role as an arm of propaganda is rearing its ugly head again. Now that Rosie has come forward, along comes Popular Mechanics to "rebut" her. Most of the media is buying in to the PM rebuttal. For example, in response to Rosie's "Bring on a structural engineer!", one news article says: "But what Rosie and the conspiracy theorists overlook is that Popular Mechanics Magazine contacted many experts and have done a thorough investigation that answers the theorists' questions."

On the Randi Rhodes (Air America) 9/11 forum, a poster by the name of "Ohio Girl" made the following comment:

"Oh gosh. This again!!! I think in the end, people will believe what they CHOOSE to believe. I read a very interesting article in popular mechanics that debunked several of the theories. I would expect Popular Mechanics to be pretty unbiased."

Architect/Official Story Supporter Bits the Dust In Debate

I want to exclaim victory for myself against Paul the Architect. Paul was bragging he was an Architect and could prove the pancake theory held up under scrunity. After 2 exchanges. Paul has cut and run. Another one bites the dust.

I have to hand it to Paul. It is the most serious debate that I have ever, ever, been able to get an official story supporter to go in their argument. Most of the time they stoop to name calling and saying you are a "nut job" and that's their defense.

Paul attempted to use logic to win his point. Obviously, the argument is to weak to stand up to even a mild debate.

If anyone is interested. Here is the debate.

9/11 Conspiracy Myths: Truth Under Attack

Ignoring the evidence, conspiracy theorists invent elaborate 9/11 fantasies. America has much to learn from the events of 9/11, but conspiracy mongering poisons the discourse and dishonors the victims of a national tragedy.


Please be sure to read "Popular Mechanics Debunked", and "You're Dishonoring The Family Members".

By Senator John McCain
Published in the September, 2006 issue.

No American living today will forget what happened on September 11, 2001. Each of us will remember how the serenity of that bright morning was destroyed by a savage atrocity, an act so hostile we could scarcely imagine any human being capable of it. The realization sank into the heart of every one of us: America was vulnerable and under attack. On September 11, evil literally took flight.