Saudi Flights

John McCain's Sweet Ride: Lobbyist's Plane Flew Saudi Royals After 9/11

Daniel Hopsicker of the MadCow Morning News reports that John McCain and Vicki Iseman flew together on a lavishly-furnished Boeing 727 provided by Iseman—which turned out to be the same Boeing 727 that evacuated Saudi Royals from Las Vegas to London shortly after the 9/11 attacks. The plane was owned by an extremist Christian broadcasting company called Paxson Communications, which was Vicki Iseman’s biggest client. Paxon Communications is rumored to have CIA and mafia ties including links to neocon-connected Jewish mobster Jack Abramoff, whose casino boats hosted alleged 9/11 hijackers before the attacks. Mohammed Atta, and other so-called Islamic extremists who would be falsely blamed for 9/11, trained at secure US military facilities including Maxwell Air Force base and Pensacola Naval Air Station, enrolled as fake flying students at CIA-connected drug-import airstrips, and apparently used US taxpayers money to indulge lavishly in cocaine, call-girls, top-shelf whiskey, and other un-Islamic activities while they were being set up as patsies.

Osama Bin Laden May Have Chartered Saudi Flight Out Of U.S. After 9/11

The real question is, who authorized those flights?

In August 2004, the 9/11 Commission released an addendum to their report. CNN Reports:

"The commission states that all the Saudi nationals were screened by the FBI to make certain they were not a threat to national security, and that no terrorists escaped from the United States on any of the Saudi flights."

According to Richard Clarke during his testimony at both the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the 9/11 Commission Hearings, he stated the following:

Senate Judiciary Committee
“Now, what I recall is that I asked for flight manifests of everyone on board and all of those names need to be directly and individually vetted by the FBI before they were allowed to leave the country.* And I also wanted the FBI to sign off even on the concept of Saudis being allowed to leave the country. And as I recall, all of that was done. It is true that members of the Bin Laden family were among those who left.* We knew that at the time. I can't say much more in open session, but it was a conscious decision with complete review at the highest levels of the State Department and the FBI and the White House.” Testimony of Richard Clarke, Former Counterterrorism Chief, National Security Council, before The Senate Judiciary Committee, September 3, 2003."