Sander Hicks

Sander Hicks publishes FBI interview / announces West Coast Promo Tour

(Hicks has published his interview with FBI agent Stephen Hayes regarding The Strange Death of David M. Graham, over at GNN, and announces a tour to publicize his research. During the tour, Hicks will be seeking out people interested in setting up a business along the lines of his Brooklyn-based VoxPop. See end of this post for details. -rep.)

FBI Special Agent Stephen Hayes Interview

Thu, 13 Dec 2007

A Supplement to the Shreveport Diary

Transcript: FBI Special Agent Stephen Hayes Interview with Sander Hicks, while investigating the murder of Dr. David Graham.

Location: Shreveport, Louisiana FBI Office.

Date: Thursday, September 27, 2007.

Transcript typed up from hand-written notes and audio recording. Reporter Jordan Green (Yes! Weekly) witnessed this conversation and has proofed this document for accuracy.

Part 2 of Video Report on Dr. David M. Graham

Part 2 of Bryan Sacks and Sander Hicks' report on Dr. David M. Graham.

Part 1 here.

D/L the Graham Report here, courtesy of Sander Hicks.

Dr. David M. Graham's story on YouTube

Sander Hicks has supplied some of Dr. David M. Graham's video footage to 9/11 researcher Bryan Sacks, who has in turn narrated an introductory video to Graham's story. Part 2 should be available soon.

Dr. Graham's story is now available in full at Check it out, and weigh the evidence for yourself. Graham's story was omitted from the Joint Select Intelligence Committee report and the 9/11 Commission Report.

Yes! Weekly Covers Murder of 9/11 Witness-Researcher Dr. David Graham

Last night (10/23/07) on 9/11 and Empire Radio my first-hour guest Sander Hicks described his recent visit to Shreveport, Louisiana, home of "loose nukes" jump-station Barksdale Air Force Base, to investigate the murder of 9/11 witness and researcher Dr. David Graham. The show is archived at Radio schedule and links to all archives:

During the show, Sander announced that his co-investigator, Jordan Green, has just published a story in the Greensboro, NC alternative weekly Yes!

Below is Sander's letter to the Justice Department requesting an investigation of Dr. Graham's murder and its cover-up by the Shreveport FBI office. Sander's websites include and

Kudos to Sander Hicks and Jordan Green for doing serious investigative journalism that has the potential to break out in the mainstream and bring fresh attention to 9/11 truth -- and eventual justice for the countless victims of 9/11, including the brave witness-researcher Dr. David Graham.

Treason In Shreveport

See article at:

Will DOJ Look into the First Death of a U.S. 9/11 Researcher?

By Sander Hicks
October 14, 2007

From 9/24 to 10/1/07 I traveled throughout Louisiana and Texas, with reporter Jordan Green, investigating the death of 9/11 researcher Dr. David Graham.

Our suspicions were validated: there’s a huge story here. It’s almost overwhelming. The best way to summarize is to publish my complaint filed last week with the Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General.

If you support an investigation into the death of Dr. Graham, please say so, in the comments section, at the end. (Please send me your email, too, I may be doing some sort of activism around this. Mine is sander [at]

October 11th, 2007

Office of the Inspector General
Department of Justice
1425 New York Ave NW
Suite 7100
Washington, DC 20005

Dear Inspector,

9/11 Spitzer Scandal


EXCLUSIVE! "The Real Spitzer Scandal" a 9/11 Spitzer Scandal SCOOP!

Brooklyn Newspaper Delivers the Goods:
Spitzer Filed Legal Brief, Helped Silverstein Win $4.5 Billion WTC Insurance Windfall

Contact: Sander Hicks, Publisher, NY Megaphone
718 940 2084

The Spitzer scandals continue.

On the 6th anniversary of the 9/11 attack, Brooklyn activist newspaper the New York Megaphone breaks this exclusive story:

NY Governor Eliot Spitzer filed an amicus brief on 1/15/03 on behalf of the World Trade Center's controversial lease-holder, the real estate magnate Larry Silverstein. This document shows that Spitzer, as Attorney General, helped Silverstein get the whopping $4.5 billion windfall for the 9/11 attacks. The record is clear: Spitzer helped reverse a lower court's decision, by making credible Silverstein's argument that the two different plane crashes on 9/11/01 should be compensated as two different terrorist attacks.

WTC Architect & Dr. of Physics at VOXPOP - April 20

In Brooklyn, NY:


Our regular Vox Pop Friday Night Speakout Series continues with a special guests, on the theme: "Were the World Trade Center Towers Taken Down by Controlled Demolition?"

We welcome a Ph.D. physicist, Terry Morrone, and an original architect of the World Trade Centre Towers, Fred Gutnick, to lead us in a lively group discussion on the topic:

Fred Gutnick is a community activist, and retired architect/engineer with the Port Authority of NY & NJ. Fred served on various airport and other design teams and was extensively involved in the design and construction of the World Trade Center. After the topping out of the North Tower, he'd often spend lunch hours in solitude on its roof while playing his mbira (thumb piano) or harmonica.

Sign on to Sander Hicks' Open Letter to DA Hynes

Show your support for Sander Hicks' efforts by endorsing this open letter to DA Hynes in the comments section below. Hicks will be publishing the letter with a list of supporters/endorsers in the next issue of the New York Megaphone. You can also email your endorsement with your first and last names to: sander(at) -r.

April 4, 2007

An Open Letter to Kings County District Attorney Charles Hynes

District Attorney Charles Hynes
Office of the District Attorney
Kings County
350 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY

Dear Mr. Hynes,

It's been three months since I wrote you my letter of January 9th,
2007, urging your office to open an investigation into the horrific
terrorist attacks of 9/11/01. Based on original research and sources,
I urged you to focus on the social network that helped 9/11 hijacker
Mohamed Atta in our hometown of Brooklyn, NY. I have not yet received
a response, so I am sending you this second letter, with key updates.
It will be published in the April issue of The New York Megaphone
(circulation 66,700) as well.

I realize this is a controversial topic. But remember, we at the
Megaphone support and understand your courageous, ongoing prosecution
of CIA-linked, mafia-linked FBI agent Lindley DeVecchio. DeVecchio
might be the New York FBI's biggest scandal, but to us, he's just the
tip of an iceberg of Federal corruption. (We covered the DeVecchio
story last year, see:

Since I wrote you last, a few things have changed: The conviction of
Bush advisor Lewis Libby, and the controversy over Attorney General
Gonzalez show that we're dealing with a yet-to-be determined level of
opportunistic criminality in the Bush White House. The new paperback
United States vs. George Bush, et al. (Seven Stories, 2006) makes a
strong legal case for a Federal Grand Jury indictment of the Bush
Administration for knowingly hoodwinking public opinion into
supporting the Iraq bloodbath. While not an official legal document,
this sharp little book is a compelling case made in the court of
public opinion by former Federal prosecutor Elizabeth De La Vega.
It's our thesis in the New York 9/11 Truth Movement, that the 9/11
attack was the stimulus the Bush administration needed to fulfill its
documented obsession with wars of foreign aggression.

The 9/11 attack and the response from the Federal government derailed
our democracy, threatened the protections of the Bill of Rights, and
suspended habeas corpus. But you have jurisdiction to open a serious
9/11 investigation with subpoena power. We know from congressional
testimony of Lt. Col. Anthony Schaffer, and others, that Mohammed
Atta, et al. visited the politically-charged mujahedeen recruiting
grounds, El Farouq Mosque, on Atlantic Avenue. It's likely that the
crime of conspiracy was committed, here in your jurisdiction of Kings

Sander Hicks on NOVA M radio - Jeff Farias show - UPDATE - LTTE to New Times

EDIT: This just in, an interview with Sander Hicks at the 9/11 Accountability Conference.
EDT #2: See below for a message from Hicks, and a letter to be published in the New Times.

Fledgling progressive radio network Nova M Radio Network, has added a new host, Jeff Farias.

Farias will have Sander Hicks as a guest tonight, his show starts at 6pm EST.

Streaming audio link (copy and paste):

Call in 1-800-989-1480

Shows archived at Nova M and White Rose;

Thanks, PJ.

(See below for latest from Hicks.)


UPDATE - 2.6.07


From Sander Hicks:

Here's progress report on our collective Outreach to the Brooklyn DA-9/11 Truth Project.

Thanks, first of all, to all those who called. If you want to call today, the direct line for Orlando RIvera is 718 250 2300. We are collectively urging a review and response to the letter posted at:

I called the Public Info office yesterday, and was frustrated. Orlando Rivera said he was only forwarding messages to his boss, Jerry Schmeterer, the Director of the Public Information Office.

So, then I called ADA Michael Ryan. That conversation was a lot more productive. He had read the proposal/letter to the DA I had written, and instead of being dismissive, he seemed impressed, or perhaps overwhelmed by the task in front of us. ("I'm not a freelancer, I can't just investigate what I want...." or words to that effect)

AlterNet Revisits 9/11 via Article by Sander Hicks

9/11: The Case Isn't Closed -

Editor's note: The role of the alternative press is to offer perspectives that the commercial media won't touch. Having run a number of articles critical of the "9/11 Truth Movement" by Matt Taibbi, Joshua Holland, Matthew Rothschild and others, we asked Sander Hicks, a prominent voice within the movement, to share his perspective. For more of Sanders' views, see his book "The Big Wedding: 9/11, The Whistle-Blowers, and the Cover-Up."

No matter what you believe about who was responsible for 9/11, and how it went down, we're all amazed at how much political capital the events of that day produced for this administration: A bipartisan consensus on torture; an era of permanent war; detentions without trial; "no fly" lists for activists; the Bill of Rights gone with the wind, and a cowed professional media willing to self-censor and suppress pertinent information. The 9/11 "America Attacked" story has distracted us from the natural outrage we should feel over illegal wiretaps, stolen elections, hundreds of billions of dollars missing at the Pentagon, war profiteering, Enron and Cheney's secret energy policy.

But with Bush's popularity at a record low, a Zogby poll shows that over 40 percent of Americans now think there has been a "coverup" around 9/11. A more recent poll conducted at the Scripps-Howard/University of Ohio found more than a third of those asked said it was likely that "people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East."

Saturday the 13th - David Rovics at VOX POP

If you are near NYC (the store is in Brooklyn) on Saturday, check out singer/songwriter David Rovics and guests at Sander Hicks' VOX POP. "The show is Saturday, lucky 13th of Jan. 8 PM. $10 if you have a job, less if no. with Randy Nerve and a promising new voice in live music: Laura Seiverling"

Hicks has this to say of Rovics' music;

His songs have made me weep, have filled me with rage, with validation, with inspiration.

David Rovics sings for us all: the activists, the oppressed, the truth seekers, the secrecy smashers, the murdered, the martyred, the resistance fated to suffer and triumph. He's a revolutionary, he's a historical figure of the future, right now he's just a punk folk troubador travelling the entire globe playing every protest every demo every teach in he can for the people, for the movement.

Here's his most applicable song for this website;

Reichstag Fire
by David Rovics

David Rovics

The planes hit New York City
And thousands now are dead
"It was Arab terrorists"
This is what you said
Well if that is the truth
Then what have you got to hide
And what were you doing
On the day all those people died

Mohamed Atta's Best Friend Caught in South Pacific: “You can’t arrest me, I’m working for the CIA” has a larger write-up available here. - Jon


by Sander Hicks
Published today, 12/18/06, in New York Megaphone, print run: 40,000, circulation: 66,700, NYC and Environs

Daniel Hopsicker is an independent journalist working in Venice, Florida, outside the decommissioned military airstrips where three pilots from the 9/11 attack were trained. Hopsicker found the secret life of 9/11 ring-leader Mohamed Atta, who lead the operation by piloting the first plane into the World Trade Centre. Hopsicker found Atta’s American girlfriend, Amanda Keller. What she said broke new ground for truth-seekers worldwide. Atta had social connections and a party-boy life that indicated there was more to his story than people had been told. The American media establishment turned a blind eye to Hopsicker’s work, however. He has been called a “conspiracy theorist” in mainstream media in Florida, when he’s paid any attention at all.

Yet, in November, 2006, Hopsicker’s career turned a corner. Sources connected to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) told The Megaphone that his work began to be used to track Atta’s former associates. A researcher close to JTTF, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The Megaphone that the "JTTF relied heavily on Daniel's research on Atta and Amanda [Keller]. I faxed them pages from [Hopsicker’s book] Welcome to Terrorland."

Brooklyn - Friday the 13th - VOXPop hosts C-SPAN BookTV 9/11 event

This Friday: Vox Pop Welcomes C-SPAN's Book TV

"A Celebration of the Shift in Public Opinion Around 9/11."

When: 7-8 PM Sharp
Where: Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou

What: A celebration of the publication of the Vox Pop's newspaper New York Megaphone, and the shifting public opinions about the 9/11 attacks.

Author of Big Wedding Sander Hicks will give a talk, and then host a public forum/discussion around 9/11. Big Wedding will be available for half off, all night, that night only.

How Much: Free Admission.

Other Info: Two Drink minimum. Pints of beer will be $3. Veggie Burgers will be $1 off. 7-8 PM, sharp, at Vox Pop, 1022 Cortelyou Road, Brooklyn, NY 11218.

A brooding, intense musical performance from Evan Duby to follow, at 8 PM. "His songs are an artful look into the hearts and minds of characters searching for answers to the complex questions of love and life."

New York Megaphone issue# 2

9/11 Five Years Later:
The Official Story Falls Apart >>