David Rovics

Letter To David Rovics About His 9/11 Comments

I posted this earlier on David Rovics' blog, and though it might be worth posting here...


David. I love your music, but I was quite disappointed when I read your 9/11 essay on Rabble.ca, and have been following your appearances on the web since then.

I wanted to ask you a couple of questions directly, and thought your blog would be the best place to do so.

First, I wanted to tell you that I was disappointed because I felt your article was written based on your emotions, and did not actually discuss any factual information. I understand and share your frustration regarding the abrasiveness of some 9/11 Truthers, but feel that your comments contribute to the divisiveness that many of us on The Left are trying to patch up.

NOT the Usual Suspects! David Rovics, Michael Dolan on 9/11 and Empire Radio

Tuesday 4/8/08, Singer-songwriter David Rovics will join me on 9/11 and Empire Radio, 8-10 pm CT,
along with Michael Dolan, Research Professor of Biology, University of Massachusetts: http://www.geo.umass.edu/faculty/dolan/

Rovics has blasted 9/11 truth, and Dolan has not yet spoken out publicly, so these are NOT the usual suspects ; )

David Rovics http://www.davidrovics.com/ recently ripped on the 9/11 truth movement and defended the leftgatekeepers:
I've had an email conversation with him since then, and he says he'll look at http://www.patriotsquestion911.com, http://www.ae911truth.org, and http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org and would be happy to have a radio conversation with a 9/11 truth jihadi! This suggests to me that Rovics has integrity and a reasonably open mind. It should be an interesting conversation, spiced with a couple of Rovics songs.

Common Dreams Posts the Rovics Hit-piece Too

Rovics cites Popular Mechanics. He tries to discredit. He says the truth is "already known." I'd like to see him tell all this to a family member or survivor. It would be great if one of them could write something up and try to get them to post it there. We've tried, and they've refused. We were told that they remove 9/11Research urls.


Here is one of the comments which I appreciated:

JavaRunner April 7th, 2008 12:03 pm

Dave, you show me a single movement ever in the history of our species that cannot come under the kind of criticism you just pronounced against those who don’t buy the official fiction about 9/11. I dare ya ;)

Debating 9/11 & Left Gatekeepers with Eric Larsen and David Rovics

Eric Larsen--novelist, English professor emeritus, trenchant social critic and 9/11 truth supporter--will be my guest today, Monday 4/7/08, on Dynamic Duo, 4-6 pm CT, http://www.gcnlive.com Network 4 Eric recently blasted the left gatekeepers: http://www.ericlarsen.net/foodforthought2.1.1.2008.html See excerpt below.

Singer-songwriter David Rovics http://www.davidrovics.com/ for his part recently ripped on the 9/11 truth movement and defended those we call left gatekeepers:http://sketchythoughts.blogspot.com/2008/04/david-rovics-on-911-truth-movement.html I've had an email conversation with him since then, and he says he'll look at http://www.patriotsquestion911.com, http://www.ae911truth.org, and http://www.pilotsfor911truth.org and would be happy to have a radio conversation with a 9/11 truth jihadi! This suggests to me that unlike certain people on the other side, Rovics has integrity and a reasonably open mind. It should be a great conversation.

Saturday the 13th - David Rovics at VOX POP

If you are near NYC (the store is in Brooklyn) on Saturday, check out singer/songwriter David Rovics and guests at Sander Hicks' VOX POP. "The show is Saturday, lucky 13th of Jan. 8 PM. $10 if you have a job, less if no. with Randy Nerve and a promising new voice in live music: Laura Seiverling"

Hicks has this to say of Rovics' music;

His songs have made me weep, have filled me with rage, with validation, with inspiration.

David Rovics sings for us all: the activists, the oppressed, the truth seekers, the secrecy smashers, the murdered, the martyred, the resistance fated to suffer and triumph. He's a revolutionary, he's a historical figure of the future, right now he's just a punk folk troubador travelling the entire globe playing every protest every demo every teach in he can for the people, for the movement.

Here's his most applicable song for this website;

Reichstag Fire
by David Rovics

David Rovics

The planes hit New York City
And thousands now are dead
"It was Arab terrorists"
This is what you said
Well if that is the truth
Then what have you got to hide
And what were you doing
On the day all those people died