Common Dreams Posts the Rovics Hit-piece Too

Rovics cites Popular Mechanics. He tries to discredit. He says the truth is "already known." I'd like to see him tell all this to a family member or survivor. It would be great if one of them could write something up and try to get them to post it there. We've tried, and they've refused. We were told that they remove 9/11Research urls.

Here is one of the comments which I appreciated:

JavaRunner April 7th, 2008 12:03 pm

Dave, you show me a single movement ever in the history of our species that cannot come under the kind of criticism you just pronounced against those who don’t buy the official fiction about 9/11. I dare ya ;)

Sure, 9/11 Truthers, Environmentalists, Right to Lifers, Pro Choicers, socialists, capitalists — and on and on — will find themselves placed within the political dynamic of the day. As such they will contribute to some causes and detract from others, often unwittingly. This is understandably frustrating to some of your causes. But to write an article like yours detracting from 9/11 truthers just because you don’t see them lining up with all your progressive causes evades the very truth they are bringing before you and the entire world.

That truth, which you skillfully evade, is this: the government and mainstream media simply came out within three hours and dictated exactly what you were to believe about the events of September 11, 2001. And you essentially bought into it out of nothing but terror. Their narrative, which they have stuck to since then, with both progressives and conservatives backing them, is that evil dark-skinned, hook-nosed, Koran-toting towelheads “from over there” came over here and attacked us; therefore we must go over there and destroy them so they can never come over here and “get us” again. And mind you, the government “knew” this to be the absolute truth and insisted that you believe it BEFORE A SINGLE INVESTIGATOR VISITED THE CRIME SCENE TO COLLECT EVEN A THIMBLEFUL OF FORENSIC EVIDENCE. If you study history, Dave, you will see that this is the same exact method the government pulled on us in 1963 when President Kennedy was gunned down in public. And, by the way, the government’s official fiction for THAT event is only believed by about 25% of the American public. The 9/11 official fiction, once believed by 90% of the public is now down to about 40% and sinking about as fast as the US dollar.

Now, as to science, Dave, please don’t talk about “the science” of the 9/11 official fiction until you take the time to study some real science. And to that effect I would urge you to begin by having a long hard look at the fine item “Silicon Valley Architects Question 9/11″ posted on The item points to a very extensive and authentic investigation by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth into the forensic evidence of the collapse of all three WTC buildings on September 11. If you take the time to study even 5% of the massive evidence reviewed there — most of which, by the way, was never even noticed by the 9/11 Commission and progressives like yourself — you will, if reasonable and open-minded, be led to the inevitable conclusion that the US intelligence community and Homeland Security are about as trustworthy as the global corporations that fund them — the same global corporations that progressives know are destroying the environment and carrying out an endless war on a phantom enemy that can neither be seen nor heard yet must be believed in and feared. We’ll see you again, Dave, when you’re ready to get serious and argue the facts. Thanks for having the courage to stick your neck out!

Our early reponse to CommonDreams

Picking Up Where Partridge Leaves Off: Researchers Address a 9/11 Skeptic
by Victoria Ashley and Jim Hoffman
May 6, 2006

Although Partridge has shown courage to expose absurdities of the official version of events on 9/11/01, he does not equally acknowledge the numerous strong arguments for the intentional demolition of the WTC Towers, and minimizes the evidence supporting those arguments as "2nd, 3rd, and Nth-hand hearsay." In fact, however, the vast public collection of visual records, eyewitness interviews, and scientific reports form a body of first-hand evidence of unprecedented redundancy and verifiability.

It's easy to understand reluctance to confront the case for demolition. It implies that, not only were the gates held open for attackers to kill unwitting American innocents, but that the spectacular grand finale was conceived and engineered long in advance. Controlling the entire event would maximize and guarantee a necessary propaganda outcome for war.

One need only ask: when have the most powerful politicians and billionaires chosen a strategy of 'wait and see' where their fortunes and futures are concerned? Examined logically, the idea that those with the power to wage war on the world or stand down the US military on 9/11 would let a handful of Arab patsies determine the ultimate fate of attacks on the 'homeland' -- i.e., perhaps hitting a nuclear plant or missing their targets altogether -- is far more difficult to imagine than creating and controlling a raw shock-and-awe display of power which could then be blamed on others.

"...the idea that those with

"...the idea that those with the power to wage war on the world or stand down the US military on 9/11 would let a handful of Arab patsies determine the ultimate fate of attacks on the 'homeland' -- i.e., perhaps hitting a nuclear plant or missing their targets altogether -- is far more difficult to imagine than creating and controlling a raw shock-and-awe display of power which could then be blamed on others."

Precisely. This is the heart of the matter. "Letting it happen"--leaving the success of an immense psychological operation, in anticipation of which so much imperial machinery is idling, to chance and "luck"--is not what the power elite has ever done.

“On the altar of God, I swear eternal hostility against all forms of tyranny over the mind of man."--Thomas Jefferson