
"Progressives" Need To Address The Lies And Cover-Ups Of 9/11


Jon Gold

Recently, I have started to talk to the "progressives" in this country about addressing the lies and cover-ups of 9/11.

In a talk I gave in Fresno recently, I said that "progressives" were afraid of losing their "pulpits" if they address the 9/11 issue.

I'm sorry, but this selfish reason is the best explanation I can think of as to why they don't (or, I could say that they are paid shills for the CIA, etc… but I'm not a "Conspiracy Theorist"). The lies and cover-ups of 9/11 are so glaringly obvious that when someone who supposedly stands for truth, justice, and accountability doesn't address them, I have to ask why.

As I said in my talk, the media has worked very hard to make anyone that questions the official account of 9/11 the equivalent of a dog torturer or a baby killer. Losing one's "pulpit" because of being painted with the "9/11 Truth Brush" is the best explanation I can think of.

Why Progressives Should Press for Building-7 Exposure

Check out my article just published on OpEdNews. I wrote it with the hope that the topic would be discussed at the national Progressive Democrats of America (PDA) conference taking place in Cleveland. I am attending the conference.


The Great 9/11-Truth Debate: A Call to Progressives and Anti-war Activists

The Great 9/11 Truth Debate - Calling all Progressives and Anti-war activists to partake in a debate with members of the 9/11 Truth Movement over the importance of learning the truth about 9/11.

Spread the word. Think 9/11 Truth is not as important as your cause? State your case here, but everyone, please keep it civil: