
First Iceland, then the World

Michael Collins

The public is angry. Why should the public pay for the bankers mistakes. Iceland blogger Halldor Sigurdsson

Who cleans up the mess when ignorant, greedy bankers rack up massive debt then go broke? The people of Iceland made a strong statement Saturday. The sins of big bankers and government regulators shouldn't fall on the citizens. By a 93% to 2% margin, they voted down a proposal requiring them to cover bad debt incurred by one of the nation’s oldest and largest banks. Covering the debt would have cost Iceland's 317,000 citizens around $17,000 each.

LAST CALL For Action in THE HAGUE TOMORROW (Saturday, September 8, 12:00 noon)

Hey folks, it's finally time! Now we're not going to have a huge demonstration or protest, but there are around a dozen of us heading to The Hague tomorrow afternoon (Saturday, September 8 at 12:00 noon). This is the last call for anyone else out there who is in the area and wants to come help. The Hague is just 45 minutes from Amsterdam, Utrecht, and a half hour from Rotterdam. Anyone in the area should really hop on a train and join up with us if at all possible. We have permission from the police in writing, so there are absolutely no worries about anything going wrong. Bring your tshirts, flyers, DVDs, and other 9/11 Truth or related paraphernalia. See you tomorrow! (If you are coming and reading this, please send me an email at We have told the police we have 15 people showing up, so if any more are coming I need to know so I can tell them when I arrive in the morning. Note: Please DO NOT arrive BEFORE 12:00. Better 5 minutes late than early.)


More Dutch / European 9/11 Activism - Upcoming Events!

Greetings everyone!

My small crew here in the Netherlands is ready to hit the streets once again this upcoming Saturday. I strongly encourage anyone interested in helping out who can make it to The Hague on Saturday, September 8th, to come join up with us. Please check out the thread I've posted on Zapruder: (English follows)

We've had an excellent reaction to the story I posted here on 911blogger 2 weeks ago, and we've now got plans for 9/8, 9/9, and 9/11.

I will speak with city officials in The Hague early next week, and give a notification of demonstration to the police. On 9/8 at 12:00 noon we will be in the center city (I don't know where, I have to ask the police first) to do our demonstration. If you want to come along, please let me know soon. We have a load of flyers and a couple of DVDs, our sign, and our tshirts. If you can make some DVDs, they're cheap enough and you can get the latest version of Zeitgeist here:

9/11 and Depleted Uranium truth in Holland

In Utrecht, three 9/11 info warriors hand out DVD's and adress camera's and the public about the dangers of Depleted Uranium, the illegitimate "War on Terror" and the many questions regarding 9/11.