Mainstream media

Richard Gage - Mainstream

Richard Gage is our biggest weapon....promoting any mainstream attention either past or future is nothing but good.

Here is more mainstream of Richard Gage in California

Here is the clip of the FOX host waking up to 9/11 truth live on air

Here is the radio ad promoting Richard's coast to coast appearance I'm running for the my store
Visit the store online or in person 685 McPhillips, Winnipeg, Canada is back up and running and it will be redesigned soon

Open Letter to Rachel Maddow on Obama, Brzezinski and 9/11 Conspiracy

Hyperlinks here:

Ms. Maddow,

I saw the bit on MSNBC with your guest Brzezinski:

Hypocrite Brzezinski Slams "Conspiratorial View" Of History While Highlighting 50's Iran Overthrow

Perhaps you haven't examined the official myth about 9/11, i.e. that it was accomplished solely by Al Qaeda and Bin Laden. Given that Obama made a claim and didn't back it up with any facts- while admitting that elements in the US and Britain conspired to overthrow Mossadegh a half century ago- it's kind of a misnomer to say he "debunked" "9/11 conspiracists". And given the many lies told by Bush Administration principals about 9/11, and given the 9/11 Commission's failure to conduct a full and honest investigation- who's to say what really happened on 9/11?

The 9/11 Commission ignored 70% of the 9/11 families' questions

And your employer, MSNBC, published a report that says 25% of the 9/11 Commission Report, including the sections most relevant to linking 9/11 to al Qaeda and Bin Laden, was based on testimony obtained by torture:

‘9/11 Press for Truth’ U.S. Television Premiere will be June 3 on KBDI-Channel 12

For immediate release

‘9/11 Press for Truth’ U.S. Television Premiere will be June 3
on KBDI-Channel 12

The film’s producer and a victim’s father will be in KBDI’s studio for the premiere

DENVER – (May 26, 2009) – 9/11 Press for Truth, an independent documentary that claims a 9/11 cover-up, has been shown in theatres and broadcast overseas, but it hasn’t been aired on a U.S. broadcast station.

That will change next week when KBDI-Channel 12 premiers the controversial documentary Wednesday, June 3 at 7 p.m.

During Channel 12’s premiere, Bob McIlvaine, who lost his son Bobby at the World Trade Center, and 9/11Press for Truth producer Kyle Hence will join KBDI-Channel 12’s Shari Bernson in KBDI’s studio.

Rob Kall interviews Sibel Edmonds

Rob Kall Headlined Lukery's transcript:

See either link for hyperlinks- as Lukery says, Rob's radio show gets archived here, but they're only up to 3/18/09:

PS- recent, related article by Lukery:

They spy on judges, too.
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 2009
Rob Kall interviews Sibel Edmonds
Rob Kall of Op-Ed News interviewed Sibel on Wednesday. The audio ought to show up here at some point.

The following is a partial transcript. All errors, edits and omissions are mine.

Sibel Edmonds:
We (NSWBC) stopped our activities for a while, and we are restarting them again, and I just launched my blog,, and the first series that I'm posting there is on the mainstream media, and in the next few days, you're going to see more than 300 whistleblowers who are going to post their comments at the blog too, about their experiences with various people in the mainstream media.

Media Breakthrough! 9-11 Press for Truth to Be Shown on Mainstream Television

Media Breakthrough! 9-11 Press for Truth to Be Shown on Mainstream Television

I am very happy to announce that for the first time in our movements history, 9-11 Press for Truth will be shown on a mainstream media television station. KBDI Channel 12 in Denver Colorado has just confirmed that they will be showing this groundbreaking film during their upcoming pledge drive on June 3, 2009.

As has been the case in the recent past, Colorado 9-11 Visibility will be there manning the phone banks and expect to get some prime time during this showing to make our plea for a new investigation into the crimes of September 11th, 2001.

As many of you may know, this is not the first time that Colorado 9-11 Visibility has made an appearance on KBDI. Our most recent appearance was in March of this year during the showing of America, Freedom to Fascism. Our time at KBDI actually goes back a couple of years when one of our members, Michael Anderson approached the station about our group volunteering to man the phones during their pledge drive. As a perk for the volunteering organization, KBDI gives the opportunity to promote the group on-air during their time on the phone banks and promote we did! We do not know the whole story on what kind of effect we had, but during this initial appearance on KBDI, we handed out DVD's and other 9-11 related literature to the staff at the station. To me, they were friendly enough, but I felt their reception of us was lukewarm at best. What a nice surprise to us when we were invited back again and again for all subsequent pledge drives since and given and increasingly warmer reception. And now this! We are ecstatic over this as it is the result of years of determined work by our group of very dedicated activists here in Colorado.

Osama Bin Laden Makes the Cover of Parade Magazine Feburary 2009

I felt I had to post when the uber mainstream "Parade" magazine in this Sunday's paper had OBL on the cover w/ his FBI mugshot saying he's wanted for 911. He's not, unless you include "other terror events". Here's the Parade pablum piece, if you're interested

Propaganda is annoying!

PBS "NOVA: Inside The Spy Factory" comment forum is now open!

(You can watch the documentary here: )

In case anyone didn't already know, PBS broadcast a very slick and almost unbelievable hour long attempt to reinforce the "incompetence theory" of 9/11.

Comments are now open and registration is pretty straightforward.

Kyle Hence has made a good start, let's give him plenty of support!

Go to:

I think we should also demand an hour to correct the record, email the ombudsman at PBS, Michael Getler, at:

or call him at:


Be civil, have your facts in order and keep it short and to the point.

Let's let PBS know that we are watching, brothers and sisters, and that we don't buy the BIG LIE.


The truth shall set us free. Love is the only way forward.

Praise for the Rock Creek Free Press from Paul Craig Roberts

I have a soft spot in my heart for Paul Craig Roberts, as it was reading one of his columns in summer 2007 that got me started investigating 9/11. He is also a fan and frequent contributor to the Rock Creek Free Press, a newspaper produced and distributed by DC 911 Truth. Subscriptions to the Creek are just $20/year -- an incredible bargain, as each issue is chock-full of important and under-reported news. An actual newspaper shows up in your mailbox--this is not about access to a website.

Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan and served as editor of the Wall St Journal.

In his Jan 7 column, Roberts wrote:

"The Rock Creek Free Press is terrific. After reading one issue, you will waste no more time on the "mainstream media." The Rock Creek Free Press is likely to rescue even the dullest mind from its brainwashed state."

Did John McCain Really Refuse to Meet With One Of the Most Beloved People on the Planet?,2933,364766,00.html -- Special Report w/ Brit Hume
Monday, June 09, 2008

By Brit Hume

Ticking Time Bomb?

The John McCain campaign insists it is trying to arrange a meeting with the Evangelist Billy Graham after a letter surfaced from the McCain camp that suggested the candidate didn't have time for such a meeting. Graham, the nation's best-known Christian evangelist, had long been a spiritual adviser to presidents of both parties.

The letter, written June 3 by McCain scheduling director Amber Johnson to an intermediary trying to set up a meeting, came to light as the McCain camp tries to patch things up with Christian conservatives.

It reads, "I must pass along our regrets and do not foresee an opportunity to add this event to our calendar."

But a McCain spokesman tells FOX News the campaign has been working with Graham's office directly for months on a meeting.

June issue of The Rock Creek Free Press is out

The Rock Creek Free Press is one of the very few off-line newspapers that tell it like it is about 9/11. To view the latest issue, go to:

I just submitted my story "Media Echo White House 9/11 Talking Points" on Digg under Political Opinion. Please read and give it some diggs to move it to the homepage!

Digg it at

Thank you!


Devvy Kidd: Mainstream Media Will Be Complicit In Next Terrorist Attacks

Mainstream Media Will Be Complicit In Next Terrorist Attacks

By: Devvy Kidd, April 28, 2008
© 2008 -

On April 24, 2008, The Arizona-Republic, published a hit piece on Sen. Karen Johnson, who currently serves in the Arizona State Legislature. This piece of drivel is titled, 'Drinking the 9/11 Kool-Aid.' As you can see by reading it, the author believes that no elected official should question any aspect of the Bush Administration's fairy tale of the events of September 11, 2001. This has been the prevailing attitude of the so-called mainstream media, including cable "news" networks since that day. Anyone questioning the hoax perpetrated on the American people is a Kool-Aid drinker or worse.

I've written many columns on OKC, WACO, TWA Flight 800 and 9/11, so I'm not going to rehash them here. I am proud to call Sen. Karen Johnson my friend. She is an extraordinary woman who has consistently and steadfastly stood up for the U.S. Constitution and we the people. Unlike these news editors all across this country, Sen. Johnson is not afraid to look at facts, evidence and use common sense when looking at an event such as 9/11 and concluding there are legitimate questions that need answers.

However, according to smarmy sycophants like Bill O'Reilly, Dan Abrams, Shallow Sean Hannity and hundreds of newspaper editors around this country, there is no way rogue elements within the Bush Administration would ever allow 3,000 Americans to be slaughtered. Why, it's simply preposterous! End of story. Shut up and go shopping. That might have worked for past events, but millions of Americans, with good reason, do not trust this government and do not believe their bald faced lies about 911.............


Truth is Going Mainstream

Didn't think real documentaries like "American Drug War" could
get on mainstream TV? Think again.

Yes, the truth is going mainstream.

Tom Brokaw speaks with WeAreChangeLA about bringing Truth to Mainstream Media.

WeAreChangeLA set out to get a word or two with American Media icon Tom Brokaw, at an April 17th "Presidents Lecture Series" event at USC. Though well embedded in the arena of corporate structure and agenda, Mr. Brokaw has long brought no small degree of integrity and high professional standards to bear upon his craft, and thus to America and the world. Jeremy Rothe-Kuschel and I were intent to find his position on the challenge of bringing solutions to the breakdown of honest news reporting in our troubled world. I firmly believe, as JFK stated, that our Nation's chances for survival "in it's final analysis, will depend on an informed citizenry." With this in mind, I put my question to Mr. Brokaw-

9/11 and public disservice

Posted at

Review by Andrew S. Ross

Worth hearing: Philip Shenon interviewed today on KQED's 'Forum,' about his book, 'The Commission: The Uncensored History of the 9-11 Investigation.'

The book is also worth reading, not, if some are thinking, because it exposes conspiracies of the black helicopter/Mossad kind, but as a reminder of how poorly the American people were served, both prior to the attacks, and, in large measure, by the oft-praised 9/11 Commission itself.