Leo Krayola

South Texas We Are CHANGE meets Ray McGovern

SoTx We Are CHANGE meets Ray McGovern

South Texas We Are CHANGE Founder Leo Krayola got to ask Ray McGovern a question at the South Texas College Distinguished Speaker Series on Feb 26th 2009 regarding another false flag op like 9/11 happening under the OBAMA administration & what would happen.

Although I think he led away from my question because of his faith in the OBAMA administration, this is what Ray McGovern had to say:

http://video. google. com/videoplay?docid=1250793418268818975&hl=en

South Texas We Are CHANGE meets Admiral Bobby R. Inman

On Monday, April 1, 2008 Admiral Bobby R. Inman spoke at the University of Texas-Pan American on issues related to cyber security.

During and after the Q&A session, South Texas We Are CHANGE members Eloy Gonzalez II and Leo Krayola confronted Admiral Inman on a a number of pressing and current political issues such as the congressional bill H.R. 1955 as its relation to terrorism, 9/11 truth activism, and freedom of speech.

Other important topics, such as the Federal Reserve, the admiral declined to discuss.

South Texas CHANGE & PNACitizen Confronts Bill Clinton

South Texas CHANGE & PNACitizen Confronts Bill Clinton

On Monday, February 3, 2008, South Texas We Are CHANGE & PNACitizen attended the University of Texas- Pan American (UTPA) President Bill Clinton rally in support of Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

At the finale of the rally, we made our presence known by pulling out an "INSIDE JOB?" banner in support of 9/11 truth and a new truly independent 9/11 investigation.

Related Blogs:

Corpus Christi 911 Truther Arrested & Handcuffed for Askin B.Clinton 9/11 Question

Protester arrested at Bill Clinton campaign stop

NOTE: I didn't mean to overplay the fact that I worked at WTC5 in 2000 but people don't seem to respect the 9/11 truth message unless you give them something concrete with which to work.

Leo Krayola gets 9/11 truth letter published in December 2007 issue of High Times

Leo Krayola, 9/11 truth activist from McAllen, TX, gets 9/11 truth letter published in December 2007 issue of High Times

Activists want 9/11 answers

Leo Krayola

Source: http://www.riograndeguardian.com/brief_story.asp?story_no=15

Activists want 9/11 answers

14 September 2007


McALLEN, September 13 - What really happened on Sept. 11, 2001? Why did the Twin Towers collapse so quickly? Why do people still question the validity of the plan that hit the Pentagon?

McAllen residents Eloy Gonzalez and Leo Krayola say they will continue to raise awareness of such issues. On the 11th of each month they hold a banner up, sometimes on a busy street corner in McAllen, sometimes outside the offices of The Monitor and Entravision.

“The response is mostly favorable. I would say 95 percent of the people give us a thumbs up, or honk their horns. About five percent raise their middle finger. We plan to keep this up,” Krayola said.

Gonzalez said there is a growing movement of skeptics who do not buy the government’s account of what happened on Sept. 11. Much of the discussion takes place on the Internet, on forums such as blogs and MySpace.