Holocaust Museum

Glenn Beck and Daily Kos Attempt to Tie Holocaust Shooting White Supremacist to Freedom Movement by Allison Bricker

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Glenn Beck and Daily Kos Attempt to Tie Holocaust Shooting White Supremacist to Freedom Movement
June 12, 2009 at 1:08 pm
by: Allison Bricker

Editor’s Note:
In the interest of full disclosure, I am not now, nor previously have I been, a member, formally or otherwise of any “9/11 truth” organizations. However, it is difficult for me to understand the animosity towards those requesting a secondary investigation.

DC Holocaust Museum Shooter and White Supremacist already linked to 9-11 Truth

Not even a few hours old, the media is already attempting to link the White Supremacist that shot up the DC Holocaust Museum to the 9-11 Truth movement.

It has been front paged on the Drudge Report and as a result the site is experiencing heavy traffic and the article is very slow to load, if at all.


It quotes: "James W. von Brunn, the suspect in today’s shooting at the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC, believed “that many grave and still unresolved crimes were committed by US officials prior to, during and after the events of 9/11” according to an online petition he signed.

Von Brunn was the 9,196th person to sign the “Petition of Solidarity” hosted on the website Justicefor911.org, which claims it is sponsored in part by the organization 911Truth.org. According to the website over 16,600 people have signed the petition."

see also another news article:
