controlled demolition

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Steve R. Pieczenik says "9/11 was a false flag operation, I would tell this in court"

The above video is an excerpt from an interview between Alex Jones and Dr. Steve Pieczenik entitled 'Bin Laden, The Oswald Like Patsy Died 10 Years Ago'. In this excerpt Pieczenik speaks about both 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden, though it was his statements about 9/11 that inspired me make this particular part of the interview available here.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under three different administrations Steve R. Pieczenik says he is prepared to tell a federal grand jury the name of a top general who told him directly 9/11 was a false flag attack

NIST's S. Shyam Sunder on What Controlled Demolition Looks Like

How can we honestly discuss science if we do not pay careful attention to logic?

Paradoxically, the logical fallacies get little attention, but they are among the most useful of tools for thinking clearly about 9/11.

For instance, the basic "appeal to unqualified authority" helps short-circuit NIST's injection of possibly false information into the debate.

A couple of videos that point out fallacies in NIST's reasoning:

Sunder on What Controlled Demolition Looks Like

We Have the Results and Only We Have the Results

Dr. Niels Harrit: Excellent One Hour TV Interview on "Face to Face", Victoria, BC, Canada

Dr. Niels Harrit, now on a lecture tour of Canadian universities, has been speaking to capacity crowds across the country, including university faculty members and other professional people.

In Victoria, BC, Dr. Harrit was interviewed by local cable TV, where his interview will be available eight times to a large regional population on an upcoming weekend.

The one-hour interview, of excellent educational quality, and also of personal interest, is available at

"There is no doubt that this building was taken down in a controlled demolition...there is no way around this conclusion."

Dr. Niels Harrit (retired associate professor of chemistry) and his team at the University of Copenhagen published a paper in The Open Chemical Physics Journal and verified that red/grey particles of non-reacted nanothermite was found in the dust of the WTC buildings. This finding is irrevocable proof -- the veritable DNA -- that "office fires" and jet planes did not bring down the three buildings on that fateful day.

9/11 has been the prima facie excuse for incursions of the U.S. and NATO into foreign nations, the sole justification for suspension of our domestic civil liberties and the common denominator of "The War on Terror".

This interview traces Dr. Harrit's personal and professional journey into and through the events of 9/11 and beyond.

Coming Up Thurs–Live Video-Cast from Berkeley, California: Fmr Sen. Mike Gravel presents draft for California Ballot Initiative

Coming Up Thur Mar 3rd - 7:00 pm Pacific * 10:00 pm Eastern * 03:00 GMT
Will be archived here by Friday after the broadcast.

No Lies RadioSen. Mike Gravel


LIVE VIDEO CAST from Berkeley, California - Calif Ballot Initiative to get a real 911 Truth Commission


9/11 Truthers say support new KPFA Morning Show (but not too truthfully)

9/11 Truthers say support new KPFA Morning Show (but not too truthfully)

January 28th, 2011 by Matthew Lasar in community radio, opinion

The new all volunteer KPFA Morning Show got a resounding endorsement from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth this week. The group says its mission is to promote the idea that there is “sufficient evidence to conclude that the World Trade Center buildings #1 (North Tower), #2 (South Tower), and #7 (the 47 story high-rise across Vesey St.) were destroyed not by jet impact and fires but by controlled demolition with explosives” on September 11, 2001.

On Tuesday, the outfit put out an action alert calling on its supporters to let the Berkeley, California listener supported station know that they like the signal’s new volunteer “Morning Mix” lineup, which replaced recently purged hosts Aimee Allison and Brian Edwards-Tiekert:

David Chandler Talks About His New DVD “9/11 Analysis” and Rationalizes the Pentagon Debate on Visibility 9-11

Show notes and interview by: John Bursill

This timely and important Podcast is a MUST listen!

Listen here:

David who describes himself as a “pacifist” talks in great depth about his journey on the campaign for 9/11 Truth and Justice which he is passionately dedicated. Many of you may be aware it was David who is credited with getting NIST to admit WTC Building 7 fell at a an acceleration consistent with free-fall due to gravity; which I and many others view as the single most powerful debating tool for us as 9/11 Truth advocates! David disputes he is solely responsible for this and says that Jones, Ryan and others were central to this achievement but it was his question that drew the answer in the end so it seems. David also talks about the highly political timing and nature of the NIST Building 7 report.

New pictures from 9/11

Newly re-discovered pictures from 9/11. I was sent these from a friend who was living in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn when 9/11 happened. There are 3 pictures, one is the view of the destruction on the morning of 9/11/2001 from their roof. Another is a map showing how far away their house was from ground zero. And finally, on a table in the backyard where we used to have barbeques, you can see the thick layer of dust is. Six miles away from ground zero, to me, this is just more evidence that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition.

WTC 7: Simulation vs. Reality - One of These Things is Not Like the Other Things

I was just making a three way comparison video at first, but had a moment of inspiration on the theme along the way. I hope you all enjoy it.

9/11/01: WYNW (FOX) Reporter Confirms The Fires In The South Tower Were Almost Out

WYNW Anchor talking with an unknown fire official prior to the South Tower's destruction that the fires in the South Tower were dying down and almost out.

Posted at infowars

Original source:, New York: Evidence confirms 9/11 was an inside job

This is not new information to people who follow the information here on 911blogger.  But the important thing here is that this information is coming up in so many media sites, many that you would not expect to have this news, when the msm and popular alternative and progressive media outlets completely ignore it.  Seems the truth wants to seep out anywhere it can, even if the big players in the media want to censor 9/11 truth.


Several new videos have been released by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) through the Freedom of Informatiion Act (FOIA) that confirm what '9/11 Truthers' have had much reason for saying for many years - that 9/11 was an inside job.

Huliq: New Evidence Suggests Twin Towers Collapse Caused by Secondary Explosions

Huliq describes itself as an "independent news organization and is owned by Hareyan Publishing LLC".  It is based in Hickory, NC.  So many 9/11 stories are showing up in the most obscure places.  And that is great!



New evidence suggests Twin Towers Collapse caused by secondary explosions

Ahmadinejad Renews Call for 9/11 Fact Finding Probe. He isn't backing down.


Iran and International News. 


Ahmadinejad Renews Call for 9/11 Fact-Finding Probe