controlled demolition

Obama wants to hear the truth about 9/11

Obama offers an opportunity to submit our "VISION" for a new 9/11 Investigation.

The Obama/Biden Transition Team site::

Your vision for 9/11 Truth can be up-loaded in VIDEO and/or TEXT format.
It should be brief and concise for 2 reasons:

1) A staffer is more likely to read a short letter. Get to the point in the first sentence
2) The repitition of several thousand letters making the same point will more likely flag the issue for Obama's review.

Compose the letter off-line to send a copy to your local newspaper and TV News

TC Palm Letter [to the editor]: Engineering the truth about 9/11

TC Palm has published 4 letters to the editor recently that address the controversy over the truth about 9/11. I also posted another one they published last July, that i think i posted previously

Letter: Engineering the truth about 9/11 Sept 16, 2008

Americans love murder mysteries. Why is it then, seven years after the murders of 9/11, that the most outrageous conspiracy theory, proffered by those who benefited most, is the only one we are allowed to consider?

Put on your Sherlock Holmes cap and ask why in the more than 100-year history of high-rises there are only three examples of fire causing total skyscraper collapse? Especially when those three examples occurred on the same day, in the same city, at the same office complex, leased six weeks earlier by the same group (and insured specifically against terrorist attacks)?

Let's sing this song loud and wake up more citizens around the world!


BTW, has anyone taped and uploaded the performance at the Now or Never event in NYC on 12th last month?

DEBATE: WTC Controlled Demolition? Richard Gage, AIA, of versus Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine

(Scroll down for direct links to MP3 D/Ls)

Richard GageBuilding 7Michael
Click Here To Listen --

Saturday, Sept 20th at 11am Pacific - 2pm Eastern - 18:00 GMT
Will be archived HERE after the broadcast.

Exciting on-air debate with Richard Gage, AIA, of Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and Michael Shermer of Skeptic Magazine on Oakland's KKGN 960am radio this last Thursday, September 18th. Don't miss this one!!!

Who the heck is Arthur Scheuerman, and why did he comment at my blog?

The following comment has been posted to my blog (repeated below). It purports to come from:

Arthur Scheuerman
Ret. Battalion Chief

It was in response to my reposting of John Wyndham's letter to Nist at .

Who the heck is Arthur Scheuerman? Is he on the up and up? This is the internet mind you, and I could pose as the Queen of England if I wanted.

It is a very long and detailed comment on my very inconsequential blog, which I find curious. I believe that Scheuerman's claims are specious, but it would be nice to have some heavyweights weigh in with rebuttal.

I have allowed the comment to be posted on my site, The Progressive Mind, even though I suspect Scheuerman may not be everything he says that he is. See his site: .

He has two posts on his blog, both on 9/11.

Michael Zimmer

Arthur Scheuerman has left a new comment on your post "Dr. John Wyndham's comments to NIST (WTC7) | 911bl...":

NIST's WTC7 collapse models: some observations

A few days ago I posted a graphic from NIST's latest WTC7 report that depicts the exterior buckling after global collapse initiation. In no way does it resemble how the structure actually looks when it imploded. I had not noticed that this was the model for the scenario without debris impact damage. You see, NIST actually has models for the scenario without debris impact damage and for the scenario with their best estimated impact damage (the damage to the south side). They conclude that the building would also have collapsed without any impact damage.

So I checked the report for their modeling of the exterior buckling with the best estimated impact damage; the model of what actually happened. It's there but there is something missing: the top 23 floors are not shown and the north side is not shown; the side that can actually be seen in the videos and photographs of the collapse.

Without damage
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9/11 Truth, Part 7 of 11: Lies About the Collapses of World Trade Center 1, 2 & 7 and “The Air is Safe to Breathe”

Feedback/ideas/corrections appreciated

9/11 Truth, Part 7 of 11: Lies About the Collapses of World Trade Center 1, 2 & 7 and “The Air is Safe to Breathe”“the-air-is-safe-to-breathe”/

This article is an overview of evidence that World Trade Center 1, 2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition. In addition to this unsolved crime which NIST (and FEMA) have helped to cover up, assurances were given that the air in Manhattan was “safe to breathe”, when EPA data clearly indicated it was not. In order to get Wall Street running again, the Bush Administration condemned tens of thousands of additional people to suffering and death.

Destruction of WTC 1 & 2:

The Plane Truth Project, REDUX - NYC, September 11, 2008 (Banner Copy Confirmed)

The last flight for the Plane Truth Project, REDUX , 11th of the month truth actions, will be taking place on September 11, 2008 in NYC.

The plane will be taking off from west of Asbury Park, NJ and will fly an aerial 9/11 Truth banner from the Batter Seas, NY to the George Washington bridge and back.

The flight time has not been determined yet. The weather that day may affect it.

The banner copy will read:


Maybe we could alert some news outlets and get some media coverage of the banner and the AE911Truth website . . . ?

If anyone is in a position (literally) to videotape this this day and post it here, that would be great!

Thanks for all you guys (and gals) do -

Betsy Metz
Summer of Truth
Plane Truth Project, REDUX

Collapse of Building 7- N.I.S.T. Technical Briefing - Tuesday, August 26th 11am EDT - Broadcast Live on No Lies Radio.

Click Here To Listen --

LIVE BROADCAST - Technical Conference on Collapse of WTC7 - Building 7
Tuesday, August 26th at 8am Pacific - 11am Eastern - 15:00 GMT
Repeat Broadcast: Thursday, August 28th at 9am Pacific - 12 noon Eastern - 16:00 GMT
Will be archived here after the broadcasts.

How Did Those Buildings Come Down?

I said my piece in the film.

Ventura to announce if he's running for Senate on Larry King

Ventura to announce if he's running for Senate on Larry King
Posted: 08:46 AM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Ventura may run for Senate.
(CNN) — Will he or won’t he?

Former Minnesota Governor and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura is expected to announce Monday night on CNN’s Larry King Live whether he’ll run for his state’s U.S. Senate seat. Ventura’s deadline to file to run for the senate is Tuesday.

If Ventura jumps into the race and runs as an Independent, the battle for Republican incumbent Norm Coleman’s seat would become a three ring circus. Democrat Al Franken, a former comedian and liberal talk show host, has already filed.

Coleman was first elected in 2002 and is running for his second term. The Democrats are targeting Coleman and hope to win back the seat that was once held by Democrat Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a plane crash while running for re-election in 2002.

The WTC 7collapse series: meet Mark Loizeaux.

Meet Mark Loizeaux. Mark Loizeaux runs a company called Controlled Demolition Inc.
Most of his handiwork have been shown on TV. he is a specialist in the field of Controlled demolition.
According to CDI website they do a lot more than Controlled demolition.
They do for example Forensic examinations on blast sites. They also work for the American Defence department and in fact they work for 5 different Government departments: Department of Defence (DOD), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Department of Justice (DOJ) and Department of State.

He is what you might call the US department of Demolition and a such very connected to the US Elite. So it should come as no surprise that Mark Loizeaux was contacted few days after the attacks of 911 to help with the Crime scene investigation the removal of the WTV 7 steel and debris.

He did his job so well that only a piece of steel about 40x60 cm has survived.