Galileo's blog

My Conversation With a Ft. Detrick Scientist

My Conversation With a Ft. Detrick Scientist

Today (August 9), I spoke with a PhD scientist who works at Ft. Detrick. The scientist knows Dr. Bruce Ivins very well and has worked with him for many years.

The scientist is an acquaintance of mine who I've known for about five years.

The scientist is a specialist in infectious diseases, including airborne diseases.

The scientist does not want their name given out. The FBI has told all the scientists at Ft. Detrick they cannot speak with the media or they will be fired.

[Its interesting to note that scientists at Ft. Detrick can't exercise their first amendment rights, but the FBI can illegally leak confidential investigative information to the media. Its also interesting that some of the info leaked to the media by FBI informants is not legitimate investigative material, but instead, material meant to character assassinate Dr. Ivins. Its also interesting that the FBI leakers can avoid detection, given the Patriot Act.]

Lone Nut Anthrax Killer Theory Debunked

Lone Nut Anthrax Killer Theory Debunked

The FBI says that Dr. Bruce Ivins acted alone in the deadly 2001 anthrax attacks.

But the letters that contained the deadly anthrax are not in the handwriting of Dr. Ivins, according to FBI evidence released yesterday.

So that proves right there that if Dr. Ivins did do it, then he did not act alone.

More importantly, the fact that the letters are in someones else's handwriting, is strong evidence that someone else, NOT Dr. Ivins, is the anthrax killer.

We can also presume that the handwriting of the anthrax letters is not that of any of the other scientists who worked with Dr. Ivins, otherwise they would be suspects.

So George Washington's assertion that the anthrax did not come from Ft. Detrick is confirmed.

Bob Bowman to Wisconsin State Legislators: Urge University to Re-Hire Kevin Barrett!

Former "Star Wars" Chief to State Legislators: Urge University to Re-Hire Kevin Barrett!

Contact: Kevin Barrett, 608-583-2132;

For Immediate Release - July 23, 2008


Dr. Kevin Barrett; 608-583-2132,

On Tuesday, July 29th, the head of the "Star Wars" space weapons program under two U.S. presidents, Dr. Robert Bowman, will ask State Legislators to request the re-instatement of Dr. Kevin Barrett as a University of Wisconsin instructor.

Col. Bowman, a rocket scientist with a doctorate from Cal Tech who flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam as a fighter pilot, will present his request to the legislature at a press conference in the State Capitol building, Room 330 Southwest, at 11 a.m. Tuesday 7/29/08.

Kevin Barrett, the target of a 2006 witch-hunt by State Rep. Steve Nass, has not been rehired at UW-Madison, despite his repeated applications for open positions, since he finished teaching his controversial Islam course in fall 2006. His most recent application, for the spring 2008 semester, was rejected in favor of a less-qualified and less-experienced applicant.

Ventura to announce if he's running for Senate on Larry King

Ventura to announce if he's running for Senate on Larry King
Posted: 08:46 AM ET

From CNN Deputy Political Director Paul Steinhauser

Ventura may run for Senate.
(CNN) — Will he or won’t he?

Former Minnesota Governor and professional wrestler Jesse Ventura is expected to announce Monday night on CNN’s Larry King Live whether he’ll run for his state’s U.S. Senate seat. Ventura’s deadline to file to run for the senate is Tuesday.

If Ventura jumps into the race and runs as an Independent, the battle for Republican incumbent Norm Coleman’s seat would become a three ring circus. Democrat Al Franken, a former comedian and liberal talk show host, has already filed.

Coleman was first elected in 2002 and is running for his second term. The Democrats are targeting Coleman and hope to win back the seat that was once held by Democrat Paul Wellstone, who was killed in a plane crash while running for re-election in 2002.

BBC's Third Tower: 30 Pieces of Good News

BBC's Third Tower: 30 Pieces of Good News

by Dr. Kevin Barrett and Rolf Lindgren,0,7076949.story

The one-hour BBC program The Third Tower should have a positive effect on spreading the truth about what happened to WTC 7. Despite its attempt to debunk by twisting and omitting facts, there is much to cheer about.

Here are 30 examples from the program:

1) There is a WTC 7, many have never heard of it.

2) No plane hit WTC 7.

3) WTC 7 fell down.

4) Several videos of WTC 7 falling down are shown.

5) The collapse is compared visually to a controlled demolition.

6) Barry Jennings tells of hearing multiple explosions in WTC 7.

7) Barry Jennings was told while in WTC 7 "Get out of there, get out of there now", which sounds very suspicious.

8) Barry Jennings' time-line is not contradicted by anything Barry Jennings says.

9) After seven years, no final report on the collapse of WTC 7 has appeared. The 9/11 Commission never mentioned the collapse of WTC 7.

10) The program will generate sales and Internet hits of 'Loose Change'.

Critical WTC 7 Foreknowledge Article by Graeme MacQueen, in anticipation of BBC Program

Critical WTC 7 Foreknowledge Article by Graeme MacQueen, in anticipation of BBC Program

Graeme MacQueen Debunks Mackey & Roberts

The BBC program comes out on Sunday, so I thought I'd get a leg up and post this here. I expect the arguments of Mackey and Roberts to be incorporated into the BBC program.

Waiting for Seven: WTC 7 Collapse Warnings in the FDNY Oral Histories
Prof. Graeme MacQueen

This is a great article. It totally debunks the idea put out by MacKey and Roberts that the WTC 7 foreknowledge was a rational thing for the firemen because of all the fire and debris damage.

This article shows that only 7 firemen actually made observations that they thought WTC 7 would fall, while 50 "were told" it would fall. These 7 firemen sound very confused and paranoid, and contradict NIST, who still doesn't know why WTC 7 fell seven years later.

MacQueen also finds that a majority of the firemen "definitely" thought WTC 7 would fall. Really, they knew definitely?

Scholarship Failures of Dr. James Fetzer

Scholarship Failures of Dr. James Fetzer

Fetzer is a 9/11 Activist, not a 9/11 Scholar or Expert

by Rolf Lindgren

Dr. Fetzer is a good friend of mine, but I am very disappointed with the quality of his scholarship.

There are six areas of scholarship which Dr. Fetzer needs to shore up to become a credible leader in the 9/11 Truth Movement and a true 9/11 Expert. This analysis is based on one thousand conversations and one hundred personal meetings with Dr. Fetzer in the past two years.


Dr. Fetzer has not read and/or is unfamiliar with the material in five fundamental books about 9/11. These books are:

a) The Terror Timeline by Paul Thompson

b) The 9/11 Commission Report

c) The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions by Dr. David Ray Griffin

d) Debunking 9/11 Myths by Popular Mechanics

e) Debunking 9/11 Debunking by Dr. David Ray Griffin

Dr. Fetzer needs to read these books and digest the material to become a true expert on 9/11. To be an expert on any subject, you need to be familiar with both sides of the story, and possess a broad knowledge of all the evidence.


15 phone call factoids that contradict the official conspiracy theory

15 phone call factoids that contradict the official government conspiracy theory

[please note that these were all AIRPHONE CALLS, not cell phone calls, except CeeCee Lyle's unconnected call from FL93]

1) Betty Ong and Madeline Sweeney on FL11 said there were 4 hijackers, not 5. Both gave the "wrong" seat numbers for the hijackers.

2) Mark Bingham on FL93 said there were 3 hijackers, not 4.

3) Renee May on FL77 said there were 6 hijackers, not 5.

4) Most of Ong's phone call recording is missing.

5) Ong and/or Sweeney gave specific information that the hijackers had guns (which contradicts the "boxcutters" theory). They even gave the exact seat number of the shooter and the shoo-tee.

6) Tom Burnett on FL93 said the hijackers had guns.

Bush Administration Crumbling

This is a very interesting article on the front page of the USA Today today (June 3).

The thing that struck me about this article is that there is no mention of any EVIDENCE against KSM. One fundamental principle for the government when they want to railroad someone is that they need a strong 70% to 80% consensus that the railroaded person is guilty. If you don't have that, the railroading looks sloppy, and if you don't have 50%, then the railroading becomes a public relations disaster. That is what is happening to the Bush Administration at this time.

It looks like public opinion is strongly in favor that they want to see the EVIDENCE against KSM.

The old talking points that revealing the evidence will jeopardize the war on terror and American safety is wearing thin on most people. The Franklin Pierce Law Center appears to be our ally in this regard and they make some bold statements.

Is there any EVIDENCE against KSM? Not that I am aware of. First, we were told the Osama bin Laden was behind the 9/11 attacks, then we were told that Mohamed Atta was the "ringleader", and now we are told that KSM is the mastermind. Which is it, Mr. Bush?

Dr. Barrett's Campaign Website Revamped

Dr. Barrett's Campaign Website Revamped


We have revamped Dr. Barrett's website with hundreds of new items and links.

You can see it here:

Our webmaster will be updating the site once a week. We appreciate any suggestions for items to add to the site. You can post them in the comments here or contact us directly. Dr. Barrett aims to bring 9/11 Truth to the attention of the general public, especially those in Wisconsin and western Wisconsin. He also aims to expose the Libertarian movement, the Ron Paul movement, and the peace movement to 9/11 Truth.

We hope you enjoy reading the material on Dr. Barrett's website.



Barrett Campaign Adviser

Rep. Kind agrees to debate Barrett; Sly endorses Barrett; Barrett producing Air America Programming

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday, May 14th, 2008

Rep. Ron Kind Agrees to Debate Kevin Barrett
Unexpected Offer Comes as Barrett Announces Challenge to Veteran Congressman

In an unprecedented breakthrough for both the Libertarian party and the 9/11 truth movement, Rep. Ron Kind has agreed to debate his Libertarian challenger for Wisconsin's 3rd District congressional seat. (Watch the youtube video: )

Kevin Barrett to Announce Run for Congress on Monday

Kevin Barrett to Announce Run for Congress on Monday

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Saturday, May 9th, 2008

Contact: Dr. Kevin J. Barrett,

(608) 583-2132 website:

Lone Rock, WI - Two years ago, the politicians wanted Kevin Barrett fired from his teaching job. Now Barrett is turning the tables. Barrett is calling on the voters to fire the politicians, starting with his own 3rd District Representative, Ron Kind.

"The Democrats were elected in 2006 to end the war," Barrett explains. "They failed. Ron Kind and the rest of them keep voting to throw our money into that five trillion dollar black hole in Iraq. That's why our economy is tanking and gas prices are through the roof. It's time to give the Democrats and the Republicans their walking papers. It's time to fire them all." Barrett will be running as a Libertarian and urging voters to throw all Republicans and Democrats out of office. He will be handing out copies of the new DVD Washington, You're Fired while he campaigns.