Rolf Lindgren

BBC's Third Tower: 30 Pieces of Good News

BBC's Third Tower: 30 Pieces of Good News

by Dr. Kevin Barrett and Rolf Lindgren,0,7076949.story

The one-hour BBC program The Third Tower should have a positive effect on spreading the truth about what happened to WTC 7. Despite its attempt to debunk by twisting and omitting facts, there is much to cheer about.

Here are 30 examples from the program:

1) There is a WTC 7, many have never heard of it.

2) No plane hit WTC 7.

3) WTC 7 fell down.

4) Several videos of WTC 7 falling down are shown.

5) The collapse is compared visually to a controlled demolition.

6) Barry Jennings tells of hearing multiple explosions in WTC 7.

7) Barry Jennings was told while in WTC 7 "Get out of there, get out of there now", which sounds very suspicious.

8) Barry Jennings' time-line is not contradicted by anything Barry Jennings says.

9) After seven years, no final report on the collapse of WTC 7 has appeared. The 9/11 Commission never mentioned the collapse of WTC 7.

10) The program will generate sales and Internet hits of 'Loose Change'.