academic freedom

The Success of the "9/11 in the Academic Community" Documentary

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Canadian academic historian Michiel Horn has observed that as a rule, professors are milquetoasts. Here is documentary proof of Horn’s observation, on the subject of this century’s first great day of infamy. This film also documents exceptions to Horn’s rule: professors with guts enough to raise critical questions. Highly recommended, especially for provoking reasoned political discussion and debate.

Kenneth Westhues, Professor Emeritus, Department of Sociology and Legal Studies, University of Waterloo
Member, Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship

People can benefit from learning about the event which clearly changed not only American consciousness,
but that of the whole world. I believe this documentary should be shown as widely as possible.

Paul Almond, Officer of the Order of Canada
Award Winning Former Director of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)
Member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts

Bob Bowman to Wisconsin State Legislators: Urge University to Re-Hire Kevin Barrett!

Former "Star Wars" Chief to State Legislators: Urge University to Re-Hire Kevin Barrett!

Contact: Kevin Barrett, 608-583-2132;

For Immediate Release - July 23, 2008


Dr. Kevin Barrett; 608-583-2132,

On Tuesday, July 29th, the head of the "Star Wars" space weapons program under two U.S. presidents, Dr. Robert Bowman, will ask State Legislators to request the re-instatement of Dr. Kevin Barrett as a University of Wisconsin instructor.

Col. Bowman, a rocket scientist with a doctorate from Cal Tech who flew 101 combat missions in Vietnam as a fighter pilot, will present his request to the legislature at a press conference in the State Capitol building, Room 330 Southwest, at 11 a.m. Tuesday 7/29/08.

Kevin Barrett, the target of a 2006 witch-hunt by State Rep. Steve Nass, has not been rehired at UW-Madison, despite his repeated applications for open positions, since he finished teaching his controversial Islam course in fall 2006. His most recent application, for the spring 2008 semester, was rejected in favor of a less-qualified and less-experienced applicant.

This Week Is Action Week for Dr. Sami al-Arian

While some of us have lost tenured or tenure-track jobs for pursuing 9/11 truth, Sami al-Arian is by far the biggest American academic victim of the 9/11 psy-op. Please inform yourself about this travesty of justice at and join the Action Week activities described below.

(Monday April 28th ˆ Friday May 2nd)

Just 3 Phone Calls & 1 Email to Make a Difference

Dear friends,

Dr. Sami Al-Arian is at an extremely critical juncture. Any day now he may indicted on criminal contempt, a charge that carries a minimum sentence of five years. Another Palestinian-American professor in a similar case was sentenced to eleven years for criminal contempt last fall.

On March 20th, in a blatant violation of the plea agreement signed between Dr. Al-Arian and the U.S. government, a Virginia federal judge forced Dr. Al-Arian to appear in court to testify before a third grand jury. Given that the government had in the past cynically twisted his words to try to convict him of perjury, Dr. Al-Arian recognized the perjury trap laid for him, and refused to testify as his attorneys advised.

Please Protest "Cowardly Display" by Althouse & University of Wisconsin

A cowardly display

by Bill Willers, Bill Willers Professor emeritus, biology, UW-Oshkosh

Friday, January 25, 2008

On Jan. 21, University of Wisconsin law professor Ann Althouse wrote on her blog, “I don’t know why the University of Wisconsin has not rehired 9/11 conspiracy believer Kevin Barrett to teach a course on the history of Islam. But if we know a person believes something truly nutty, are we not entitled to use that as evidence of his intelligence, judgment, and trustworthiness?”

This is an amazing statement coming from a professor of law — a position that presupposes a respect for carefully considered evidence. Her assault on Mr. Barrett, in which she makes no effort to consider the countless facts backing the so-called Truth Movement, is shamefully flippant...

...there is little doubt that in a courtroom, in which she would face that army of experts and their facts, she would be reduced to dust on the floor.

Barrett Protests UW Hiring Decision

This is the second time in the past six months that the University of Wisconsin-Madison has passed me over in favor of less qualified candidates. From now on I'm on the (legal) warpath. Those who wish to help with my future legal expenses may contact me at:

Last year, despite being the ONLY qualified candidate, I was turned down for a tenure-track job at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater purely on the basis of my political beliefs. They chose to shut down their Arabic program rather than hire me! Howard Ross, who was then the Dean of Letters and Sciences, was involved in the (non-)hiring process, and will testify that I was turned down, and the classes I would have taught cancelled, because of my involvement in the 9/11 truth movement. Howard Ross will join me to discuss my case, and the sad state of academic freedom in America, on Truth Jihad Radio, Saturday, 1/19, 6-8 pm, Full radio schedule and guest list:

- Kevin Barrett

Barrett Protests UW Hiring Decision

Barrett Protests UW Hiring Decision

Lynne Cheney’s Flying Monkeys on the Attack

This story from gaelicstarover shows that the imperialists have tapped Lynne Cheney (and Joe Lieberman) to help out in the effort to squash 9/11 truth:

"…from Associated Press via the Portsmouth Herald News:

"A national group has suggested that a formal review of a University of New Hampshire professor's teaching is necessary, including his views that government officials orchestrated the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks.

The American Council of Trustees and Alumni, in a Sept. 1 letter to the chairman of UNH's board of trustees, suggested that ‘a formal investigation is necessary’ into William Woodward.”

Unfortunately, the article fails to mention that the organization in question was founded by Lynne Cheney, wife of Dick Cheney, with Senator Joseph Lieberman, in 1995.

These folks are as relentless as they are shameless."