WTC 7: Simulation vs. Reality - One of These Things is Not Like the Other Things

I was just making a three way comparison video at first, but had a moment of inspiration on the theme along the way. I hope you all enjoy it.

Extremely enjoyable

The mismatch between the NIST simulation and reality has received far too little attention. This helps bring that, while simultaneously comparing WTC 7 to known CDs. And some humor always helps. Perfect!

Ha ha ha

Great stuff. Thanks.

Anyone know what's up with

Anyone know what's up with some blog entries aligning to the right in full view with IE? I'd seen it with others' entries and just figured they had messed up the formatting, but I know I didn't mess mine up and it still all aligned right. amd I even went back and edited to entry to align left but that didn't fix it..

You are correct,

there are some screwy things going on with the site when viewed with IE, we still recommend Firefox, but I will forward this to the guys working on the site and see what they say.

Please note that formatting blogs has become more complicated since the upgrade.

Sorry for any hassle, the site is an ongoing work in progress.

Thanks for pointing this out, the excellent video and your interest/activism on behalf of 9/11 truth.

I hope that you and yours are well.


Great Short Video For Those With Short Attention Spans

This was a joy to watch. This video is dedicated for all those sheeple with short attention spans. They might just be able to let there attention grab this. Great Piece of Work!

Very clever..

Very clever indeed..
