

This is an explosion…

There are no intact floors above the advancing collapse line. The concrete and debris are immediately pulverized and ejected sideways along with other parts of the structure including heavy beams that go on to destroy neighboring buildings.

There is no ‘pile-driver’ effect as is evidenced by this photo and further confirmed by the arrested angular momentum of the upper floors in the south tower.

The collapse proceeds through the strongest part of the building, the center structural core, at nearly free-fall acceleration. As you might suspect, this can only mean the center structural support was taken out prior to this collapse.

I can’t think of any way this could happen without an internal detonation, perhaps carefully timed to be masked by the crash of the plane.

There is no reason for what we see here and what we witnessed in the next 15 seconds. None is given. NIST gave up. Maybe you can fill us in :).

9/11 Experiment: Concrete evidence. Does it pulverize when falling?

This experiment is to test the hypothesis that concrete pulverizes in to dust when it falls, as claimed by the official 9/11 Commission Report about the World Trade Centers. If concrete turns to dust so easily, the world needs to find a stronger, non-exploding building material.

Blocks of concrete were purchased and dropped from a 5th floor balcony. It was found that the concrete cracked, but did not create a significant amount of concrete dust. Thus, this ground breaking study is a Myth Buster, as well as a concrete buster.

Evidently, we need a new investigation commission, with scientists not just politicians, to find out what really happened on September 11, 2001.


More info at

9/11 Experiment: Does Concrete Pulversize into Dust when it Falls?

Abstract: Concrete cracked in to chunks but did not turn to dust, when dropped 50 feet.

Purpose: To test the hypothesis that concrete pulverizes in to pyroclastic clouds of dust when it falls rapidly on to concrete, as it did at three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11

Methodology: Blocks of concrete were purchased. One block was dropped from a 5th floor balcony on to another block. The experiment was video recorded.

Result: It was found that the concrete cracked in to chunks, but did not create a significant amount of concrete dust.

Conclusion: Another explanation for the pulverized dust needs to be formally investigated, such as the presence of pre-planted explosives in the World Trade Centers.

It was also found that terrorists would not be able to purchase nano-thermite easily.