9/11 Experiment: Concrete evidence. Does it pulverize when falling?

This experiment is to test the hypothesis that concrete pulverizes in to dust when it falls, as claimed by the official 9/11 Commission Report about the World Trade Centers. If concrete turns to dust so easily, the world needs to find a stronger, non-exploding building material.

Blocks of concrete were purchased and dropped from a 5th floor balcony. It was found that the concrete cracked, but did not create a significant amount of concrete dust. Thus, this ground breaking study is a Myth Buster, as well as a concrete buster.

Evidently, we need a new investigation commission, with scientists not just politicians, to find out what really happened on September 11, 2001.

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa6pyPi386k

More info at http://911Experiments.org/FallingConcrete.