9/11 Experiment: Does Concrete Pulversize into Dust when it Falls?

Abstract: Concrete cracked in to chunks but did not turn to dust, when dropped 50 feet.

Purpose: To test the hypothesis that concrete pulverizes in to pyroclastic clouds of dust when it falls rapidly on to concrete, as it did at three World Trade Center buildings on 9/11

Methodology: Blocks of concrete were purchased. One block was dropped from a 5th floor balcony on to another block. The experiment was video recorded.

Result: It was found that the concrete cracked in to chunks, but did not create a significant amount of concrete dust.

Conclusion: Another explanation for the pulverized dust needs to be formally investigated, such as the presence of pre-planted explosives in the World Trade Centers.

It was also found that terrorists would not be able to purchase nano-thermite easily.




Experiments you can do

Further testing suggestions

Good work.

What was the approximate degree of pulverization of concrete at the WTC? That figure should be compared to a measured degree of pulverization in a further experiment.

We should have more of these home experiments.

One experiment that would be needed is a load-bearing steel support engulfed in large, sustained flames such as these:


The steel support would not need to be anywhere as massive as at the WTC. It would not give in at anything resembling a maximal office fire.