
Youtube is pulling "terrorist videos" per Lieberman's instructions

YouTube's Mass Censorship (S1959)


Just heard this on Alex Jones show.

Pandora's Box Chronicles

This is for the Alex Jones internet censorship video contest. Please make this go viral!


Is Google Censoring Anthrax Coverage by Glenn Greenwald?

See original for hyperlinks and referenced graphic. What do you think? Anyone getting different results from the NEWS search engine, not the WEB engine?


Can you believe NONE of Glenn Greenwald's articles in SALON.com come up in the first 3 pages of a Google NEWS (not WEB) search for "anthrax"??? How can that possibly be, when numerous mainstream pundits have been commenting on and linking to his articles??? Anthrax salon pulls one (1)- along with many articles commenting on and linking to his articles. Anthrax Glenn Greenwald got NONE. I’m not using quotes on anything.

A couple of his articles are top hits in WEB searches:
Google WEB: Glenn Greenwald Anthrax

It’s the NEWS searches where they are strangely absent:
Google NEWS Glenn Greenwald Anthrax

See the graphic at the bottom of the page to get an idea of how this affects how many people will see his articles, when searching for NEWS on the Anthrax case.

Lew Rockwell.com and Internet Censorship via Some Sort of "i911"

In a very brief statement (that contains a link to a Silicon Valley Watcher article), Lew Rockwell, proprietor of the famous libertarian web site LewRockwell.com, strongly implies that he could envision the government initiating some sort of "i911" in order to pass an "iPatriot Act," with the goal of killing internet freedom.

Aside from the importance of Mr. Rockwell's message about the continuing threat to internet freedom, this is the closest I've ever seen him come to using the phrase "9/11" (or at least a variation of it) and the implication of an "inside job" in the same statement (although I've not read everything he has written). Maybe one day (preferably before the signing of the "iPatriot Act") he will be as blunt in his implications about 9/11/01 as are two of his regular columnists, Butler Shaffer and Paul Craig Roberts (assuming I haven't read too much into Mr. Rockwell's statement).

Censorship at the Randi Rhodes Message Board?

Well, perhaps it's just a way to stop the "personal attacks". For years members have put up with mods ignoring complaints and threatening those who complain about mistreatment by some members of the board and a different set of rules for the 9/11 forum than the rest of the board. Now with the election coming up they are censoring it even further. Insults have been a long standing institution at the 9/11 forum but now that there's an important election coming up, Admins seem scared to let potential new members and googlebots see what they've let become of their message board. If you personally attack another member you could get kicked off the board, unless it's in the 9/11 forum. Read the "pinned" post by one moderator below. What it doesn't say is that they are no longer making the 9/11 forum public (it's admitted to by a moderator in a different thread). You have to be a member (not a guest) and log in to read the 9/11 forum, but not on the rest of the forums. You can read the topics below, but you can't view them unless you are a member. Try it for yourself: http://forums.therandirhodesshow.com/index.php?showforum=13

BlogTalkRadio Censoring 9/11 Truth


BlogTalkRadio Censoring 9/11 Truth
Internet social broadcasting service cracking down on anyone daring to question the government

by James Corbett
10 May, 2008

BlogTalkRadio is an internet-based social broadcaster that allows users to set up and host their own radio talk-show with nothing more than a phone and an internet connection...as long as they don't question the government.

As Brian McLain found out, daring to bring up questions about the government's official 9/11 fairy tale will not be tolerated by the thought police at BlogTalkRadio. Until recently, he was host of 'The Angry Scotsman' program hosted on the BlogTalkRadio site. His program was quickly cancelled, however, and his archive of previous episodes purged from the Web after the BTR censors found out about his plan to host an episode dedicated to questioning the official 9/11 story.

If You’re on 9/11 Truth Listserves

If You’re on 9/11 Truth Listserves

Then you may have already gotten the posts I pasted below; posting them here for posterity.

Background; this morning I was checking my comprehensive Google Alerts and was really disturbed about the extraordinary lack of links to articles referencing “Fourteen Points”. To make sure this article was getting in front of people’s faces, I blasted off the below email to about 30 independent media and credible truth activists, then posted it to the following listserves directly from my Gmail account:

9/11 Questions Meetup Portland discussion list

911 Visibility Project Action List
Blogger Brigade

Godgle: Info Provider + Filter = Perception Manager

Please visit opednews.com for the live html links in the pasted article- also, the Google Alerts referred to in the below article have been pasted in the comments over there.

"Information wants to be free" vs. "Don't be evil". When you search online and use search "Alerts", do you want to get the info you want, or do you want the info you receive to be only what Google (and their partners in business and government) want you to know about? If you have concerns about Google's record on search quality/censorship, privacy, human rights, collaboration with people who may pose a serious threat to US sovereignty and security or anything else, read this article and please comment.


This article is a continuation of the "Open Letter to the People & Google" article:

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction

Fourteen Points: World Trade Center Destruction Media Visibility Week

Open Letter to the People & Google

"Ad Has Been Rejected by MotherJones.com" . . .

Not that anyone reading 911 Blogger on a regular basis doubted this, but CENSORSHIP is alive and well in America and continues in places that still have the power to stun me, like the very left wing Mother Jones magazine . . .

I placed our 9/11 Movies ad there last week (online) . . . exactly like the one here on 911 Blogger and also exactly like the one on OpEdNews.com. It ran for a day - maybe several - before I received this email:

"This automatic notification is sent out to let you know that ad #512445562 has been rejected on MotherJones.com / Lowest ads right column.

The funds are available in your blogads.com account and can be used for future blogad purchses. If you'd rather get a refund please log in to your blogads.com account and click on the "Accounting" link.

Duration: 1m
Amount: XXX
Submit date: 2008/04/21
Ad title: '9/11 Movies Wayne, Pennsylvania'

Ad text:
109 W. Lancaster Ave, Wayne, PA (13 Miles West of Phila; R5 Train)

*April & May:

4.15 - 9/11 Press for Truth
4.22 - Who Killed John O'Neill?
4.29 - The Reflecting Pool
5.06 - TerrorStorm
5.13 - Zeitgeist

Open Letter to the People & Google

Open Letter to the People & Google

50-90% of People around the world use Google to search, for email and to get “alerts”. If Google was “censoring” your searches or failing to index certain stories you’re interested in (9one1 Truth related stories for instance)- or your Gmail was not posting your emails to certain listserves- or if your search “alerts” omitted relevant results, would you continue to use them?

EU to Criminalize Internet-Based Incitement to Terrorism

FYI, you crazy, bomb-throwing-inciting-web publishing 9/11 Truthers- be careful how you post your favorite recipes online in Europe:

"The EU's counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove said last week that some 5,000 Internet sites "contribute to radicalizing young people in Europe.""


European Union justice ministers have agreed that using the Internet to publish bomb recipes or call for acts of terrorism to be committed should count as a criminal offence.

The 27 member states agreed on Friday, April 18, to introduce as new offences "public provocation to commit a terrorist offence, recruitment, and training for terrorism" which would be punishable "also when committed through the Internet."

People found guilty of "disseminating terrorist propaganda and bomb-making expertise through the Internet can therefore be prosecuted and sentenced to prison," the justice ministers said in a joint statement.

Why Is Bill Douglas Pushing "The Shell Game"? It might help to see what he's been doing for years for 9/11 truth.


Bill Douglas and Carol Brouillet are interviewed at the 9/11 International Inquiry-Phase 1 in San Francisco, CA at the end of March, 04. KPFA Radio in San Francisco


Paul Craig Roberts brings 9/11 truth to COUNTERPUNCH !! Is a FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb in Our Future?

Paul Craig Roberts brings 9/11 truth to COUNTERPUNCH !! Is a FALSE FLAG Dirty Bomb in Our Future?

Secret Schemes and Undeclared Agendas
Inside the Shell Game

The investigative journalist Edward Jay Epstein has taken up the Litvinenko case.

The media used the Litvinenko case as sensational propaganda against Russian President Putin and then tossed it aside. For those whose memories of the case have faded, Alexander Litvinenko was a former KGB officer living in England who died in 2006, apparently from the radioactive isotope Polonium-210 . . .

Those who have attempted to clue in fellow citizens are invariably frustrated, because Americans have been trained to dismiss the messenger who brings news of "false flag" events as a "conspiracy theorist."



"'The Shell Game' is a new book that gives the unimaginative Americans reality in the form of a novel interwoven with real events and people. I recommend it to everyone, especially those who believe the 9/11 Commission Report.

I don't think that Americans have any idea of the secret schemes serving undeclared agendas that are going to involve them in greater horrors than the current wars."

Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts, besides being a major voice demanding 9/11 truth, has been known as the Father of Reaganomics, and was a former editor and columnist for The Wall Street Journal and columnist for Business Week and the Scripps Howard News Service, he is a nationally syndicated columnist for Creators Syndicate in Los Angeles and a columnist for Investor’s Business Daily.

Martin Luther King, Jr. ties into the 911 TRUTH Movement

There are many aspects surrounding the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. which tie into the 911 TRUTH movement.

Joe brought this out recently when he and fellow TRUTHERS marched in the Dallas MLK parade on 1/19/08. http://www.911blogger.com/node/13452

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." --MLK

A highlighting point: Many, many people do not know that it was proven in court, PROVEN IN COURT, that the GOVERNMENT CONSPIRED TO ASSASSINATE MARTIN LUTHER KING.

Most people have not heard of this. Here is a court case of December, 1999 which had unimpeachable evidence that proved the government conspired to assassinate King. Yet, we have been betrayed by our media, by our government, by our schools, by our churches because we have not been told about this.

The censorship of this landmark case is as loud as the censorship of the 911 TRUTH movement.

The media DELIBERATELY did not go into the courtroom when they had access.