We Are Change UK - 11th of every month : BBC and Oxford St

We Are Change UK take part in the 11th or every month action that calls for a new investigation into the events of 9/11.

3000 citizens from around the world died on the day of 9/11 and millions since in wars as part of the War on Terror.

The 11th of every month actions take place across America, Canada, Europe and Australia and is gaining monentum. For more information:

My complaint to the BBC

On February 29, 2008 I submitted a complaint to the BBC concerning their lack of investigative journalism in connection with the London bomb attacks on July 7, 2005. Please read a copy of my complaint here:

The BBC's reply is below. They are basically saying that 1) I should have been prescient; and that 2), because the authorities did not see any problem with the triple coincidence under consideration, the BBC did not consider it necessary to engage in any kind of investigative journalism.

However, the BBC has considered my comment, which I submitted under the "General" category, to be about the Panorama program aired a year before the attacks. As that was not the case, I think I have grounds for re-opening the compaint.

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Thank you for your e-mail.

Due to the length of time that has passed since the original broadcast I'm
afraid there is very little I can say by way of response. Our complaints
process asks that viewers contact us within twelve weeks of transmission
and the programme you refer to was broadcast nearly four years ago. You
can find full details at our website:

BBC 9/11 Conspiracy Files Appeal Hearing Results

No surprise that the complaint was not upheld, The finding is a joke as you would imagine. For example, the BBC’s idea of ‘investigation’ regarding Mayor Willie Brown not flying on 911 is to phone his office and ask if the reports of a tip off were true!

The results are several pages long

9-11 Graffiti reported on the BBC

9-11 graffiti appears across city

A spate of graffiti about the September 2001 attacks in America has appeared around Bristol.
The spray-painted words '9-11 = iNSiDE JOB!' have been spotted across the north of the city.

Fly-posters and stickers making the same claim predated the spray-painting in the same area.

Neither the police nor the city council has received complaints about the graffiti, although a police spokesman said graffiti was criminal damage.

A spokeswoman for the council said they would look into it.

"If it was offensive, we would remove it," she added

BBC Caught Redhanded Censoring - Benazir Bhutto saying Bin Laden murdered omitted from BBC video

This is the edited and censored version straight from the BBC's website. They have completely and cleverly edited out Benazir Bhutto saying Omar Sheikh was the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden.

And here is the original version:

And the user has also made a video with both versions to compare here:

BBC claims wtc7 tapes lost is a lie!!

After the storm that was the discovery of the BBC reporting the collapse of WTC7 up to 40 minutes before the actual event, the BBC claimed that the recordings of the newscast were "lost".
This was a damage limitation excercise and an attempt to buy some time for the whole scandal to blow over, it didn't work.
The BBC is a corporation funded by the British people hence any data including recordings are the property of the license fee payers of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
To withold this data from its legal owners (license fee payers) is an offence under the data protection act.
When a FOIA request for the recordings was made the BBC confirmed the loss of the recordings and used this as an excuse to deny the disclosure of said information, however the individual making the request contacted the information commissioner to complain that the BBC had lost the recordings and was therefore liable to be prosecuted under the data protection act and barred from holding data (this would be catastrophic for such a large corporation).


A fellow researcher presented this link today on a german forum, I think it is a must see, and I'm wondering why this has so little views.

Why did so many insiders go out of their way to incriminate themselves?


If it stops around the second half just go on a few seconds with the mouse.

Available For Review: Keith Seffen's Simple Analysis Of The WTC "Collapse"

The existence of the paper, "Progressive Collapse of the World Trade Centre: a Simple Analysis", by University of Cambridge senior lecturer Keith Seffen, is no longer in doubt.

Dr. Seffen has claimed his paper shows the collapse of the WTC towers was "destined to be rapid and total" once it began, and the rapid and total destruction of the towers was "an ordinary thing to have happened."

The paper was cited on September 11, 2007, by the BBC and others, who reported it as having been published by the Journal of Engineering Mechanics (JEM), a monthly publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). But a search of the ASCE archives revealed that the paper had not been published.

Two months later, when the paper still had not appeared, I wrote a series of articles mentioning this discrepancy and documenting some of the efforts made by myself and others to obtain further information on this story -- all of which had been ignored.

Where's The Paper? Did The BBC And A Cambridge Don Commit Fraud To Cover Up Mass Murder?

On September 11, 2007, the BBC published an article based on a press release from the University of Cambridge called "9/11 demolition theory challenged", describing research purportedly done by Cambridge lecturer Keith Seffen.

Dr. Seffen, the BBC said, had constructed a mathematical model of the twin towers of the World Trade Center which showed that

once the collapse of the twin towers began, it was destined to be rapid and total.

According to the BBC, Dr. Seffen proceeded from this mathematical model to describe the destruction of the twin towers as

a "very ordinary thing to happen".

The BBC also reported that Dr. Seffen's findings

are published in the Journal of Engineering Mechanics.

The Journal of Engineering Mechanics (JEM) is a monthly publication of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). When a search of the ASCE website turned up no mention of a Keith Seffen, nor any mention of any "Seffen", I began to detect the distinctive smell of manure.

Comment Letter On BBC Director Generals Blog - Demanding The BBC Investigate 9/11 As Part Of Its Drive For Truth

I wrote this to Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC after he claimed that all the trust issues of the BBC have been resolved. You can see his letter and my response (no 17) at

Please 9/11 Bloggers - dont write comments to me, add your voice to this blog, using the link above and demand the BBC Investigates 9/11. With continued pressure, the growing weight of evidence, and the new film Loose Change Final Cut, which I promise you will prove the official story of 9/11 is false, we will win this battle for democracy.

Mark Thompson knows sooner or later he will have to investigate 9/11. He is under tremendous pressure to resist us, but we have to show we are as strong and as wily as those that would seek to silence us.

I am confident that behind the scenes the Berlin wall that is seperating those who peddle falsehoods and those that know the truth will soon come crashing down....with your help.....that wall will crumble. Thank you.

Tim Sparke
Executive Producer
Loose Change Final Cut

Mr Thompson,

Was WTC7 a Controlled Demolition? New Article in the Simon (Los Angeles)

Was WTC7 a Controlled Demolition?
By Matt Hutaff, Sep 18, 2007

When a reporter hears a building fall 23 minutes before it does, is there a sound?

The view from BBC reporter Jane Standley's window was a spectacular mess. Thick plumes of smoke rose above the New York City skyline, blotting out sunlight and choking the morale of rescue workers trying to salvage human life from the wreckage of the just-collapsed World Trade Center.

It was the afternoon of September 11, 2001, and Standley was responding to questions posed by colleagues in England. "New York very much a city still in chaos," she said. "The phones are not working properly, the subway lines are not working properly, and we know that down there near the World Trade Center there are three schoools that are being turned into triage centres for emergency treatment."

BBC Reports "9/11 Demolition Theory Challenged" by Dr Keith Seffen

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An analysis of the World Trade Center collapse has challenged a conspiracy theory surrounding the 9/11 attacks.

The study by a Cambridge University engineer demonstrates that once the collapse of the twin towers began, it was destined to be rapid and total.

One of many conspiracy theories proposes that the buildings came down in a manner consistent with a "controlled demolition".

The new data shows this is not needed to explain the way the towers fell.

Over 2,800 people were killed in the devastating attacks on New York.

After reviewing television footage of the Trade Center's destruction, engineers had proposed the idea of "progressive collapse" to explain the way the twin towers disintegrated on 11 September 2001.

This mode of structural failure describes the way the building fell straight down rather than toppling, with each successive floor crushing the one beneath (an effect called "pancaking").