
Comment Letter On BBC Director Generals Blog - Demanding The BBC Investigate 9/11 As Part Of Its Drive For Truth

I wrote this to Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC after he claimed that all the trust issues of the BBC have been resolved. You can see his letter and my response (no 17) at

Please 9/11 Bloggers - dont write comments to me, add your voice to this blog, using the link above and demand the BBC Investigates 9/11. With continued pressure, the growing weight of evidence, and the new film Loose Change Final Cut, which I promise you will prove the official story of 9/11 is false, we will win this battle for democracy.

Mark Thompson knows sooner or later he will have to investigate 9/11. He is under tremendous pressure to resist us, but we have to show we are as strong and as wily as those that would seek to silence us.

I am confident that behind the scenes the Berlin wall that is seperating those who peddle falsehoods and those that know the truth will soon come crashing down....with your help.....that wall will crumble. Thank you.

Tim Sparke
Executive Producer
Loose Change Final Cut

Mr Thompson,