Barrie Zwicker

Michael Parenti and Barrie Zwicker - 9/11 Questions Remain

Michael Parenti in answering Barrie Zwicker's well put question to him, states that he supports a real investigation into 9/11.

Toronto Showing of 9/11 Mysteries and Guest Discussions with Barrie Zwicker, Graeme MacQueen, and Michael Keefer,, and showed "911 Mysteries" at the Bloor Cinema in Toronto Thursday June 14th at 7:00pm. Speakers included Barrie Zwicker, Graeme MacQueen and Michael Keefer, with a turnout of about 165 people. Great discussions with these fantastic speakers and other 9/11 activists after the event at Laila's across the street. Thank you and kudos to the organizers for all of their hard work, especially Mike Cogan. Here's a picture of Barrie and me. :)

'The prima facie case remains unrefuted.' --Dr. Griffin

The prima facie case remains unrefuted.

“If raising disturbing questions about the official account would be seen as both unpatriotic and sacrilegious, it is not surprising that, as both Rena Golden and Dan Rather admit, the mainline press in America has not raised these questions. It is also not surprising that right-wing and even middle-of-the-road commentators on political affairs have not raised serious questions about the official account. It is not even surprising that some of them – including Jean Bethke Elshtain, a professor of social and political ethics –have declared that the accusation of official complicity is beyond the pale of reasonable debate, so that any arguments on its behalf can simply be ignored. Elshtain, calling the suggestion that American officials, including the President, were complicit in the attacks “preposterous”, adds: “This sort of inflammatory madness exists outside the boundary of political debate” and therefore does not even “deserve a hearing”. From this perspective, it is not necessary to examine the evidence put forward by critics of the official account, even though some of these critics are fellow intellectuals teaching in neighboring universities – such as two well-respected Canadian academics, economist Michel Chossudovsky and social philosopher John McMurtry [see below for relevant links]. Although Elshtain points out that “if we get our description of events wrong, our analyses and our ethics will be wrong too”, she evidently thinks it unnecessary to consider the possibility that the official description about the events of 9/11 might be wrong. Although this attitude is unfortunate, especially when it is expressed within the intellectual community, it is not surprising. What is surprising, however, is that America’s leftist critics of US policy, who are seldom worried about being called unpatriotic or sacrilegious, have for the most part not explored, at least in public discourse, the possibility of official complicity.”

“If a significant portion of the evidence summarized here holds up, the conclusion that the attacks of 9/11 succeeded because of official complicity would become virtually inescapable.”

Towers of Deception Wins Gold

Thanks to Ian Woods for sending this in...

The 2007 Independent Publisher Book Awards results have been announced. There were 2,690 entries from 50 US states, eight Canadian provinces and 17 overseas countries, in 65 categories. “Current Events” is category 34.

34. Current Events
Gold: Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, by Barrie Zwicker (New Society Publishers)
Silver: Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class, by Thom Hartmann (Berrett-Koehler Publishers)

A Blizzard of Canadian Truth

It's all Barrie Zwicker's fault. He was the first media professional on the planet to start poking holes in the Bush administration's "Official Conspiracy Theory", on cable TV. He's Canadian, so, it must be his fault!

From Toronto to Vancouver, Canadians are wondering just what the hell went down on 9/11, and Zwicker is egging them on. This past week saw Zwicker roll into Winnipeg with architect Richard Gage and launched a three-day whirlwind of public presentations and appearances on Winnipeg's local cable television, with a big supporting role from Winnipeg's ;

Zwicker and Stop Lyings's Dr. Joe Hawkins on CITY TV;

Zwicker on SHAW cable;

Part One:

Part Two:

It's funny... these TV anchors are so... different compared to say, Hannity & Colmes, for instance.

Barrie Zwicker on another Winnipeg channel

sorry for the delay folks...still recovering

here is Barrie Zwicker on another local TV station for almost 20 minutes. it's currently airing every 90 minutes until Monday

....more event goodies to come.....

Winnipeg 9/11 Truth packs 3 events in 2 days!

All three advertised public 9/11 Truth events in Winnipeg were filled to capacity on May 29 & 30. Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, took a crowd of over 200 through a Power Point presentation of solid evidence that the collapses of WTC 1, 2 & 7 could only have been the result of controlled demolition. Media critic, author, and documentary producer Barrie Zwicker presented the case that the media have been negligent in reporting about the 9/11 Truth movement. Questions from the audience found answers from both speakers. Even campus police were in attendance, listening.

Next we rushed back downtown to the historic Hotel Fort Garry, where Mr. Gage would present again to an audience of 300 at the magnificent Provencher Ballroom. The audience included several architect and a smattering of engineers, as well as some police, firefighters, and various professionals. At the end of Mr. Gage's presentation he polled the audience to see who now believed in the controlled demolition theory; nearly everyone raised a hand. Upon all chairs at this and each event we laid manila envelopes containing a copy of the 9/11 Mysteries DVD plus the "11 Remarkable Facts About 9/11" flashcard, and a collection of print articles, including (former) Winnipeg Sun editor John Gleeson's well-known recent column, "Scholars debate 9/11 findings." The Hotel Fort Garry Audience also received a data CD containing the recently released WTC blueprints.

Winnipeg Sun on 9/11 Truth event: Columnist calls it "paranoid nonsense"; letters to editor all pro-Truth

The Winnipeg Sun's columnist Stephen Ripley was not impressed by Barrie Zwicker's presentation on Wednesday. Ripley employed typical smear tactics:

"This isn't the place to challenge Zwicker's theories about the events of Sept. 11. If you want to believe George W. Bush and the U.S. government were complicit in the mass murder of some 3,000 people, that's your right. You can also believe the CIA killed John F. Kennedy, the moon landing was faked and Sanjaya was the real winner of American Idol while you're at it.

But the charges levelled at the media by Zwicker and his fellow panelists deserve closer attention. Despite the applause they received from the audience -- roughly 90% of whom indicated they believe the U.S. government was involved in 9/11 -- they failed to make their case. Heck, they barely even tried."

Waking Up The Neighbours

It was about a month ago when I saw Richard Gage's online video. After looking into his credentials, I said to myself "he's the ticket". The whole plan came to me in an instant. If we could get Richard Gage in town to speak to a group of his peers, we could then take those awoken architects and engineers to the first responders. The architects build the buildings the firefighters fight fires in...the firefighters would have a hard time arguing the simple physics with a bunch of architects and engineers.

Dr Hawkins came over and wanted to do even more 9/11 activism when I showed him Mr Gage's video and I said "we need to get this guy here to speak to his peers and some firefighters"....his response was, "ok, lets do it". Neither of us like to sit back and watch the world go by, so he was on the horn right away to get Gage up to the great white north. Believing in nothing on a small scale, the plan escalated to bringing in Barrie Zwicker and inviting all the local journalists to a round table discussion on the media silence. Bam! Dr. Joe hooks up Barrie Zwicker to come in and host the discussion. Hey, since all the teachers at the university got a dvd or 2, let’s get both Zwicker and Gage to speak at the university. More phone calls and the university was booked.


Richard Gage, Barrie Zwicker, and Dr. Joe Hawkins are going to rock Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada next week.
More details at

"Shadowplay" - New Documentary Fuses Anti-War Left & 9/11 Skepticism

"The American empire is imploding and going down, it is already visible before our eyes. The ideological and the political currency and cachet of this government... it's disgraced around the world. The American government is hated more than at any time in my lifetime, so we really have an empire that's in a slow-motion decline and it will decline. My two worries are... they are going to do a lot of bloodshed, a lot of wreckage before it goes down, and that what stands to replace them is the Chinese empire, and the Chinese empire is a lot more experienced than the American empire, which would be rather parvenue by Chinese standards. "
- Prof. John McMurtry.

I've blogged a couple of times now about a forthcoming documentary from the Australian production company, Upstream Media, called Shadowplay. I'm happy to report that Shadowplay is finally coming to fruition due to the dedicated work of Upstream's Gillian Norman. Her long-distance co-producer is Ian Woods of Global Outlook.

Thanks in part to donations from visitors of 911blogger, Shadowplay is emerging as a strong piece with a serious focus on 9/11 and the decline of the American empire.

Noam Chomsky, Gatekeepers And Barrie Zwickers 'Controversial' Chapter 5.

One of the most 'controversial' chapters to appear in any 9/11 book, was written by Barrie Zwicker in his 'Towers of Deception'. This 'controversial' but true, accurate and highly education chapter has found its way onto the internet, and has been reproduced as far as I can see word for word and illustration for illustration. So if you would like to analyze the methods of propaganda, and dissect through the obfuscation here are the links:

Here are two reviews of the book from, which particularly mention this specific chapter as forming the basis of opinion concerning the book, and the review written about it:

The first reader gives the book 2 Starts out of 5 (2/5):
I gave the book two stars mainly because Zwicker's treatment of Noam Chomsky, with its continual oscillation between fawning adulation and vituperative disgust, is worth a read.

The second reder gives the book 5 Starts out of 5 (5/5):

Winnipeg 9/11 Truth to host Architect Richard Gage, author Barrie Zwicker


California architect to deliver presentation on World Trade Center collapses
Local architects, engineers, police, firefighters and paramedics to attend events at University of Manitoba & Fort Garry Hotel

10 May 2007

Richard Gage, AIA, Architect, a Berkeley, California-based designer of fireproofed steel-framed buildings, will be in Winnipeg on Tuesday, May 29 to deliver a pair of lectures explaining the controversial 2001 collapses of the World Trade Center's Twin Towers and the 47-storey WTC 7.

Noam Chomsky And The Gatekeepers Of The Left

From indoctriNATION @

I recently dug up an episode of one of my favoutrite Canadian alternative radio shows, Elephant Talk, which is broadcast from CHLY 101.7 in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

Progressive Canadian journalist Barrie Zwicker was the guest, discussing his new book Towers of Deception, The Media Cover-Up of 9/11.

One of the hosts of the show, James Booker, asked the award-winning journalist and university professor about something that had been on my mind for months, ever since I read Noam Chomsky’s uncharacteristicly emotional and logically stunted arguments against the hypothesis that 9/11 was a covert operation perpetrated by criminal elements of the US government.

Visit indoctriNATION to listen to Barrie Zwicker on Elephant Talk

The following is a transcription of part of their conversation (from 14:56 to 21:27):