Winnipeg Sun

Winnipeg Sun on 9/11 Truth event: Columnist calls it "paranoid nonsense"; letters to editor all pro-Truth

The Winnipeg Sun's columnist Stephen Ripley was not impressed by Barrie Zwicker's presentation on Wednesday. Ripley employed typical smear tactics:

"This isn't the place to challenge Zwicker's theories about the events of Sept. 11. If you want to believe George W. Bush and the U.S. government were complicit in the mass murder of some 3,000 people, that's your right. You can also believe the CIA killed John F. Kennedy, the moon landing was faked and Sanjaya was the real winner of American Idol while you're at it.

But the charges levelled at the media by Zwicker and his fellow panelists deserve closer attention. Despite the applause they received from the audience -- roughly 90% of whom indicated they believe the U.S. government was involved in 9/11 -- they failed to make their case. Heck, they barely even tried."

War on Terror looks like a fraud

Contrary to the "patriots" who try to use the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan to stifle debate on Canada's involvement in the War on Terror, I would say that as new evidence presents itself, we would indeed be cowards to ignore it simply because we've lost troops in the field and are therefore blindly committed to the mission.

And new evidence is piling up around us, arguably strong enough to declare the whole War on Terror an undeniable fraud.
With many Americans (including academics and former top U.S. government officials) now questioning even the physical facts of 9/11 and seriously disputing the "militant Islam" spin, with the media more brain-dead than it's been in our lifetimes, now is not the time for jingoism and blind faith in the likes of Cheney, George W. Bush and Robert Gates.

John Gleeson is the editor of the Winnipeg Sun. He can be reached by e-mail at: