Towers of Deception

Book by Barrie Zwicker....... Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11


Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11
May 3rd, 2010 12:01 AM

Book by Barrie Zwicker

A dozen carefully researched books have exposed the official story of 9/11 to be a terror fraud. Yet the mainstream media have monolithically failed to ask elementary questions about anomalies in this story. So-called alternative media have been little better. Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11 explains why and prescribes actions to break out the truth.

Towers of Deception Wins Gold

Thanks to Ian Woods for sending this in...

The 2007 Independent Publisher Book Awards results have been announced. There were 2,690 entries from 50 US states, eight Canadian provinces and 17 overseas countries, in 65 categories. “Current Events” is category 34.

34. Current Events
Gold: Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-Up of 9/11, by Barrie Zwicker (New Society Publishers)
Silver: Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class, by Thom Hartmann (Berrett-Koehler Publishers)

Mark Dice's 9/11 Truth Jam - Winnipeg Entry

Up in the north Midwest, jamming the University of Manitoba with free DVDs for students, books for the professors.

Globe and Mail "reviews" Towers of Deception

Martin Levin, writing in the Books section of the Globe and Mail yesterday (page D13), trashes Towers of Deception and says some of the "more important" books on 9/11 will be "reviewed at length" in coming weeks.

Levin misrepresents Zwicker's argument, claiming, for example, that Zwicker says Noam Chomsky "is part of the plot," without explaining what he means by that. Levin writes:

"Now I have little trouble believing it possible that plutocrats of the Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld axis of ego are orchestrating things for their own benefit and that of their Fortune 500 cronies. Or that the war in Iraq is based on an unsavoury stew of misconceptions, stupidity, wishful thinking and deceit. But what I do have difficulty believing is that the 'perpetrators' are intelligent enough and, I suppose, quite evil enough, not only to concoct such a grand strategy, but to carry it off so deviously that only Zwicker and his allies can discern its true nature. I have just as hard a time believing that this sometimes entertainingly obsessive screed has proved anything at all."

"Only Zwicker and his allies"? You mean the 100 million Americans, 20 million Canadians, and countless millions of foreigners who believe the US government did it?