Edmonton 9/11 Truth

RECYCLE - 5th. Consecutive Year 9/11 Civil Information Actions - Folk Festival

YouTube by Civil Information Activist Doug Brinkman - http://www.ciactivist.org/: EDMONTON August 11, 2013: Not only did the Edmonton Folk Festival have 5 consecutive years of 9/11 truth actions outside her gates but in this city of summer festivals Heritage Days last weekend also saw it's 5th consecutive year on 9/11 civil information actions.Next week the Fringe Theatre Festival will also see it's 5th consecutive year with 9/11 truthers outside it's gates too. Over the years other festivals where civil information actions took place included the Street Performers Festival, The Works arts festival, The Art Walk and last year for the first time outside the gates of the Interstellar (music) Rodeo. These festival civil actions along with regular Farmer's market 9/11 truth actions puts the famous words of former media tycoon Izzy Asper to actions "If you want the public to hear you once, you have to say what you're saying five or 10 times."
Izzy Asper was the founder of Canwest...

LINK YouTube Playlist: 43 Civil Information Action Reports

Canada's Eastern & Western 9/11 Petition Drive and Points in Between " Winning!"

"Winning!" Best Describes Eastern, Western
and points in between - Canada's 9/11 Petition Drive!

Canadian government loses no-confidence vote - "9/11 is Key! " Election Campaign Begins

"9/11 is Key" - Canada Election Campaign began in Edmonton just hours before the Harper Government was defeated in a non confidence vote. Posters went up on city provided kiosks in Old Strathcona and the downtown core of Edmonton.

2-Days Civil Information[ing]: Dr Niels Harrit to the University of Alberta, and Local Farmer's Market

Friday February 4Th - University of Alberta: Posters and Leaflets promoting Dr. Niels Harrit's February 22ND speaking event...

Saturday February 5Th. Old Strathconas Farmer's Market.

11th Day Street Action -"Stop Human Trafficking?!" ,"Investigate 9/11 Canada". December 2010

There is hope for the future with our young men and women taking a leading role for what's right!
Another successful 11TH. day of the month truth action in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Special thanks to the Edmonton Police Service, Emily and Tony for the free DVDs on
9/11 Blueprint for truth , featuring Richard Gage. ( Winnipeg Conference) StopLying.org
Special thanks to Santa's helpers.