Buildingwhat banner/Signature

I put this together -I don't know how it will be received. But if anyone wants to use it, please do.

This is a Fair use, non-profit, educational tool.

NFL Great to Match Your BuildingWhat? Donations Through December 31

The BuildingWhat? campaign is pleased to announce beginning today, December 29, through December 31, NFL great Mark Stepnoski will match, up to $10,000, all donations made to the next TV ad campaign.

Thanks to the generosity of supporters across the globe, the BuildingWhat? campaign has raised almost $30,000 since the launch of the new fundraising drive on December 5. We are thrilled and grateful that two-time Superbowl champion Mark Stepnoski has so generously stepped forward to spur us toward the $50,000-milestone. Between now and the end of the year, Mark will match every dollar you donate; and just a reminder, every dollar you do give in 2010 will be fully tax-deductible when you file your taxes in the coming months!

To kick off the mini-fundraising drive, Mark will be appearing on the Alex Jones Show at 2pm Eastern on Wednesday, December 29. Please tune in to hear Mark talk about why he is supporting the campaign for a new Building 7 investigation. He will be joined by engineer and AE911Truth member Tony Szamboti, who recently appeared on Geraldo At Large and has been spearheading the effort in New York City to bring about a new investigation.

For more information on the next round of TV spots, click here. To donate, simply click below:

Donate Now

We wish you the best in the New Year and thank you in advance for helping make 2011 what promises to be a breakthrough year!


The BuildingWhat? Team


Support BuildingWhat? Round 2

BuildingWhat? Round 2 | Dec. 14, 2010

Following the successful first "BuildingWhat?" wave of TV ads, 9-11 family members are launching the second round of this unprecedented effort to educate New Yorkers and the world on the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.

This time around, the BuildingWhat? team have set a fundraising goal of $200,000 that they hope to reach by January 1, 2011. The TV ad campaign for Round 2, set to launch in New York City in mid to late January, will be much larger than Round 1, and it will go hand-in-hand with an online viral campaign, a print ad campaign, and even more PR efforts.

11th Day Street Action -"Stop Human Trafficking?!" ,"Investigate 9/11 Canada". December 2010

There is hope for the future with our young men and women taking a leading role for what's right!
Another successful 11TH. day of the month truth action in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Special thanks to the Edmonton Police Service, Emily and Tony for the free DVDs on
9/11 Blueprint for truth , featuring Richard Gage. ( Winnipeg Conference)
Special thanks to Santa's helpers.

BuildingWhat? Round 2

December 5, 2010

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased and excited to announce the launch of a new fundraising drive for the next round of BuildingWhat? TV ads. Before going into the details of Round 2, here is a brief recap of what has happened to bring us to this point:

Thanks to the generosity of thousands of supporters across the globe, the BuildingWhat? TV ad campaign was able to raise $100,000 and reach a remarkable 1 million viewers in the New York Metropolitan Area during the month of November, most of them seeing footage of World Trade Center Building 7’s destruction for the first time ever.

9/11 Family Group: Judge Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera Are Right to Question Building 7 Collapse

NEW YORK CITY  — Today, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (NYC CAN), a group of family members of those killed in the 9/11 attacks, issued the following statement:

We who lost our loved ones on September 11, 2001 vigorously applaud Judge Andrew Napolitano and Geraldo Rivera for the courage they have shown in publicly questioning the official claim that the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 was due to fire.

In the week since Judge Napolitano aired his views on Building 7, many voices in the media have singled him out for attack while conveniently ignoring the sequence of events that led to his revelation and the overwhelming evidence that validates his concerns.

This past month, on TV screens across the New York Metropolitan Area, millions of viewers have been seeing footage of Building 7′s collapse for the first time ever.  This is because we took it upon ourselves to produce and appear in a TV ad to draw attention to the fact that more than 1,300 architects and engineers publicly join us in challenging the official explanation that Building 7 came down due to fire.  We were fortunate enough that Geraldo Rivera saw our ad and invited our representatives to appear on Geraldo At Large.  There they presented the irrefutable evidence that Building 7′s collapse could not have resulted from fire as the government claims.  Geraldo Rivera then appeared on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano to discuss our campaign and express his doubts about Building 7.  The following week, Judge Napolitano courageously voiced his own opinions on this matter.

However, you would not know anything about our position if you are getting your information from outlets like Media Matters and the Huffington Post.  On November 29, Media Matters published an article entitled, “9/11 Victim Families Criticize Judge Napolitano Comments,” in which four 9/11 family members were quoted as attacking Judge Napolitano, without a single mention of the more than one-hundred 9/11 family members from NYC CAN who share Napolitano’s skepticism.  One family member quoted in the article went as far as to say, “Anybody who talks about that is obviously not a family member and just trying to stir the pot and cause controversy.”

We who lost loved ones on that day cannot stand idly by as our honest search for the truth about their death is trampled upon.  We demand that Media Matters apologize for its unfair, irresponsible and injurious coverage of this deeply sensitive issue.  And we call upon other voices in the media to follow the lead of Geraldo Rivera and Judge Napolitano, who have so courageously begun to question our government’s scientifically bogus explanation for Building 7′s collapse.

For more information and to view the TV ad, go to:

George Galloway "9/11 Double Standards", Grey Cup "Building What?"

YouTube Report: November 25, 2010- A day of Grey Cup "" Civil Information actions, a night with former British MP George Galloway and 9/11...

George Galloway "9/11 Double Standards" & Grey Cup "Building What?"

I tried to ask George Galloway a question regarding the crimes of 9/11 but failed to get his response.
After his speaking event I shared "" leaflets. Over 500 came to hear Galloway speak at the University of Alberta.

( 2 days before Edmonton) "9/11 truthers Are Largely Insane" Calgary: George Galloway asked about 9/11 by Professor Anthony J. Hall and his graduate student Joshua Blakeney in Calgary