RECYCLE - 5th. Consecutive Year 9/11 Civil Information Actions - Folk Festival

YouTube by Civil Information Activist Doug Brinkman - EDMONTON August 11, 2013: Not only did the Edmonton Folk Festival have 5 consecutive years of 9/11 truth actions outside her gates but in this city of summer festivals Heritage Days last weekend also saw it's 5th consecutive year on 9/11 civil information actions.Next week the Fringe Theatre Festival will also see it's 5th consecutive year with 9/11 truthers outside it's gates too. Over the years other festivals where civil information actions took place included the Street Performers Festival, The Works arts festival, The Art Walk and last year for the first time outside the gates of the Interstellar (music) Rodeo. These festival civil actions along with regular Farmer's market 9/11 truth actions puts the famous words of former media tycoon Izzy Asper to actions "If you want the public to hear you once, you have to say what you're saying five or 10 times."
Izzy Asper was the founder of Canwest...

LINK YouTube Playlist: 43 Civil Information Action Reports

Two Hats Worn over the weekend during Folk Fest -YEG

YouTube: 'I've got to raise every voice, at least I've got to try...' This Rocket Launcher Kills Afghan Kids'

This weekend was a full-time civil information job for me under the searing hot sun. The previous day I wore my artist/ antiwar hat and created an art installment related to 9/11 truth outside the gates of the Edmonton Folk Festival titled "This Rocket Launcher Kills Kids" This art installation uses many different mediums and artist tools with YouTube being it's primary canvas. This is part of a bigger art installment called "GREY DAYS" now published on my community news website "The Civil Information Activist"

Grey Days Expressing our need for change through Art - Breaking faith from it's social function to show the world as changeable.
When I first started exploring "Civil Information Activism" I was amazed from the effect art had to igniting passion within the minds and hearts of ordinary citizens during rallies and protests. Solidarity for change was inspired as creativity was everywhere expressed through posters, singing, dancing, poetry and from the most creative speeches I have ever heard. Video being one tool I use as a media activist when sharing a news story I decided to combine it with the excitement that comes from art. The Skies the Limit it seems as to how we can express ourselves and our causes as individuals or as a group - be it music, dance, theatre, writing - all can have a profound impact to awakening the minds and hearts of others for change and better tomorrows.

About this video "This Rocket Launcher Kills Kids" - It's two ideas from two artists who look at the desperate situation of war in Afghanistan...
Another artist (war artist) Alex Colville began his career as a military artist and famously documented troops landing at Juno Beach on D-Day, becoming the most prominent painter to document Canada’s involvement in the Second World War. Graham Colville said the war deeply affected his father. His experiences as a war artist really marked him for life and he continued really for decades to have nightmares about the war, possibly until even quite recently. It made a very deep impression.” Alex Colville, acclaimed Nova Scotia artist, died recently at 92. So this art installation "Grey Days" is today dedicated to Alex Colville...

"Horse and Train"

Influenced by Alex's work, I have studied his paintings in books and sometimes had the joy and opportunity to study his work up close inside the Alberta Gallery of Art. My family and friends would recognize that "Horse and Train" print that hung on my wall for years. I would drift and lose myself in it's beauty and tragedy. I often wondered whatever happened to that picture from all my moving around the country. Another gifted artist from Toronto singer songwriter Bruce Cockburn used that same "Horse and Train" for one of his many album covers. Bruce also an influence to me as an artist and activist, tirelessly portrayed the many injustices to first nations people in Canada and around the world through his songs. I also wondered whatever happened to my mentor Bruce after 9/11, he changed it seemed to me.

September 10, 2009: "It's a long discussion on whether we should be in Afghanistan — whether anyone should be in Afghanistan," he said thoughtfully."But since we are, and since we've gone this far, I don't think it's appropriate to leave at this stage.Bruce Cockburn while visiting his brother and entetaining our troops in Afghanistan CBC :

After we invaded Afghanistan for no good reasons. Bruce suggested Canada not abandon but continue its mission in Afghanistan. I was devastated from Bruce's 180 turn from years of condemning Generals, war and violence portrayed in his music "Rocket Launcher" . I've never been able to listen to his music nor attend another concert again since he added his voice in support of this war of 9/11 retribution in Afghanistan. Regardless how I feel about Bruce today both artists Bruce and Alex remind me why we need to combine our commitment for change as activists by freely employing our gifts and skills through our poetry, writing, painting, dance, theatre, film,skills as tools to insure human rights peace and equality for all people of the world and all living things. Bruce will likely go down in Canadian history as the man who promoted war, famous for his song"If I Had a Rocket Launcher" "Some Son of a Bitch Will Die" But I think we as a race of humans can find something better to resolve our differences rather than resorting to killing each others kids through war and hate...

Canadian troops in Afghanistan as 9/11 'retribution -

Afghan conflict takes increasing toll on civilians in first half of 2013 – UN report
“The violent impact of the conflict on Afghan civilians marked by the return of rising civilian casualties in 2013 demands even greater commitment and further efforts by parties to the conflict to protect civilians who are increasingly being killed and injured in the crossfire,” said the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of UNAMA, Ján Kubiš.

Original Oil Painting For Sale - Bruce Cockburn

ORIGINAL FOR SALE (bidding starts at $911.00) All proceeds will be donated on behalf of the artist to Edmonton Garrison MFRC.