Orangutan.'s blog

Burning DVD's

I have been enjoying watching 9/11 videos on Google Video and passing the links around on the internet. But I'd like to bump my activism up to providing people with hard DVD's to put into their home DVD players. I have ordered the following movies from www.911dvdproject.com

1) 9/11 - Press For Truth
2) 9/11 - Mysteries
3) Dr. David Ray Griffin in Madison WI
4) TerrorStorm
5) Loose Change 2E
6) WKJO - Who Killed John O'Neill

But I would also like to be able to burn videos from Google Video onto DVD-R discs and copy them and pass them out as well. This seems like a skill we should all have a handle on. Unfortunately I've been unable to figure it out. Here is my story.

OWN the NWO gave me this info: get videodownloader extension for firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/2390
I downloaded this but the icon isn't showing up in my FireFox window, so I am unable to use the program.

Canadian4Truth then submitted this advice: http://www.vdownloader.es/

Truth Squads - John Edwards in Chicago.

This might be a good opportunity for some people with a voice, a camcorder, and some bravery to confront John Edwards with some pointed 9/11 Truth questions...

John is going to be in Chicago next Wednesday night to meet with local supporters, and he asked that I invite you to join him. Space is limited, so I hope you sign up to reserve your spot right away!

Here are the details:

What: "Small Change for Big Change" grassroots fundraiser with John Edwards and you

Where: BB's Bar and Restaurant, 22 East Hubbard, Chicago, IL

When: Wednesday, June 13th, 5:15 PM – 6:15 PM *cash bar*

RSVP online to reserve your spot at:


Confront Al Gore regarding the Truth of 9/11

On June 6th, Al Gore will be in Chicago to sign his new book, The Assault on Reason. The event will take place at Borders Books and Music at 150 North State St.

Event: Al Gore
Where: Borders Books and Music 150 North State St Chicago, IL 60601
Date: June 6
Time: 12:30 PM (Be sure to arrive early) with questions of WTC 7, NORAD, gravity, etc (and video tape)

For more information please visit: http://www.bordersstores.com/ or call 312.606.0750

We look forward to seeing you there.

Thank you,

The AlGore.com Team

Kos gets pissed off.

Maybe this is the time and opportunity we needed to push Kos of DailyKos over the hump of 9/11 Truth. He has found out that the Democrats aren't going to effectively end this war and he is pissed off about it. Maybe we can make him aware of what most of us already know: 9/11 Truth Ends War. Here is a sample of his latest blog entry:

End of the war - http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/5/24/142312/462
by kos

Thu May 24, 2007 at 11:33:34 AM PDT

I've never been under any illusion that this war would end before the next Democratic president took charge. But when a party wins control of Congress on ending the war, I thought they would at least work to make that happen.

That way, they'd show the American people that hey -- these guys will really fight for what they were elected to do!

And that's why today is so disappointing. Congressional Democrats made a promise to force change in Iraq. Had they done their job, Bush would've found a way around it -- signing statements, ignoring them, spurring a drawn-out Constitutional crisis, whatever.

But at least people would have a clear distinction between the Bush party, and those trying to clean up the mess.

New Footage

Here is a never before-released video of the WTC attacks. This has to be the clearest and most detailed video surrounding the terrorist attack on the towers. The video is graphic in depicting the collapse of the first tower. 9/11 Was An Inside Job

What We Saw Never before-released video of the WTC attacks
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5474006551011489413&hl=en 26 min

Loose Change: Final Cut Footage
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1375208054676470714 1 hour

Write the editor/writer of CNN's "SituationRoom" with Wolf Blitzer

This dude is publicizing a book he wrote and gives us many avenues to contact him regarding 9/11. Go to his blog www.johndedakis.blogspot.com, his son's bands website, his publisher's website, his own website www.johndedakis.com, and use his email address john@johndedakis.com to inform them on what the reality is regarding 9/11. We might not always be able to get directly to Wolf Blitzer or such and such a Congressman, but here is an opportunity to educate their staff. The following is his letter he sent out to people interested in his book:

My publisher is hosting a Live OnLine Chat for me -- and you're welcome to take part.

It's Saturday, April 14, at 7pm Eastern Time. Simply go to the ArcheBooks web site: (www.archebooks.com), find the Chat Room icon on the Home Page and click on it.

We'll discuss the creative process, getting published, my mystery/suspense novel FAST TRACK, progress (or lack) on book two in the Lark Chadwick series, and/or anything else on your mind.

Odds and Ends:
My blog is up and running. Come visit: www.johndedakis.blogspot.com

Action Alert for Sibel Edmonds

Submitted by GeorgeWashington on Sat, 03/17/2007 - 2:46pm.
Sibel Edmonds

We've been asked for a summary of the action alert on Sibel Edmonds. Here it is. Whether you believe that the government actually carried out the 9/11 attacks, let them happen, or were just criminally negligent, this is something that we can all rally around.

What: How to put leading neocons in jail
When: This Monday and Tuesday, March 19 and 20, 2007
How: Make a phone call

Executive summary

Sibel Edmonds, the most gagged whistleblower in history, who the Department of Justice's Inspector General and several senators have called extremely credible, and who 30 conservative and liberal groups endorse, says that she has information of criminal wrongdoing that will put leading neoconservatives, war architects and dual loyalists Richard Perle, Doulas Feith and Dennis Hastert in jail.

Sibel Edmonds is back in the News.

Two FBI Whistleblowers Confirm Illegal Wiretapping of Govt Officials, Support Sibel Edmonds Claims
by lukery
Mon Mar 05, 2007 at 11:22:33 AM PST

Sibel Edmonds has got her hands on an explosive official report from an FBI agent which demonstrates that the US Government was illegally spying on "high-profile U.S. public officials"

They were illegally using the rubber-stamping FISA court to do it (you know, FISA, the court they had to ignore in the illegal NSA wire-tapping case). FISA is supposed to be for "Foreign" persons only - not for domestic surveillance.

But here's the thing: Sibel worked for this particular agent when she was at the FBI - so this illegal spying uncovered all of the criminal activity that Sibel knows about "large-scale drug deals and of selling classified military technologies to the highest bidder" - and to top it off, no action has been taken, no arrests, no idictments, and they buried the enitre case by gagging Sibel, and congress - by claiming 'national security.'



Graphics of WTC7 for Mass Emailing

These graphics are easily copied and pasted into emails to send to unsuspecting recipients who've never seen WTC 7. Great tool to spread info around the Net. Old high school teachers, journalists, politicians, etc have all gotten this from me. Thought you'd like to have access to it. Just copy and paste.

World Trade Center Building 7 was NOT hit by an aircraft

WTC Building 7
original graphic copy & pasted from www.911truestory.com

WTC 7 collapsed at around 5:20pm on 9/11/01 !!!!


This graphic copied and pasted from www.truth911.net

Resources from the film "Who Killed John O'Neill?"

The two attachments below include:
1) the transcript from the groundbreaking film "Who Killed John O'Neill?"
2) a list of the numerous references made throughout the film.

This film has an amazing transcript that would be as impressive to a reader as it is to a viewer. I understand some people would rather read their news than view documentaries. This is an effort to make the information from the film as accessible to as many people as possible.

The transcript would also lend itself well for community theater projects across the country. (contact wkjo@deadartfilms.com for permission)

Lastly the list of people & organizations from the film makes a great resource guide for anyone interested in putting together a criminal case against those involved in 9/11.

Hope you enjoy and as always pass them around freely.

Contacting the Teachers.

If you are bored get on your local high school's webpage and contact all the faculty and staff that have email addresses provided.  It can just be a simple copy and pasted message with links to our sites, videos, and information.  Educators seem to be more open to our ideas and I think math and science teachers should be the first place to start.  After that I'm sure you'll think of what you need.  Good luck and Peace.