loose nuke's blog

If You’re on 9/11 Truth Listserves

If You’re on 9/11 Truth Listserves

Then you may have already gotten the posts I pasted below; posting them here for posterity.

Background; this morning I was checking my comprehensive Google Alerts and was really disturbed about the extraordinary lack of links to articles referencing “Fourteen Points”. To make sure this article was getting in front of people’s faces, I blasted off the below email to about 30 independent media and credible truth activists, then posted it to the following listserves directly from my Gmail account:

9/11 Questions Meetup Portland discussion list

911 Visibility Project Action List
Blogger Brigade

Godgle: Info Provider + Filter = Perception Manager

Please visit opednews.com for the live html links in the pasted article- also, the Google Alerts referred to in the below article have been pasted in the comments over there.

"Information wants to be free" vs. "Don't be evil". When you search online and use search "Alerts", do you want to get the info you want, or do you want the info you receive to be only what Google (and their partners in business and government) want you to know about? If you have concerns about Google's record on search quality/censorship, privacy, human rights, collaboration with people who may pose a serious threat to US sovereignty and security or anything else, read this article and please comment.


This article is a continuation of the "Open Letter to the People & Google" article:

Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction

Fourteen Points: World Trade Center Destruction Media Visibility Week

Open Letter to the People & Google

Open Letter to the People & Google

Open Letter to the People & Google

50-90% of People around the world use Google to search, for email and to get “alerts”. If Google was “censoring” your searches or failing to index certain stories you’re interested in (9one1 Truth related stories for instance)- or your Gmail was not posting your emails to certain listserves- or if your search “alerts” omitted relevant results, would you continue to use them?

Bin Laden: Key enabler of “imperial mobilization"

'Bin Laden': Key enabler of “imperial mobilization”

(and the first nuclear attack since 1945, on Iran–Pakistan)
by Zahir Ebrahim

© Project HumanbeingsfirstTM. Permission granted to use freely as per copyright notice.

PRWEB Fourteen Points: World Trade Center Destruction Media Visibility Week

this should help (I rehashed earlier posts into a press release, posting it here for posterity. Hopefully, this will get picked up as news all over the world. Woe to Google if they don't index it.

Fourteen Points: World Trade Center Destruction Media Visibility Week

A letter has just been published in The Open Civil Engineering Journal published by bentham.org -OCIEJ is a mainstream, peer-reviewed scientific engineering journal. This event is significant because the authors, Dr. Steven E. Jones, Dr. Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, James R. Gourley are known for hypothesizing that on 9/11 WTC 1, 2 & 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition. In their open letter they seek to reach agreement on grounds for "productive discussion" on the subject of the destruction of WTC 1, 2 & 7, based on the 14 points outlined in the letter Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction, which in turn are based on assertions of fact already made by NIST and FEMA.

"Fourteen Points" Media Visibility Update 4/21/08

Does anyone else besides me think it would be good to keep the “Fourteen Points” Digg Button at the top of 911Blogger all week? Just the Digg Button (or w/ a short blurb), so every new visitor sees it? Say so in Comments.

Thank god i don’t have a job (full time student, come summer I’ll be looking)

As a result of my flexible schedule, today I was able to:

1) Post the Fourteen Points article on IndyMedia.org:
Boston: http://boston.indymedia.org/newswire/display/204360/index.php
Ontario, CA: http://ontario.indymedia.ca/twiki/bin/view/Ontario/FourteenPointsOfAgreementWTCDestruction
Philly: http://www.phillyimc.org/en/node/66582
DC: http://dc.indymedia.org/mod/comments/update/index.php link's dead?

2) Respond to posts on my OpEdNews.com Diary (thanks to those who posted)
Announcing 9/11 Truth: "14 Points of WTC Destruction" Media Visibility Week

Week of Truth (includes Fourteen Points plug/link, other commentary) - by Carol Brouillet


April 16th through April 22nd has been designated the Week of Truth in a concerted effort to break 9/11 Truth into the mainstream dialogue by pushing a book, The Shell Game, by Steve Alten, to the top of the New York Times Bestseller List. Simultaneously, truth is breaking out in other places, the movement, and truth are on the upswing.

April 16th-22nd was designated the ”“Week of Truth” in a concerted grassroots campaign by 9/11 Truth activists to break 9/11 Truth into the national dialogue by pushing a compelling work of fiction, The Shell Game to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list and get the author, Steve Alten, back on national television and radio shows. It might be easier to herd cats than to get a large, diverse, growing movement to focus on any one particular action. The movement is not monolithic and there are distinct disagreements on many aspects of 9/11, although even government officials are finally beginning to come to the consensus that the official 9/11 Report was a massive lie or cover-up and that, there has yet to be a genuine investigation into the crime of the attacks that took place on September 11th 2001.

By happy synchronicity, one of the best spokespeople of the 9/11 Truth Movement, Dr. David Ray Griffin, has also recently published a book- 9/11 Contradictions- An Open Letter to Congress and the Press. The book has been sent to Congressional Representatives, as well as to Senators and succinctly outlines 25 major contradictions within the official story, which together demonstrate that, by definition, a story with so many internal contradictions is an “outrageous” conspiracy theory, which should not be tolerated by honest journalists or public servants. As The Shell Game has moved up on Amazon charts, so has 9/11 Contradictions.

Mathaba.net: 9/11 Revisionist Science Published in Civil Engineering Journal


Two papers were accepted for publication out of six submitted to peer-reviewed technical journals after advice to do so from Noam Chomsky

Mathaba.Net - "Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction" was published by the Open Civil Engineering Journal on Friday, giving cause to jubilation amongst the many activists who have been seeking recognition of the glaring contradictions and impossibilities of the official version of the September 11, 2001 attacks within the United States of America.


Digg 9/11 Truth: "14 Points of WTC Destruction" Media Visibility Week

Hi everyone,

Just this week, I, and I hope everyone else, will be attempting to create more media visibility for Fourteen Points of Agreement with Official Government Reports on the World Trade Center Destruction http://www.bentham-open.org/pages/content.php?TOCIEJ/2008/00000002/00000001/35TOCIEJ.SGM

Dr. Steven E. Jones, Dr. Frank M. Legge, Kevin R. Ryan, Anthony F. Szamboti, and James R. Gourley have created an ingenious summary of 14 assertions of fact by NIST and FEMA (that actually contradict their conclusions) that now have to be addressed by the scientific community due to the article's publication in a peer-reviewed civil engineering journal. This is a historic moment, and I am extremely grateful for their consistent efforts.

So, anyway, I'm going to be putting it out there in the world and on the web, and posting updates, new ideas/material as appropriate- please chime in with comments, ideas, links, etc.

I've launched the Digg 9/11 Truth: "14 Points of WTC Destruction" Media Visibility Week with this post over at OpEdNews.com http://www.opednews.com/maxwrite/diarypage.php?did=7091

Be the Media Revolution: Starting with "Fourteen Points"

Be the media revolution. Below, I’ve pasted links to all the news-ranking sites where I’ve submitted the Fourteen Points article; please boost it at these links, if you can, and please post links in the comments here (and I'll edit them into the article while the edit window's open) to the sites you’ve submitted it to, so we can all boost those, too.

Digg.com and similar websites are primary sources of news/info, community, discussion and knowledge/opinion development for a growing number of people. Digg.com is the biggest news-ranking site on the net and is growing more popular daily. By submitting links to Digg, posting the link at 911Blogger and our other favorite sites, and then forwarding it to our email lists, we help articles get seen by people as they’re hot news, and increase the visibility and relevance of issues in general. If you know a more popular site than Digg, please link it in the comments.

14 Point Destruction of the NIST & FEMA 9/11 WTC Reports

I just posted this as a diary at OpEdNews.com. If you haven't heard about that site, consider submitting your favorite breaking news links and original writing there as well. Anyone can publish a diary, and if their editor's think it meets the level of an article, it can be headlined and picked up by google news and all the rest. OpEdNews.com gets 600,000 visitors a month, they're around 29,000 on Alexa and well-known journalists and reporters have blogs and submit articles to be published there. They basically allow anyone to say anything we want about anything, which is why it gets so many visitors and participants. The Journal article was Dugg in Science- I put this one in Political News where people interested in political truth issues have a heavier presence; Digg was science/tech oriented when it began, and has evolved by popular demand (and the owners apparently like all the traffic they get- to the point of placating the public's wrath, even at the expense of offending industry and facing possible legal problems- see my comment in Be the Media Revolution http://www.911blogger.com/node/15094 about the HD DVD most-popular post.

EU to Criminalize Internet-Based Incitement to Terrorism

FYI, you crazy, bomb-throwing-inciting-web publishing 9/11 Truthers- be careful how you post your favorite recipes online in Europe:

"The EU's counter-terrorism coordinator Gilles de Kerchove said last week that some 5,000 Internet sites "contribute to radicalizing young people in Europe.""


European Union justice ministers have agreed that using the Internet to publish bomb recipes or call for acts of terrorism to be committed should count as a criminal offence.

The 27 member states agreed on Friday, April 18, to introduce as new offences "public provocation to commit a terrorist offence, recruitment, and training for terrorism" which would be punishable "also when committed through the Internet."

People found guilty of "disseminating terrorist propaganda and bomb-making expertise through the Internet can therefore be prosecuted and sentenced to prison," the justice ministers said in a joint statement.

Charges Against 9/11 Mastermind and Co-conspirators Amended

Official victim's list?
"The charge sheet also named the 2,973 victims killed during the September 11 attacks"


by Jim Kouri, CPP - Prosocutors in the case against the self-described mastermind behind the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and five of his co-conspirators have amended the charge sheet against the detainees to further clarify their activities, a senior Pentagon official announced today in a teleconference for Internet journalists and bloggers.

The reswearing of charges involves the case against Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, more commonly known by his initials, KSM, and five others in connection with the September 11 terrorist attacks in New York, the Pentagon and Pennsylvania, Bryan Whitman, deputy assistant secretary of defense, said during the teleconference.

The other defendants in the “9-11 case” are Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarek bin Attash, Ramzi Binalshibh, Ali Abdul Aziz Ali, Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi and Mohammed al Kahtani. All of the suspects are being held at the Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detention facility.

Digg.com - Fourteen Points of Agreement: World Trade Center Destruction

Just posting the Digg.com link again to make sure it gets noticed and dugg by users here; i can't find the article on Digg by searching the headline (!?!), but it is at the top of google and yahoo (nothing in News, though)


Please Digg it before their bury brigade does it in

And anyone on BloggerBrigade- did you get the link? I sent it 3 times, but it hasn't come back to me- i know i'm paranoid, but i thought i usually got a copy of what i post to that list...


Mukasey dishonesty update


There are several updates in the ongoing fallout from Michael Mukasey's patently false claims made in the speech he delivered several weeks ago in San Francisco regarding FISA and the 9/11 attacks. This week, Mukasey responded to a letter he received from John Conyers and two other Subcommittee Chair in which Mukasey acknowledged (because he was forced to) that the call he claimed originated from an "Afghan safe house" into the U.S. was fictitious, but he nonetheless vaguely asserted that his underlying point -- that FISA unduly restricted pre-9/11 eavesdropping and prevented detection of those attacks -- was somehow still accurate.