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Canada's NDP stand by candidate BEV COLLINS, over 9/11 views

NDP stand by candidate over 9/11 views
Last Updated: Monday, September 29, 2008

The New Democrats are standing by a B.C. candidate who has come under scrutiny for her beliefs about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.


The Liberals say Bev Collins, who is running in Cariboo-Prince George, should quit because of her association with a movement that believes 9/11 was the result of a conspiracy.

In a radio interview last year, Collins suggested that the Sept. 11 attacks were used to justify the U.S. war on terror.

"People are truly waking up realizing who the people are responsible. You know, that there was complicity for 9/11, that the people used that 9/11 to bring about a war on terror," she said.

In an e-mail, Collins maintains she always held that the attacks were acts of terrorism.

Congress Ends 9/11 Worker's Health Care Bill

Congress Ends 9/11 Workers' Health Care Bill
By: NY1 News

Congress has abandoned legislation to provide billions of dollars in health care for September 11th recovery workers.

The program would have provided long term care for workers who were at the World Trade Center on or shortly after September 11, 2001 at an estimated cost of at least $5 billion.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg strongly objected to a part of the bill that would have forced the city to pay for 10 percent of the program, saying it would place an undue burden on city taxpayers.

In addition, the legislation would have reopened the federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, adding around $6 billion to the plan.

The legislation had the backing of several New York congressmen but was overshadowed by negotiations surrounding the financial bailout.


Bush Admin. officially acknowledges that 9/11 anthrax attack was perpetrated by a U.S. Government insider

The Scarlet A: Links between the Anthrax Attacks and 9/11

by Barbara Honegger


The author is a Senior Military Affairs Journalist, and former White House Policy Analyst and Special Assistant to the Assistant to the President in the first Reagan Administration. Ms. Honegger is the author of the 9/11 expose “The Pentagon Attack Papers” http://physics911.net/pdf/honegger.pdf and October Surprise (Tudor, 1989), the first book to reveal the true origins of the Iran side of the Iran/Contra scandal.

By insisting that Bruce Ivins, a biowarfare scientist then with the Army’s Ft. Detrick laboratory, was behind the anthrax attacks, the Bush Administration has officially acknowledged that those attacks were perpetrated by a U.S. Government insider -- and not by bin Laden or by Iraq.

Radical Alternative to Perpetual Economic Slavery of the "Bailout"


September 25, 2008
By Chuck Simpson

LINK: http://www.opednews.com/articles/CREDIT-DEFAULT-SWAPS--THE-by-Chuck-Simpson-080924-49.html

The paramount reason for today's cancerous credit crisis is seldom even hinted and never explained.

First, a simple definition. A credit default swap is a form of insurance. A variant of mortgage insurance required of many home purchasers. An insurance policy that requires a company with financial strength to step up to the plate and pay the mortgage if for some reason the home buyer defaults.

A credit default swap is similar: If default occurs, an insurance company pays the income stream of the mortgage.

With one extremely important difference: Payments are made to the owner of the policy, not to the financial institution that stands to suffer a loss.

Financial institutions are allowed, through total lack of regulation, to buy and sell credit default swaps, or insurance they will be paid in event of default, on financial instruments in which they have no financial interest.

CALL Pelosi: DEMAND BAILOUT include a Valid Criminal Investigation of 9/11 - End to Iraq War

I called Speaker, Nancy Pelosi and my reps. about the Bailout:
Pelosi phone in DC: 1-202-225-4965

My basic message:

This bailout is increasingly seen as an outrageous extortion of the American Taxpayer.

New information reveals the Bush Whitehouse kept secret foreknowledge of this "emergency" for weeks and months according to deputy Press Sec, Tony Fratto.
Source: http://www.rollcall.com:80/news/28599-1.html?type=printer_friendly

- The 3-page "ultimatum" Paulson delivered to Congress has Bush's fingerprints all over it.
- There exists no guarantee the Bailout will work and no protection to taxpayers.
- Rudely disingenuous to ask for billions in Bailout while spending $64 billion a month in Iraq/Afghanistan.
- Furthermore, the US Constitution has no legal provision for a transfer of wealth to an un-elected official (Paulson) who is partnered with the Federal Reserve (Bernanke) -- a private banking system illegally enacted outside the Framer's intended provisions of the US Constitution.

Conditions to provide emergency funds to lending institutions must include:

Could Terrorism on Wall Street Cancel Plans for SIlverstein's New WTC?

Wall Street crisis rattles dreams for new towers at World Trade Center site



With several financial giants collapsing - and others teetering - many experts wonder who will occupy the Freedom Tower and other World Trade Center skyscrapers developed by Larry Silverstein.

Documentary - 911: PRESS FOR TRUTH showing in Gainesville, Fl 9/8/2008

9/11: PRESS for TRUTH
Whitehouse cover-up exposed by the 9/11 Families

A compelling documentary chronicles government betrayal and how 8 women who lost loved ones continue to demand a criminal investigation into the 9/11 terror attacks.

The video will be shown at the Civic Media Center in Gainesville on 9/8/2008 at 8 PM.
Discussion will follow.

Click here for details - http://www.gators911truth.org

THE DARK SIDE - Jane Mayer Reveals How The War on Terror Turned into a War on American Ideals

Editorial Review

"If you intend to vote in November and read only one book between now and then, this should be it.” —Los Angeles Times


August 03, 2008

"The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals," by Jane Mayer (Doubleday. 392 pages. $27.50)

"The Dark Side," Jane Mayer's gripping new account of the war on terror, is really the story of two wars: the far-flung battle against Islamic radicalism, and the bitter, closed-doors domestic struggle over whether the president should have limitless power to wage it.

The 9/11 Widows Keep on Asking the Tough Questions


Note to Reader: The Muckraker Report stands by the Jersey Widows in their fight to learn the truth about 9/11. We encourage you to sign their petition, which you can either do HERE, or at the link at the end of this article. As Lorie Van Auken puts it below, “if we were to get 15,000 names on this petition, we’d take it to Washington.” Due to polls suggesting that nearly half of the country has doubts about the official story of 9/11, however, we at the Muckraker Report expect far more than 15,000 signatures.

Joseph Murtagh

9/11 Widows Keep on Asking the Tough Questions

NEVER FORGET! Cursed Steel of 9/11 Controlled Demolition Re-incarnated to Fight War On Terrorism

Ship's Crest Symbolism


Shield: Dark blue and gold, the colors traditionally associated with the Navy, represent the sea and excellence. The crossed swords represent the US Navy and Marine Corps. The red is for sacrifice and valor and the white recalls purity of purpose. The gray chevron and two vertical bars represent the bow of LPD 21 and The Twin Towers respectively.

They are conjoined to emphasize the use of 24 tons of steel recovered from the World Trade Center, to construct the 7.5 ton bow stem of the USS New York. The phoenix rising personifies the hope and determination of this nation to rebuild and regroup to fight terrorism. The shield on the phoenix's breast honors the New York City Fire Department, New York City Police Department and the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.

Hyperactivist Arrested for Sticking to the Plane 9/11 Truth


Friday, August 1, 2008
Area man charged in ‘joke’ about 9-11



He’s known as a political activist at Humboldt State University in California.

Jason T. Robo’s family also knows he has political views that fall outside the mainstream.

When Philip Robo of Leicester dropped his nephew, Jason, off at the Logan Express station in Framingham Wednesday night, he told the 26-year-old student to be careful.

He didn’t think his nephew would be charged a few hours later with holding up a Delta Air Lines flight for three hours by slapping a “9-11 was an Inside Job,” sticker on the plane’s bathroom sink.

WTC site will be open again to families 9/11/2008

WTC site will be open again to families this 9/11

911 first responders

NEW YORK (AP) — Sept. 11 victims' families will be allowed to return to ground zero to mourn their loved ones on the seventh anniversary of the terrorist attacks, officials said Friday.

The decision was a relief for family members who had been told last year they could not go back to the site while rebuilding continued. Many tearfully touched the ground at the base of the destroyed World Trade Center towers last Sept. 11, believing it would be their last chance for years to visit the ground where their loved ones died.

July 17, 2008 Ex-CIA Ray McGovern on Obama's 'new world' Will Obama pull troops out of Iraq and will he face up to BIG OIL?

McGovern: "The game is over with Iraq and so the question is how does this strategic change affect the real players in the area. The Israeli right wants a confrontation with Iran to keep US forces in the region. The US military leadership is against a "third front" but has to contend with Cheney.

OpEd News POLL: What Happened on 9/11?

By PrMaine - OpEd News

Tell A Friend

Poll: What Happened on 9/11?

It is probably fair to say that most people have suspended judgement on the events of 9/11/2001 to at least some degree; however, it is probably also true that most people have made some judgements about what seems most likely scenario.

That judgement is what this poll hopes to measure.


Why Are "Progressive" Media Burying 9/11?

Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-Are--Progressive--Medi-by-Bill-Willers-080711-105.html

July 11, 2008

Why Are "Progressive" Media Burying 9/11?

By Bill Willers

If you have a spare few minutes, peruse http://patriotsquestion911.com/ and see that more than 130 senior military (including generals), intelligence (including CIA and FBI) and governmental figures (all the way to cabinet level), 490 engineers and architects, 120 pilots, 260 academics, 210 survivors and families (includes fire, police and emergency medical personnel) and 140 celebrities and media professionals question the 9/11 Commission Report. Really, scroll down and read the sometimes scathing commentary.

Now add to these the many top level military figures from around the world including defense ministers and secretaries from Britain, Germany, Canada and Russia ( http://www.sf911truth.org/ and scroll down).