Hsaive's blog

Vincent Bugliosi says Bush can be prosecuted for murder

Author Vincent Bugliosi discusses his 2008 book "THE PROSECUTION OF GEORGE W. BUSH FOR MURDER".

Video courtesy of: http://www.ProsecutionOfBush.com

Denver Cops kick sign-toting librarian out of McCain Town Hall public space

This item was covered on MSNBC Countdown tonight at 8:43 EST
James Moore, contributor to Huffington Post was interviewed with scathing results by Rachel Maddow in for Olbermann.

On orders from Senator John McCain's security detail, Denver police escorted a 61-year-old woman away who was holding a sign "McCain = Bush"

9/11 families: Don’t let airlines off the hook

9/11 families: Don’t let airlines off the hook
By Joe Dwinell
Monday, July 7, 2008
Senior Executive City Editor / Web

Joe Dwinell is an online and print editor assigned to the Herald's City Desk.

Families suing Massport and airlines over the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks say blaming the hijackings on a collapse of national intelligence and not a failure of airport security is a legal slap in the face to victims.

A federal judge must rule this month whether airline companies can grill FBI and CIA agents over the 19 al-Qaeda hijackers, pushing the blame away from duped airport screeners.

Family members who lost loved ones argue the fault has always been on airport security, including at Logan International Airport, from where two of the hijacked jets took off. “I can’t imagine the court allowing the blame to be shifted,” said Mike Low, whose 28-year-old daughter, Sara Elizabeth Low of Boston, was a flight attendant on American Airlines [AMR] Flight 11 out of Logan.

Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein of Federal District Court in Manhattan must decide if national security will now take a front seat in the last lawsuits remaining in the attacks.

July 4th Doubles as 9/11 Memorial and Fundraiser in Grapevine, Tx


Memorial dedicated to 9/11 airline crew

Grapevine, TX
July 4, 2008
Independance Day for 9/11 Flight Crew

Get a Memorial Lasered Brick for your cash donation

9/11 Flight Crew Memorial

July 4, 2008
1000 Texan Trail

The events on September 11, 2001, are among the most significant and the most tragic in the modern history of the United States. A special and memorable dedication of the first national 9/11 Flight Crew Memorial will take place in Grapevine, Texas.

The Manhattan Projects - 1945 & 2001


Confronted with evidence that the Whitehouse version of the 9/11 attacks was a lie, my friend fell back in denial with a question that “Truthers” have heard many times: “I find it hard to believe If 9/11 required the cooperation of so many people, where are the witnesses, whistle-blowers and citizens of conscience who should be stepping forward to admit their part in the government’s murderous, False Flag operation?”

" Have you ever heard of the Manhattan Project?", I said.

Read on...

Michael Reagan & the Battle Plan for 9/11/2008

(Reagan is a founder of the Reagan Legacy Foundation, which supports the YAF. http://www.reaganlegacyfoundation.org/index.html -rep.)

Young America’s Foundation (YAF)

The NEVER FORGET PROJECT on 9/11/2008 will work to promote the government conspiracy that blames Osama Bin Laden and Islamic terrorists for the 9/11 mass murders.

YAF Battle Plan document for this year's American Flag Memorial, aka “911, Never Forget Project”

Participating schools are listed by State. It appears Florida has UCF as it's only school to be registered so far. I suspect THOSE smart students will pass on the opportunity to perpetuate what they know to be a lie.

Raytheon 9 Acquitted: Preventing a War Crime is Not a Crime!


Source: http://www.raytheon9.org/

On 11 June 2008, by a unanimous verdict of the jury, the Raytheon 9 were found not guilty of three counts of criminal damage at the Raytheon offices, Derry Northern Ireland on 9 August 2006.

Immediately afterwards, the defendants addressed supporters and press outside Belfast’s Laganside Court. Colm Bryce began:

The Raytheon 9 have been aquitted today in Belfast for their action in decommissioning the Raytheon offices in Derry in August 2006. The prosecution could produce not a shred of evidence to counter our case that we had acted to prevent the commission of war crimes during the Lebanon war by the Israeli armed forces using weapons supplied by Raytheon.

We remain proud of the action we took and only wish that we could have done more to disrupt the ‘kill chain’ that Raytheon controls.

Army Peace Protestor - Darrell Anderson Says 911 Truthers Could Bring Troops Home

Darrell Anderson- VFP

This 9/11 video from a 9/11 soldier's view-point should impress patriots that the pursuit of truth has always been a matter of life and death to our troops.

VETERANS FOR PEACE member submits a Resolution to Demand a 9/11 Criminal Investigation

Saive holds Griffin's  911 Contradictions
Harold Saive holds a copy of David Ray Griffin's book "9/11 Contradictions"

Like it or not, 9/11 is the most important topic of our time.

Take away the 9/11 government story and you take away:

* The Iraq and Afghanistan Wars
* The so-called Patriot Act
* So-called Homeland Security
* The shredding of the US Constitution
* Eight years of a criminal in the White House

No matter what you think about 9/11, you have to agree that we'd be a very different country without it. (WTC7 - http://youtube.com/watch?v=EgJuHNfk7no )
Submitted to Veterans For Peace, Inc.
by Harold Saive - Gainesville, Fl


WHEREAS, Veterans For Peace, Inc. is an educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war; and

BOOK REVIEW: Prosecution of George W. Bush For Murder (Bugliosi)

Saive Mug Prosecute Bush
I'm currently reading Bugliosi's latest book by this title:

"Dad, if we don't fight them here, we'll have to fight them on the streets of America. They proved that on 9/11......we don't want IED's and suicide bombers on the streets of America." (A final phone conversation between a young, misinformed soldier in Iraq and his father in the States)

So we have the grotesque spectacle of soldiers fighting bravely and dying in Iraq believing they are fighting the people responsible for 9/11.
This myth was documented to be wide-spread among the American people and military personnel but Bush was better served allowing them to die believing the lie.

Latest Study Of 9/11 Workers' Ills Reinforces Need For Fed $ Aid

911 first responders

Latest Study Of 9/11 Workers' Ills Reinforces Need For Fed $ Aid

A new study by Mount Sinai School of Medicine showing high rates of psychological distress among Ground Zero workers underscores the need for a strong federal response to the health impacts of the 9/11 attacks, several New York area lawmakers declared last week.

They said that of the more than 10,000 workers who participated in the study, 11 percent met criteria for probable Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), 8.8 percent had probable depression, 5 percent had probable panic disorder and 62 percent had substantial stress reaction.

According to Mount Sinai, the rate of PTSD among 9/11 responders is significantly greater than in the general population and is on a par with the rate experienced by Afghanistan war veterans, the lawmakers said.

Trauma of 9/11 appears to have altered brains, study suggests

Brain Scan,MRI Brain Scan PTSD

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brains of healthy adults more than three years after Sept. 11, 2001, shows areas that have less gray matter volume in those who were near ground zero on 9/11, compared with those who were much farther away. This is three views of the brain areas that have lower gray matter volume in the 9/11-exposed group. Notably, all of these areas (which show up brighter in this image) are associated with the processing of emotion.

Healthy adults who were close to the World Trade Center during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, have less gray matter in key emotion centers of their brains compared with people who were more than 200 miles away, finds a new Cornell study.

"This suggests that really bad experiences may have lasting effects on the brain, even in healthy people," said Barbara Ganzel, the study's lead researcher and postdoctoral fellow at Cornell's College of Human Ecology.

Was 9/11 a Cover For A Coup D'Etat?

May 27, 2008 at 04:55:49 Permalink

9/11: Cover For A Coup D'Etat?

Diary Entry by Ed Encho

"A coup consists of the infiltration of a small but critical segment of the state apparatus, which is then used to displace the government from its control of the remainder."

-Edward Luttwak

A while back I found a piece of information that really gave credence to my strongest suspicions that the ‘terrorist’ attacks of 9/11/01 were used as cover for an actual coup d’etat by a rogue network of fifth columnists and their multi-national foreign allies who then utilized the (C.O.G) Continuity Of Government infrastructure to effectively seize control of the United States which would effectively render the actual attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon as not even the greatest crimes of that particular day. I discovered this piece on Edward Luttwak while plowing through the massive tome Neo-Conned! Again: Hypocrisy,




Director: Paul Krik - United States, 2008, 85min - Format: HD-CAM - Festival Edition: 2008 - Category: Feature

showtime: 8:00 pm | Friday May 30 | Brooklyn Lyceum
showtime: 8:00 pm | Friday June 6 | Brooklyn Lyceum

Cast: Elina Lowensohn, Adam Nee, Dave Coburn, Michael Burg, Tamara Knausz - Crew: Producers: Paul Krik, Katharina Lang, Ari Krepostman - Screenwriter: Paul Krik - Editor: Paul Krik & Roberto Serrini - Cinematographer: Charles Libin - Original Score: Michael Montes, John Roome, Alexander Schiebel - Sound: George Lara - Concept Director: Noah Ross - Art Director: Martina Nevermann, Willa Armbruster, Jose Barth Torres


University of Florida hosts Winter Soldier IVAW Panel

University of Florida & Veterans for Peace host Winter Soldier IVAW Panel

Q&A Session - Winter Soldier at University of Florida