
Sibel Edmonds vs. the Nuclear Terrorists (full text/linked)

This the full text/linked version of the outline i previously posted- visit the opednews link for the html links in the article body


This is a primer on Sibel Edmonds; her story will be of interest to anyone concerned about US national security and sovereignty; terrorism; 9/11 truth; and abuse of power by public officials. All claims of fact in this article can be sourced in the Sibel Edmonds:US Government Timeline and the Media Coverage Timeline at the bottom of the article. Her allegations listed in this article, and the documents/articles linked in the timelines are not exhaustive.

Sibel Edmonds, Narco-Terror, 9/11

From The American Monitor's new research blog...

"...If they were to do real investigations we would see several significant high level criminal prosecutions in this country. And that is something that they are not going to let out. And, believe me; they will do everything to cover this up..."

New 9/11 Truth audio documentary

The Corbett Report has released an important new audio documentary relating to the events of September 11, 2001. It may be downloaded at the following link:


This documentary attempts to bring together some of the key whistleblowers, insiders and experts on 9/11 into one compact documentary. Included are clips from Sibel Edmonds, Indira Singh, Bob Baer, Andreas von Bulow, Bill Doyle, Bob Bowman and many more. I created this documentary in an attempt to make this an effective activist tool (please burn copies to cd, email the link, post it on forums and message boards, put it on the file-sharing sites, etc), but I think the information will be interesting even to those who have long followed 9/11 Truth. Please help me in getting the word out about this documentary, and please Digg the article above if you like the documentary.

Also, check out my website for more truth-related news and information.


Kevin Barrett: Media are ignoring 9/11 whistle-blowers


Kevin Barrett: Media are ignoring 9/11 whistle-blowers

Letter to the editor — 1/26/2008 8:31 am

Dear Editor: I am out of a job because The Capital Times and other mainstream media outlets refuse to report the news.

As a scholar, my job is to seek and report the truth, no matter where it leads. That is also the job of the media.

Along with hundreds of other scholars, engineers, architects, and former high-level military, intelligence and executive branch officials (patriotsquestion911.com), I have pointed out that the official story of 9/11 is a ridiculous fairy tale, contradicted at every turn by overwhelming evidence. But rather than reporting on all of these people, and investigating the evidence they cite, the media singled me out for vicious attacks, up to and including a death threat from Bill O'Reilly.

Recently, the former president of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stated publicly that the global intelligence community and the democratic forces in Europe know that the CIA and Mossad perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. Why wasn't that front page headlines?

AE911Truth: Activists Perform A NIST Street Action

Whistle while you work

Three 9/11 Truth and Justice activists, David Slesinger, of 911courage.org, Richard Ochs, of FreeFromTerror.net, and an unnamed videographer, stood outside the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) building on October 11, 2007 holding a sign encouraging NIST employees to look at the ae911truth.org website.

Thank you, gentlemen, for the mention, and your activism. Keep up the great work!

The text of their sign (shown above) was:

Show Courage:
Respond to AE911Truth.org
& Engineers for
9/11 Truth

Randy Who? Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham

Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham

Untitled Document

Randy Who? Philly 9/11 Truth Exposes Senator Bob Graham -Article Continues Below-

Former Italian President - Latest Osama Video Will Be Proven a Fraud - CIA/MOSSAD Involvement in 9/11 Common Knowledge

(Please note when reading this report that Francesco Cossiga was fully aware of, and helped to set up Operation GLADIO, which puts him in a very small, and suspect clique. I would recommend Giulietto Chiesa's approach, which is one of some skepticism and caution, because Cossiga's intent may not be altruistic. Babelfish translations in the comments area below. -rep.)

Former Italian President, Minister, First Minister, and currently Italian Senator-for-Life, Francesco Cossiga, declared that, to his knowledge, "Tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, the most important Italian magazine and newspaper editor will give proofs that the new Osama bin Laden video [sic] [...], in which there are threats against former Italian premier Silvio Berlusconi, is nothing but a fake, produced in Mediaset [Berlusconi's TV network] studios in Milan [...]. The trap has been forged in order to obtain solidarity towards Berlusconi[...]"

He then says that: "Palazzo Chigi [headquarters of the Italian government] circles, nerve center of Italian intelligence, note that the video's falsity is proven by the fact that Osama Bin Laden reportedly confesses that Al Qaeda made the September 11 attacks against the twin towers in New York, while all democratic circles in Europe and America, above all those of the Italian left-wing, know that the disastrous attack has been planned and executed by the CIA and Mossad, with the help of the sionist world, in order to accuse arab countries and force western powers to intervene both in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is why there has been no word of solidarity to Berlusconi from the Quirinale [home of the Italian president of the republic], from Palazzo Chigi nor from members of the left wing coalition"

In Italy, Cossiga is well known for his links with the USA and NATO intelligence services. This is the reason why Italian European parliament member Giulietto Chiesa wonders if Cossiga is actually trying to prevent the scoop he speaks about, or he is trying to "send messages" to the US government.

Cossiga's decleration can be read on the website of italian most important newspaper "Il Corriere della Sera" at the following link:

Chiesa's comments can be found on his website:

Alcenero - www.comedonchisciotte.org

9/11 Family Member Patty Casazza: Government Knew Exact Date and Exact Targets


9/11 family member and "Jersey Girl" Patty Casazza has just revealed that whistleblowers told her that -- before 9/11 -- the government knew the exact day, the type of attack, and the targets.

Why is this important? Because, previously, some of the best-known whistleblowers have been willing to give only vague information about the government's foreknowledge. For example, they said only that the government knew of the general timeframe for the attacks, or that the government had a list of potential targets, on which the World Trade Center was one of many potential targets (of course, other whistleblowers have been more specific).

Sibel Edmonds in the French News

An article about Sibel Edmonds and the film, Kill the Messenger, appeared today on the French version of Yahoo news:

The article says that the film will air tonight (Thursday, Sept. 20) on RTBF1 in Belgium at 21h55. Although the film aired last year in France and in Belgium, most folks have still never heard of her. Tonight, the people of Belgium, Luxembourg & northern France will have another opportunity to learn about her story. The article tells about how Sibel was treated after she blew the whistle on what she saw happening at the FBI. It also mentions that, although she testified for the 911 Commission, her testimony was not mentioned in their report.

A trailer of the film can be seen here:


Paul Reveres or Benedict Arnolds: Whistleblowing in the Post-9/11 Age

Here's a video of a recent appearance by Sibel Edmonds at the annual conference of the American Library Association. Please note the announcement that Sibel is co-authoring a book to appear this Fall; it will be titled Kill the Messenger.


Here is the video description: "Sibel Edmonds, President, National Security Whistleblowers Coalition, will discuss being fired by the FBI in March 2002 for reporting shoddy work and security breaches that may have prevented the 9/11 attacks. She will explain firsthand how government secrecy can be abusive and why defending whistleblowing is a free speech issue. Cosponsored by the Intellectual Freedom Committee and the Committee on Legislation this program is entitled "Paul Reveres or Benedict Arnolds?: Whistleblowing in the Post 9/11 Age"."

MPEG4 Download

Flash Download

The people who know

We all know that the official conspiracy is a grand fiction.

What we do not have is whistelblowers and people that were involved in the operation.


We MUST find whisteblowers that were involved in the operation. This will no doubt be a difficult task. But without our "Pentagon Papers"... we will always seem as the conspriacy theorists and summarily dismissed. All the doumentaries have been made. All the books have been written.

We need people that were involved to come forward and tell how those buildings were demolished, and how this operation was planned and executed. Without them, we are talking to ourselves.

Our entire mission should focus on this area and we as a group of organized citizens should raise money to support and protect these people. Without them, we are simply blowing smoke,

Sibel Edmonds blows her whistle in May/June issue of Mother Jones


I just saw this in the periodical section in Barnes and Noble. It's only a small mention of Sibel, and of course the implications of her charges are obscured or ignored, but I guess it's better than nothing.

There was also a small blurb on the NAU. Of course it's just a benign free trade agreement, and anyone who says different or does deeper research is a conspiracy nut.

What amazes me about the print media is their ability to take drastically different combinations of words and make the theme, the subtext, the same no matter what. Whether the you're reading Time magazine, Mother Jones, The New Yorker, Utne, Foreign Affairs, The Economist, or Dissent, the message is:

Information War

I consider myself as some what of a whistleblower.

I wrote two documented articles, relating to 911 and no major alternative news sites (that I am aware of) has even picked up on them, even though they have been on the web for months. Case in point
Another 911 - Another Israeli Spy Ring

That above article is also on 911blogger.

Or this article
Clinton - Bush Connection To Warrantless Wiretapping And The CIA Exposed

I have called into your talk radio shows in the past (when I can) and some host act like they get the high speed wobbles, Warrantless Spy Program Monitoring Peoples Thoughts, From President Richard M. Nixon To George W. Bush, ya sure, we'll check that out, CLICK.

On August 2, 2006 8 0r 9 days before Alex Jones warned of another possible false flag event, I had already put out a similar warning.

I tried to warn you months before they passed The Military Commission Act where that was heading, months before others even saw it coming.

The 9/11 Whistle-Blowers

Made a Video Compilation of some 9/11 Whistle-Blowers.
Enjoy, and Spread it around on the Net!
