
400 Medical Professionals added to PatriotsQuestion911

A new page containing 400 Medical Professionals has been added to the website at

This page lists many prominent medical professionals who have publicly spoken out in support of 9/11 Truth, including:

* Jonathan Weisbuch, MD, MPH – Former Chief Health Officer for the States of Wyoming and North Dakota, as well as Los Angeles County, CA, and Maricopa County, AZ (Phoenix, Mesa, Scottsdale)
* Mary Ellen Bradshaw, MD – Past President, American Association of Public Health Physicians. Former Chief, Bureau of School Health Services, Department of Public Health, Washington, DC
* Herbert J. Hoffman, MA, PhD – Former Chief Mental Health Coordinator and Director of Manpower Development and Training, Massachusetts Department of Mental Health.
* John W. Travis, MD, MPH – Physician and author. A leading figure in the Wellness Movement.
* Douglas Nixon Everingham, MB BS – Former Minister for Health and former Member of Parliament, Australia
* Joanna Santa Barbara, MB BS, FRANZCP, FRCP(C) – Past Vice President, International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)

The website now features statements by more than 2,500 credible individuals that criticize, question, or contradict the official account of 9/11, with more being added all the time.

Kevin Barrett: Media are ignoring 9/11 whistle-blowers

Kevin Barrett: Media are ignoring 9/11 whistle-blowers

Letter to the editor — 1/26/2008 8:31 am

Dear Editor: I am out of a job because The Capital Times and other mainstream media outlets refuse to report the news.

As a scholar, my job is to seek and report the truth, no matter where it leads. That is also the job of the media.

Along with hundreds of other scholars, engineers, architects, and former high-level military, intelligence and executive branch officials (, I have pointed out that the official story of 9/11 is a ridiculous fairy tale, contradicted at every turn by overwhelming evidence. But rather than reporting on all of these people, and investigating the evidence they cite, the media singled me out for vicious attacks, up to and including a death threat from Bill O'Reilly.

Recently, the former president of Italy, Francesco Cossiga, stated publicly that the global intelligence community and the democratic forces in Europe know that the CIA and Mossad perpetrated the 9/11 attacks. Why wasn't that front page headlines?