Wayne Madsen

Command for the 9/11 false flag attack

This article by Wayne Madsen sheds new light on the shadow dwellers and threat to our very lives.

The super-classified network that served as command and control for the 9/11 false flag attack on America
By Wayne Madsen

Online Journal Contributing Writer
Apr 29, 2010, 00:22

(WMR) -- Multiple U.S. intelligence sources have reported to WMR that a super-classified network with only some 70 terminals in select U.S. government locations handled the parallel command-and-control activities that permitted the 9/11 terrorist attacks to be successful.

The “above top secret” network bears the acronym “PDAS.” WMR has not yet discovered what the acronym stands for, however, the system is limited to only a few hundred people with Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) Special Access Program (SAP) need-to-know access, in addition to the president and vice president.

Intelligence Officers for 9/11 Truth: Terrell E. Arnold

I was reading through this transcript of an interview with Gene Wheaton, and following up on the names mentioned. In particular this:

At that black tie party at the Palm Restaurant on the 4th of December in 1985, I was specifically invited by Neil Livingston and to come in and meet Ollie North, and it was a party to promote Neil Livingston’s(sic) book, called "Fighting Back", and the subtitle was "The War on Terrorism". He and a State Department/CIA spook by the name of Terry Arnold wrote that book together and this was the coming-out party for the book, and all the covert operations community, the real snake eaters, were going to be there with black ties. Ollie North was there and Bud McFarland and I don’t know, 75 or 100 people in black ties, having drinks and dinner and hobnobbing and they felt like ... the atmosphere at that party was one of ‘We are the shadow government running the United States.’ It was almost like a diplomatic party or a State Department coming out party for a regime. These guys were in charge, and that was how they presented it.

Madam Palfrey


When New York Governor Eliot Spitzer geared up to go after the Bush administration for their collaboration with criminals in the US mortgage industry, Spitzer was politically assassinated by having his private business as an escort agency client revealed.

Now the owner of one of the most active DC-based escort services - a favorite of Republicans including McCain and Giuliani - has "hung herself."

Not long ago, so did one of her employees.

And an assistant DA investigating a Republican Maryland governor for using an escort service committed "suicide" by stabbing himself 32 times and throwing himself in a river.

9/11 and the Evil in America

This sent in by truth911.net.

"9/11 and the Evil in America" was broadcast last year on Rupert Murdoch's SkyNews network, and was recently re-broadcast. This time someone had their act together and got a .torrent out there. Surprisingly leans toward the "alternative" side, not the OCT, at least, the majority of points of view presented in the documentary are alternative, not OCT.

British TV personality Danny Wallace interviews Nick Levis, Alex Jones, Wayne Madsen, Don Paul, John Rappoport, Daniel Hopsicker and others on 9/11 skepticism.

From Russia With Love

Wayne Madsen has followed up on his earlier cryptic posting (WMR Dec. 26-27, 2006) about the deflection of investigation into Russian-Israeli mafia links to 9/11 by providing one of the links he's alluding to;

SPECIAL REPORT. Scaramella-Berezovsky link to World Trade Center security firm emerges in Italian law enforcement investigation.

...The connections now discovered by Italian and Russian investigators between the Russian-Israeli-Italian-British-US private intelligence network of former intelligence agents and billionaire mobsters suggest that the "serious crimes" committed may be more than the poisoning of Litvinenko and others with radioactive materials. The investigators are wise to pursue the links to U.S. security firms and former CIA personnel involved in pre-9/11 protection functions. The FBI cannot or will not investigate the actual perpetrators of 9/11. However, the Italian and Russian law enforcement professionals are beginning to get very close. It is a shame that American law enforcement is not interested in pursuing real leads in the biggest crime in American history." - (WMR January 2, 2007)

Wayne Madsen reports "an unusually high rate of non-Hodgkin lymphoma" for 9/11 Ground Zero workers

I've not seen this story elsewhere, and I'm not sure about how reliable the source usually is (Wayne Madsen Report) -- but the content is worth to be researched more and possibly verified (or not). See:


Sept. 12, 2006 -- According to sources who worked with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) at Ground Zero on and after 911, residents of southern Manhattan and rescue and clean-up workers involved in the recovery operations at the site of the former World Trade Center are experiencing an unusually high rate of non-Hodgkin lymphoma -- a cancer that is common among individuals who have been exposed to extremely high levels of ionizing radiation, such as that from nuclear blasts and major nuclear reactor leaks. In addition to the respiratory problems among rescue workers at Ground Zero who breathed toxic "pulverized" concrete and other debris into their lungs, the radiation cancer is of extreme interest to researchers who suspect that the World Trade Center towers and Building 7 were brought down with the help of high energy releases. WMR spoke to a number of individuals who were at Ground Zero on 911 who are now experiencing symptoms resulting from severe damage to their immune systems -- a condition that is common among those exposed to high levels of radiation.

Sources close to FEMA in New York confirmed to WMR that the lymphoma cases are believed to be the result of a release of extremely high levels of radiation from a series of nuclear events on the morning of 911. They believe that explains the reason for the "pulverization" of concrete, molten metals, pyroclastic surges and fallout, and other anomalies resulting from the catastrophe. It was also pointed out that some vehicles parked on the west side of the World Trade Center were "fused" on the sides facing the towers -- the doors being melted into the body frames. Other cars parked nearby were not similarly affected. There is also evidence of explosions and fires on top of the Woolworth Building, three blocks away from the World Trade Center, during the attack on the towers.

FEMA officials from Washington, DC were quick to ban any unofficial photography in southern Manhattan in the weeks following 911. Any photographers who had not received prior permission from FEMA to be in southern Manhattan found their photographic and filming equipment confiscated by the government.

Wayne Madsen Report

A couple of articles you may have missed, lots more available at the following site:


Sept. 13, 2006 -- The "Left Gatekeepers" came in for stringent criticism at the 911 Truth conference in New York on Sept. 10. The so-called liberal "progressive" movement is rife with those who proclaim their opposition to the Iraq War while debunking its root cause -- the highly compartmentalized covert operation that led to the 911 attacks in order to bring about the Project for the New American Century "New Pearl Harbor" agenda of a global American empire and a fascist regime here at home. Speaker after speaker commented on these "left gatekeepers" and their magazines, web sites, and radio networks disguised as "progressive" and "liberal." WMR has identified many of these gatekeepers in the past. Craig Hill, the Green candidate for the U.S. Senate from Vermont is challenging one "left gatekeeper," Independent "Socialist" Bernie Saunders who is running for the Senate with the intention of caucusing with the Democrats in the absence of an official Democratic candidate. Hill contends that Saunders is a left gatekeeper who will not investigate 911 further and endorsed a future U.S. military attack on Iran. For that reason, WMR heartily endorses Craig Hill for the U.S. Senate from Vermont. The "left gatekeepers" must be thrown out of Congress along with the neo-cons.